(2001) calling all 2001 babies


I also think distance is the number 1 criteria.
If you don't mind moving house, can always move nearer to your old school. 6 years is quite a long time so may well worth the effort

Hi Princess Train, think you also have to do your research e.g. can your child definitely get into Fuchun Primary? Any balloting required under Phase 2C(no relationship to school)? 'Cos if your child goes to your old school, she comes under phase 2A and has a high chance of getting in.

But, as ZMM pointed out, it is a lot more convenient staying near the school. More time for your child to do other things - sleep later, have lunch at home, rest and less time spent travelling. Travelling is tiring, even for adults.

But, are the academic standards similar in both schools? What about extras e.g. character development programmes? You may wish to call the schools to inquire about open house days so that you can visit and be more certain.
i also have a 2A ticket to quite a reputable pri sch, but never thought of sending my girl half way thru spore to attend tt school everyday. 8P

have a friend staying in west and sending kid to AMK. The kid has to wake up at 5 am every morning and board the bus by 5.30am. so my friend bought a car primarily to fetch her kid back when she has to stay back in sch for CCA.

my girl doesn't wake up till 6.30am and goes out of house at 7am. and i cannot afford to buy car oso.... ;-)
Sigh...I moved so that the kids won't have to travel too far. It isn't too far now, only 10 min by pte trpt but still 45 min by school bus!
kira ko,hippo2002,ZMM,

Thanks, really glad to have your views.

actually I have another concern. See, my old school is a girls' school but I have a boy going P1 in a few years' time. It would be better if they can be in the same school.

I think my old school is stronger in terms of academic & character development. If I want to send my girl there, I register this Friday.

But I think most probably I'll forgo my old school & opt for Fuchun.
I'm in dilemma too. Have 2A ticket to Henry Park. But this school is not near my home. Needs about 20mins drive and est. more than an hour school bus ride. There's a girl school (st. margaret) near my home, but not academically driven and have little knowledge about its character devt programme. Headache....
When I was staying at Choa Chu Kang, I was shocked to know that it wasn't easy getting into the more popular neighbourhood schools either. Some have balloting under Phase 2c...that's why I thought it is good for you to check out Fuchun to see if there is any balloting. There can even be a queue for volunteer work at the neighbourhood schools! It's important to know 'cos if your child can't get in under Phase 2c, he or she will go to Phase 3c, which is basically neighbourhood schools nobody wants their children in for some reason or another.
When I was staying at Choa Chu Kang, I was shocked to know that it wasn't easy getting into the more popular neighbourhood schools either. Some have balloting under Phase 2c...that's why I thought it is good for you to check out Fuchun to see if there is any balloting. There can even be a queue for volunteer work at the neighbourhood schools! It's important to know 'cos if your child can't get in under Phase 2c, he or she will go to Phase 3c, which basically posts children to the unpopular neighbourhood schools with vacancies left.
kira ko,
Thanks for your feedback. I am checking the past years' statistics now. This year, the number of vacancies is reduced by 90 places. This may cause balloting in phase 2C.
princess train
There is a new pri school coming up at Woodlands is it? Sometimes new schools are good. They bring in many innovative and creative things into the curriculum.
princess train,

How long has your kid with Han Language? Do they also teach hanyu pinyin? What other enrichment courses did you get your gal?
I'm thinking of bringing my son to Mental Arithmetic after seeing the show "xiao chao ren".
yes, there is a new pri school this year, actually the school building is still under construction. It is called Innova pri. It is a bit further away from my house though. I may also consider this new school.

My cousin sent his son to a new pri school last year, and he has very good feedback on the school.
my girl started going Han Language this year. Yes, they teach hanyu pinyin.

I watched that episode on "xiao chao ren" too. My girl does not have mental arithmetic, so I cannot comment.
Hi Princess Train,

I'm staying in Woodlands too. Considering to register my K2 girl in Woodgrove. Any comments on this school? Also, may consider Innova Pri too. But worry about the new school standard leh ...

My girl is attending Berries at Woodlands CCfor her Chinese enrichment. Her Chinese improves alot and now they are learning HanYu PinYin too.
Hi, my son is under phase 2C for Primary one Registration. Is there a need for me to do the statutory declaration if my mom is staying in the same district as me, i.e CCK? I am planning to enrol my son to SouthView (near my house), otherwise, Concord which is near my mom. Both schools are at CCK. Concord is more than 1km away from my house.
I heard Woodgrove standard quite high, so I have done volunteer works and enjoy doing it. Next week my hb will be gg to register for him liao.
How long has your gal in Berries? Actually I plan to have the trial lesson for my son but in the end we didn't go becos I sign me up for the Chinese lesson at the nearby CC which is cheaper. I heard they will have to go to another room for another lesson isit?
I also intend to sign up Maths for my son but financial holds me back. Really headache! So scare that he couldn't cope in primary school.
wow batman, you did volunteer works, how envy! so u can register next week liao... me need to wait till 2C, hopefully can get in. BTW, beside the standard is high, how about the principal and teachers, are they good? Heard from after changing to the new principal, the standard abit drop, is it true?

My girl has been with Berries for coming to a year. Initially, she don't like Chinese. Always borrow English books in the library but now she will choose both of them. The class is interesting and the teachers are good too. I'm not sure about another room but saw the nos. of students are increasing.

I also wan to sign up Maths for my girl. Any recommendations?
There is a new centre Just Education in Woodlands. I know they have just opened a class for K2 recently. I was considering it as I quite like the place. You can take a look at their website. http://www.justeducation.com/

I am also quite worried about P1. As I'm FTWM, not sure if I can spare time to guide her. Next week, I'll be going to a Walkabout in the primary school. Hopefully I can find out more then.
I think if Concord is within 1km from your mom's place, then you can get the statutory declaration to register in phase 2C for Concord under within 2km.
Hi Batman, Princess Train,

My girl has tried MPM but I stopped her after 1 year as I prefer the lesson to follow MOE syllabus. Also, it's quite expensive.

