(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

I also give my bb pacifier once. But try few times he seems dunno how to use it. Always fall down then I need to take it up again leh. So I lazy just be it if he want to suck his fist or thumb le.

My lo same as urs! Give pacifier spit or drop, he can even suck his thumb inside with the pacifier -___- so i aso took away pacifier. So hard to train bb to slp by himself!!

How long after c sec can I start playing tennis, go yoga or swim?

I not sure how long, but my sil who c-sec took more den 6mths to really her amore fitness. Maybe u can check with ur gynae when u go for pap smear or any post checkup? I think swimming shldnt be a problem if not those too strenous i feel..... Best to check !

A colleague of mine told me that we shall introduce fm to babies slowly as they might not like it and their body needs time to adjust to fm. Was also told to call fm companies asking for samples instead of buying. Which company we can get sample easily? And how do we ask for samples to be delivered to our house?
Do u all apply anything for baby's neck? My sister told me she used to apply diaper rash cream for her bb's neck area to prevent rashes especially when bb's neck is not strong yet.. Anyone? Can use desitin or mustela too? I am puzzled ha-ha..
How long after c sec can I start playing tennis, go yoga or swim?
As furbee said is always better to check with ur gynae first.
My gynae give me clearance during my last review with gynae (2 months post natal). But till now still have no time to do any exercise or maybe i just lazy. Lols.
My lo same as urs! Give pacifier spit or drop, he can even suck his thumb inside with the pacifier -___- so i aso took away pacifier. So hard to train bb to slp

Lols ur bb so cute. Mine not creative as u lor. He will get depressed if always drop then cry. So better not to give him pacifier in the first place.
A colleague of mine told me that we shall introduce fm to babies slowly as they might not like it and their body needs time to adjust to fm. Was also told to call fm companies asking for samples instead of buying. Which company we can get sample easily? And how do we ask for samples to be delivered to our house?
What I heard is only those for 6 months old above fm got sample. If below dun have. Can just fill up their form bah.... During preggy I remember fill up quite few form from nestle, dumex, enfa etc, heard they will contact me again after bb 6 months, mebbe to send some fm sample.
Do u all apply anything for baby's neck? My sister told me she used to apply diaper rash cream for her bb's neck area to prevent rashes especially when bb's neck is not strong yet.. Anyone? Can use desitin or mustela too? I am puzzled ha-ha..
No I do not apply anything on bb's neck. I thought desitin is only for butt ....
Do u all apply anything for baby's neck? My sister told me she used to apply diaper rash cream for her bb's neck area to prevent rashes especially when bb's neck is not strong yet.. Anyone? Can use desitin or mustela too? I am puzzled ha-ha..

I apply desitin as advise by my PD for heat rash around the neck area..
My baby boy coming to 3 mths this week. Can mummies share with me how much ur bb drinks n the interval? Thanks!

Sob sob~ i fully DL when im home, den he used to drink 140ml from bottle if my mom feeds him. Now he on strike, only takes 50ml when i not home!! Throw the rest away.. -.-" aso 3mth old

@isenggirl yup after 6mths like mylilsheep mentioned. Before 6mth they encourage bm. Can start to request den they send wen bb ard 6mo lor... Friso, nan, mamil, enfa, similac...
What I heard is only those for 6 months old above fm got sample. If below dun have. Can just fill up their form bah.... During preggy I remember fill up quite few form from nestle, dumex, enfa etc, heard they will contact me again after bb 6 months, mebbe to send some fm sample.

Yup for stage 1 no sample for fm. For my #1 the milk powder company only gave me sample for stage 2 which is 6 mths n above.
My baby boy coming to 3 mths this week. Can mummies share with me how much ur bb drinks n the interval? Thanks!

My baby coming three months nx week. She drink 15-25min each time. She DL and recently rejects bottle feeding. Feeding her using bottle is like playing wrestling. At night interval is about 3-4hours if good she can sleep 5hours.
Morning interval about 4-5hours. She spend time requesting us to talk to her. She stay awake longer for now.
My baby boy coming to 3 mths this week. Can mummies share with me how much ur bb drinks n the interval? Thanks!

My baby girl 3mths next week. She's drinking 120-130ml every 3hr interval, sometimes can stretch to 4hr. She has stopped waking up for night feeds. And I also don't purposely wake her to feed her in the night. I also wonder whether she's drinking enough or not since she nv wake up in the night to feed now....

My baby coming three months nx week. She drink 15-25min each time. She DL and recently rejects bottle feeding. Feeding her using bottle is like playing wrestling. At night interval is about 3-4hours if good she can sleep 5hours.
Morning interval about 4-5hours. She spend time requesting us to talk to her. She stay awake longer for now.

My bb sleeps very little in the day since she sleeps a long stretch at night. And she keeps wanting us to talk to her also. And she'll try to reply with "yee ahhh geer" sounds. Lol
Hmmm do boys drink more than girls? My boy is already hitting 120ml per session every 2-3hrly. N he's only 8 wks old. After every feed still wans to drink more, until i give him the pacifier for awhile, then he calms down. Still wakes up at nite somemore. Since he is not vomitting out his milk, I hope im not overfeeding him :/
My baby is 12 weeks old. Has been drinking for about 120ml from 8 weeks old though. But sometime he still cannot finish 120 ml at one go. Need more than one hour to finish that 120 ml. So now we just give him 60-90 ml, see how he drink first. If not enough then add another half. But sometime, he very hungry also can drink 150 ml. So I really dunno what is his portion. haishh.......
My baby girl 3mths next week. She's drinking 120-130ml every 3hr interval, sometimes can stretch to 4hr. She has stopped waking up for night feeds. And I also don't purposely wake her to feed her in the night. I also wonder whether she's drinking enough or not since she nv wake up in the night to feed now....

My bb sleeps very little in the day since she sleeps a long stretch at night. And she keeps wanting us to talk to her also. And she'll try to reply with "yee ahhh geer" sounds. Lol

My boy sleeps very little in the day too. Then the nanny said must be not enough milk and feed him 120ml every 2 to 3 hrs. I worry that she over feed my bb. Their thinking is that bb must sleep after milk. If not meaning bb drink not enough. *faint*.. pd said sometimes bb want to play that's why they will cry.
My boy sleeps very little in the day too. Then the nanny said must be not enough milk and feed him 120ml every 2 to 3 hrs. I worry that she over feed my bb. Their thinking is that bb must sleep after milk. If not meaning bb drink not enough. *faint*.. pd said sometimes bb want to play that's why they will cry.
I think when baby just fresh newborn, they really sleep, drink milk and poo only. But now after more few weeks or at least over 1 month, I can feel that my baby dun sleep that long anymore. So drink milk, talk / play with baby, drink milk, play time, then drink milk, sleep.
I just wondering how working mothers can continue to bf if have to go for business trip? I can't imagine the logistic, pumping in the airport, airplane, hotel. Then bring the milk back .... etc. So much problems.
I just wondering how working mothers can continue to bf if have to go for business trip? I can't imagine the logistic, pumping in the airport, airplane, hotel. Then bring the milk back .... etc. So much problems.

I will face this problem soon, my boss already ask me to prepare for business trip. Maybe i will bring my LO with me too and she can stay in hotel with my mom.
Oh really.. okay will try then!

Anyone is using diaper changing organizer? Any good and useful design/ brand to recommend?

My diaper organizer is a small bin. I just dump the minyak telon, nappy cream and lotion powder cotton buds /wool in and the diapers (abt 10-12pcs) will also be in the bin. So easy to carry the small bin anywhere and everything all in.
The heat rash looks like little bumps, can apply desitin creamy (blue)?

Btw anyone knows where I can post to give away stuff to needy mummies? I have some stuff to giveaway but still sorting them out before I return to work in 6 weeks time. Time really flies!
My diaper organizer is a small bin. I just dump the minyak telon, nappy cream and lotion powder cotton buds /wool in and the diapers (abt 10-12pcs) will also be in the bin. So easy to carry the small bin anywhere and everything all in.

Oh, can I ask how to use the minyak Telon? It's the oil right? I have no clue but I have a bottle of the oil from my ML. She says to massage LO but besides massaging how do I use it?
Oh, can I ask how to use the minyak Telon? It's the oil right? I have no clue but I have a bottle of the oil from my ML. She says to massage LO but besides massaging how do I use it?

I use minyak telon to baby's tummy and back side after every bath.
I will face this problem soon, my boss already ask me to prepare for business trip. Maybe i will bring my LO with me too and she can stay in hotel with my mom.
@Vinka, wah, so you bring LO and mom together for biz trip? So complicated .... :(
My boss was asking me before whether I can go travelling. Actually I am ok to fly, but when thinking about breastmilk, etc .... I refuse to go. Some more, I usually feel more tired when on biz trip, afraid milk supply decrease to NIL.
Oh, can I ask how to use the minyak Telon? It's the oil right? I have no clue but I have a bottle of the oil from my ML. She says to massage LO but besides massaging how do I use it?
I use minyak telon to baby's tummy and back side after every bath.