Now, she's attending the K2 class that Princess Train mentioned in Just Education. It includes both English and Maths. Currently, only 4 girls in this class... just wonder if there is any better one becos it's a bit early for my girl and she misses her Winx Club show at 9.30am on Sat....haha...

BTW, Batman, my girl is attending the Thursday 7.15 pm class at Berries. Wan to join?

How much is MPM course fee?
My son js attended Chinese class at RC leh. So maybe see how it goes, somemore Berries abit inconvenient.
For the Just education, they chg $70+ per mth for 2 subjects?
I forgot liao.. think is about $370 per term. The other reason is that the lesson is twice per week and abit inconvenient for my MIL to bring my girl there.

As for Just, it's once per week on Sat so I can bring her myself... I'm a FTWM. You're right, the fee is $70.40 per month for 2 subjects, 2 hrs lesson.

BTW, any further comments on Woodgrove? I'm considering Woodgrove or the new sch, Innova Pri. Please advice. Thanks.

I can't comment much leh. But I heard from my ex-colleague whose son tfr there only when he's P4. He has lots of homeworks and they emphasize on Eng more. My colleague also helps me to survey on Woodgrove and also quite a good sch.
Hi Batman,

Congrats... so your kid is in Woodgrove? I will be registering my girl in Woodgrove too under phase 2C... hopefully can get in.
Hi Mummies, I m a piano teacher who staying in Woodlands. I have both Grade 8 practical & theory as well as Trinity Performance Cert, with 10 yrs teaching experience. Also will organise yearly piano recital for students.

feel free to contact me P9066 7205 for enquiries, my remainder slots are weekdays morning & early afternoon, Sat 2.30-3.13pm(1 slot only)
Hello mummies, I have a girl gg to CHIJ TP in pm session, I intend to send her to school, anyone who wants to car pool from AMK to TP,also my son from AMK to Marymount kindy - all in afternoon session. pls PM
hi mummies,

i've disappeared from this thread for quite a while
my gal hoing to CHIJ OLN in mrng session....anyone's gal going there?

hi poocha....i tot all CHIJ is mrng session? No meh?
hi samval,
my boy is goin nan hua, morning session. hv u start trainin yr gal to sleep & wake up early? my boy would be taking sch bus. think got to be ready by 6.30am!

are u busy preparing yr kids for P1? my boy is timid. he dun dare to order food when we go to mac n shops. wonder hw is he goin to cope in sch! hw much pocket money are u giving to yr kid? or packing lunch box?
I thought all sch P1 is pm session? If nan hua P1 is am, does it mean P1 to P6 all am session?

Usually lunch box for first half of yr. 2nd half, occassionally lunch box, else $1 per day.
nan hua is single session.. my son quite fussy eater. scare he get bored with lunch box. his sch has catered food from the sch canteen for the P1 for 1st 10 days. gota pay $12!
hi jol,
nope have not really train my gal to sleep & wake up early. i did try few times and was ok. but once start P1 then really dunno how. i'll be sending my gal to school in the morning cos i take the same bus to work so its like on the way. so she has to be ready by 6.45am latest. guess need to get up at 6am!!

my gal same as your boy. ask her order food at mac also dun want. the most she will do is go to the counter ask for serviettes BUT not independent enough to buy on her own. i think once they are in P1 shld be ok. they will somehow blend in and will take some time during the transition period.

hi caroline,
not all P1 schools are in pm sessions. some schools have dual & some single sessions. those with dual sessions usually P1 is in pm then P3 onwards in am..something like that.

i thought of giving my gal $2 per day. if there is balance at the end of the day, she will keep it in her piggie bank. also another way to discipline her to start saving early, or get into the habit of saving. also, need to give her some coins, just in case she needs to reach you/daddy etc. think shld there be anything urgent, the school will usually contact parents, but its good to give some spare change for the kids so that they will learn how to call their parents as and when required.

sigh...my gal only knows how to call me but not hubby's number yet
hi samval,
my boy rem my hubby n my no. but not the house no. hehe.. isnt $2 abit too much? think the 'market rate' is $1. my colleague's son spent all the money buying eraser, etc from the sch bookshop everyday until she banned him frm bringing money to sch. pack him lunch box for 2 months.
K2 graduation celebration,
do your kid been sent to CC for K2? What are the celebration your CC has organised?
Abit disappointed abt my son's CC, we are given the choice either concert or party. Most parents choose party and the parents are not invited. If we choose concert, we parents have to pay for the costumes and place of the event. Do you all have to pay for it?
Hi, batman= SnowQueen

I think different CC have different ways of organising the celebration for K2 graduation. For my son's CC, they have concert every end of the year for all the children from N1 to K2. And yes, the parents have to pay for the costume + the entrance fees to the concert.
The kids really enjoy concert! They would have party whenever there is birthday or CNY or Christmas.
How big is the concert depends on sch.
Oh isit? The principal has chosen the party as to the majority. But the parents are not invited for the party. I think a few parents are asking for it and when I called up the principal, she told me she will need to check on the charges. I believe she's referring to the transportation to the MacD. Their celebration will be at MacD.
besides rehearsal, actual concert, makeup & costume, there is also VCD. the sch would engage someone to record. so there is something to remember.
concert requires a lot of effort, coming up with theme, dance steps, props, rental of location, costumes making etc etc. Maybe your child's principal doesn't want all these inconvenience?