I suppose minyak telon is something similar to ruyi oil. I rub on the tummy, back, calves and feet after every bath. Its to help keep baby warm and get rid of wind I suppose.
I just like the smell coz the oldies always associate minyak telon and babies. Hahhahaha. To me it's more to enhance the baby smell. Hehehe
Anyone of u experience any itchy rashes? I started having a patch of small itchy bumps on my thigh a few weeks ago. Now the small patch has enlarged. And I'm starting to have it on my knee, elbows and near my butt also. Vey itchy especially at night! Last night I couldn't sleep cos of the itch on my legs.... I had an similar small itchy bumps on my legs and arms during my 2nd trimester also, but not in patches of itchy rash. They disappeared in 3rd trimester. Now come again but even worse cos its in patches....
Anyone of u experience any itchy rashes? I started having a patch of small itchy bumps on my thigh a few weeks ago. Now the small patch has enlarged. And I'm starting to have it on my knee, elbows and near my butt also. Vey itchy especially at night! Last night I couldn't sleep cos of the itch on my legs.... I had an similar small itchy bumps on my legs and arms during my 2nd trimester also, but not in patches of itchy rash. They disappeared in 3rd trimester. Now come again but even worse cos its in patches....

I also have tiny bumps on both my thighs but they are not itchy. Not sure what are those.
I use minyak Telon to massage my bb's tummy after bath everyday and also a little on her feet to keep her warm. According to my ML, it is not as hot as ruyi oil. The smell is also milder compared to ruyi oil.

I always tot baby always have a bb smell but I don't smell that on my bb. I use a drop of pigeon 2 in 1 wash and body lotion only. Is it cos I nvr use powder like what we have when we were young?
Thanks all for enlightening me on the telon oil! I use ruyi oil for my LO now but may try telon oil since I have a new small bottle at home. Heehee

I was also talking to my mom about baby scent. Odd that I remember my baby bro who is 7 years younger than me, used to smell so nice as a baby but I don't feel that my LO smells as nice. I think it's coz lack of powder too!
I prefer ruyi oil smell compared to telon. My bb also no bb smell.. I remembered my #1 got leh.. so wondered why #2 don't have.. lol..
My girl will be 12weeks tmrw! Now drinking abt 120ml every 2-3 hours.. night time can stretch 5-6 hours..
The heat rash looks like little bumps, can apply desitin creamy (blue)?

Btw anyone knows where I can post to give away stuff to needy mummies? I have some stuff to giveaway but still sorting them out before I return to work in 6 weeks time. Time really flies!
You can join Facebook group : Preloved Baby Goods
I prefer ruyi oil smell compared to telon. My bb also no bb smell.. I remembered my #1 got leh.. so wondered why #2 don't have.. lol..
My girl will be 12weeks tmrw! Now drinking abt 120ml every 2-3 hours.. night time can stretch 5-6 hours..
My relatives oso comment my LO no baby smell. Sad. Put Ruyi oil oso like tat. Haha.

Hai. I went shopping for awhile just now. Just dun seem to fit into any clothes nicely with my boobs. Damn demoralise. Dunno wad to wear when I go back work now. Shopping is not fun at all
My relatives oso comment my LO no baby smell. Sad. Put Ruyi oil oso like tat. Haha.

Hai. I went shopping for awhile just now. Just dun seem to fit into any clothes nicely with my boobs. Damn demoralise. Dunno wad to wear when I go back work now. Shopping is not fun at all
hahaha..... me no mood shopping liao. Think just wear my loose cloth at the moment and did not even want to invest buying more nursing clothes. I also only have one pre-pregnancy pants still can fit my big tummy. The other too tight already. So I am wearing legging .... more stretchable to accomodate my tummy.
We finally brought baby to sbcc to see Dr Liew for her colicky symptoms. Even recorded a video of one of her persistent crying episodes for Dr to see. He mentioned two possibilities. Could be colic or reflux. Was prescribed a bottle of biogaia probiotics. Not cheap wor. Bt hopefully it helps to relieve baby's discomfort and also relieve our mental stress haha. Just wanna say on a side note that Dr liew (at gleneagles) is really a caring doctor who sincerely cares for babies.
My relatives oso comment my LO no baby smell. Sad. Put Ruyi oil oso like tat. Haha.

Hai. I went shopping for awhile just now. Just dun seem to fit into any clothes nicely with my boobs. Damn demoralise. Dunno wad to wear when I go back work now. Shopping is not fun at all
@Anna0214 , I'm going back work next week! Cannot fit in my pants yet, oni dresses but dresses when wanna pump very troublesome, need to take out whole dress!
Best part, heard the storeroom at work for us to pump was tear down le! I got a very BIG question mark now as where to pump my liquid gold! Sobsob..
@Vinka, wah, so you bring LO and mom together for biz trip? So complicated .... :(
My boss was asking me before whether I can go travelling. Actually I am ok to fly, but when thinking about breastmilk, etc .... I refuse to go. Some more, I usually feel more tired when on biz trip, afraid milk supply decrease to NIL.

Plan to but still don't know if able to! Haha.. My job require travel every month but since pregnant i stop for traveling and now boss start asking. I hope i can reject too! Let see if my boss can postpone my biz trip until LO 6 months.
@Anna0214 , I'm going back work next week! Cannot fit in my pants yet, oni dresses but dresses when wanna pump very troublesome, need to take out whole dress!
Best part, heard the storeroom at work for us to pump was tear down le! I got a very BIG question mark now as where to pump my liquid gold! Sobsob..
I am gg to pump in the storeroom too. And I know got a few mummies taking turns to pump for my workplace. Hopefully your co build a nursing room for you all..

I am thinking if I wear my nursing bra, my boobs look saggy. Any mummies wearing wired nursing bras? I wore once and I got mastitis. Not sure if it's the cause.
Plan to but still don't know if able to! Haha.. My job require travel every month but since pregnant i stop for traveling and now boss start asking. I hope i can reject too! Let see if my boss can postpone my biz trip until LO 6 months.
Wow.. It's pretty challenging to go biz trip during bf.. Short local trip already makes me nervous, can't imagine taking flight with her if her neck is still not strong yet..
Some tips to feed ur bb during take off and landing..
I just wondering how working mothers can continue to bf if have to go for business trip? I can't imagine the logistic, pumping in the airport, airplane, hotel. Then bring the milk back .... etc. So much problems.

Wah i remember my saddest moment when i return from biz trip, my #2 dun wan latch after 1wk away. Bite me n scream till i raise white flag!
Yes v mafan when need to pump, den the host need accomodate my timing bring me find place or back hotel to pump. If hotel rm got freezer nt so bad, some no freezer lagi sianz... Den tpt back the milk also stress... Pump in plane aso stress.
Wonder how u all frequent travellers gonna cope!!

@Anna0214 , dun wear wired. Jus try get those with better support. I using triump not those sponge de, boobs sag alot too. Best if pump in office jus bring spare nursing wear to change when pump, or str8 wear nursimg top/dress. I also tried hand express in toilet den throw away the bm.. Sigh, tot those days r over, now its back again for the third time! Faintzzz
Wow.. It's pretty challenging to go biz trip during bf.. Short local trip already makes me nervous, can't imagine taking flight with her if her neck is still not strong yet..
Some tips to feed ur bb during take off and landing..

By 4-5mths bb neck shld b stronger. My lo now 3mo can hold his neck well, i carry him on shoulder already.. I tink nowadays bb grow faster, smarter, stronger leh.. Haha.
@Anna0214 , I'm going back work next week! Cannot fit in my pants yet, oni dresses but dresses when wanna pump very troublesome, need to take out whole dress!
Best part, heard the storeroom at work for us to pump was tear down le! I got a very BIG question mark now as where to pump my liquid gold! Sobsob..

Nursing cover at ur desk?
Hi mummies, I went for post natal check up today, my gynae only briefly explained to me contraceptive methods. Papsmears options. And asked if baby and me are fine. That's all !

What did your gynae check post delivery? I requested for stitches check, and was completely forgotten about GDM. They also never offered me post OGTT.. Is there any other check they are supposed to do?
Hi mummies, I went for post natal check up today, my gynae only briefly explained to me contraceptive methods. Papsmears options. And asked if baby and me are fine. That's all !

What did your gynae check post delivery? I requested for stitches check, and was completely forgotten about GDM. They also never offered me post OGTT.. Is there any other check they are supposed to do?

Gynae checked my stitches during my first postnatal review 1 week after delivery. 2nd review at 2 mths after delivery, gynae did pap smear and ultrascan to check that the uterus is fine and back to normal.

Hi mummies, I went for post natal check up today, my gynae only briefly explained to me contraceptive methods. Papsmears options. And asked if baby and me are fine. That's all !

What did your gynae check post delivery? I requested for stitches check, and was completely forgotten about GDM. They also never offered me post OGTT.. Is there any other check they are supposed to do?
What is GDM and OGTT?

My last visit to gynae is doing pap smear, ultrasound, checking my wound and give clearance. Then told me when the earliest I can have another baby •_•" then book another review appointment next year. Unless I have good news earlier then can come back to see him again. •~•*#
