(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

I think the flange too big for you?. My boob also pain if pump too long...

I am considering Freemie too but v exp!

How does it work wonders for you? Do you need to pump for very long? I also read that you cannot move too much otherwise will get backflow...

The price of freemie can almost pay for my m1 so I really want to ensure I am getting my money worth....

Am keen to get this too. I'm using medela swing. Nt sure to buy the cups only to connect to swing or buy the freemie set with pump

Mummies my bb used to slp quite well at night, waking up for only 1 feed at abt 3 or 4am. Lately she's been feeding every 2 or 3 hrly like in the daytime. Anyone experienced this? It's been super tiring..and she doesn't go back to sleep sometimes :(
Same here. Sometimes coax carry also cannot when ok put down to bed waking up w cry again. Sat started 4am till 530am today ard 2am till ard 6am...
I think the flange too big for you?. My boob also pain if pump too long...

I am considering Freemie too but v exp!

How does it work wonders for you? Do you need to pump for very long? I also read that you cannot move too much otherwise will get backflow...

The price of freemie can almost pay for my m1 so I really want to ensure I am getting my money worth....
Seem like ok but mbe keep pulling nipples that's y painful?
Sometimes I prefer using massage mode feeling better just that yield out slower.
Hmm for my case is so far I use freestyle I can only get 20-40ml but I tried using freemie today first time I managed to collect 70ml!! Like an achievement unlocked lol.. And no stress feeling on the nipple as compare to FS funnel which kept causing abrasion..Pumping time shd be faster than fs as well..

But I didn't handle the cup properly so I spill some milk out.. bought a brand new set at a discount from someone in the forum which comes with the back flow protector.. So not sure about the backflow problem.. But the connection tubing to fs abit troublesome.

I guess it's the hands free convenience you get lo.. Can move about just have to be in upright position.

I got the simple wishes hands free bra for fs too but find it troublesome.. Freemie u just insert in your nursing bra can already
You get from who? How much is that? The person still got selling? Can direct me?
I Jus tasted le Xin... So so too
Mom complain soup bland
Mine no soup unless dinner cos they cooked soup morning so cannot make it for lunch. If have I think taste like water also...
My mum don't want to eat tingkat food lor...asking me to keep for hub if I cannot finish..
Hi mommies, how heavy is you baby boy at 2 mths old? Im worried that my baby is not gaining enough weight. And could be due to not sufficient nutrients in my milk.
Hi mommies, how heavy is you baby boy at 2 mths old? Im worried that my baby is not gaining enough weight. And could be due to not sufficient nutrients in my milk.
My baby girl weighs 5.5kg at 2 mths old. EBF.
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Hi mommies, how heavy is you baby boy at 2 mths old? Im worried that my baby is not gaining enough weight. And could be due to not sufficient nutrients in my milk.
What is your bb's weight percentile? You can refer to the chart in the health booklet. From what I understand, it's okay as long as between 10 and 90 percentile.

Mine was 4.4kg at 6 weeks, which put him in the 25 percentile.
Hi mommies, how heavy is you baby boy at 2 mths old? Im worried that my baby is not gaining enough weight. And could be due to not sufficient nutrients in my milk.
My boy is 5.4kg at 8weeks. 25-50% percentile. He is coughing n having v bad flu. V poor thing... See already v heartpain. Been vomiting out his milk.
What is your bb's weight percentile? You can refer to the chart in the health booklet. From what I understand, it's okay as long as between 10 and 90 percentile.

Mine was 4.4kg at 6 weeks, which put him in the 25 percentile.

Ohhh... idk about that lol. Never knew how to read. Now i know liao. ^^

Thanks mummies!

He's 5.8kg now.. hubz was saying Bb is quite light compared to him when he was a baby (he is jumbo baby kind) so was thinking why not cut feeding bm, maybe once or twice daily just for immunity, and the rest all use fm.

Idk. Sometimes i feel my bm is like too thin, maybe cuz i didnt eat much (not much time to eat properly) And baby cant "dong" till 3hrs. 2-2.5hrs need to feed again. He drinks same amt of fm, he can dong 3-4hrs. (These 3 days is 4hrs)
So zai..haha my bb still hates tummy time so she can't really lift her head much yet. And she's alr 11 weeks! She screams her head off when I flip her onto tummy.

You can try laying him on a pillow with her knees on the bed and arms to support herself. My bb also dont like laying flat on his tummy. But i use the pillow method he is happy.

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Ohhh... idk about that lol. Never knew how to read. Now i know liao. ^^

Thanks mummies!

He's 5.8kg now.. hubz was saying Bb is quite light compared to him when he was a baby (he is jumbo baby kind) so was thinking why not cut feeding bm, maybe once or twice daily just for immunity, and the rest all use fm.

Idk. Sometimes i feel my bm is like too thin, maybe cuz i didnt eat much (not much time to eat properly) And baby cant "dong" till 3hrs. 2-2.5hrs need to feed again. He drinks same amt of fm, he can dong 3-4hrs. (These 3 days is 4hrs)

My baby is on full bm now and she is drinking every 2hrs, I currently only have enough bm daily, no surplus. 我做牛都来不急 haha, but I will Supp fm if not enough (did that initially). Only 8w onwards full bm.

I guess baby don't have to be super chub like Michelin baby? As long baby drinks, poos and healthy I think that's good enough... Do what you feel is right :)

5.8kg at 2m is a good weight, so don't worry.
My baby is on full bm now and she is drinking every 2hrs, I currently only have enough bm daily, no surplus. 我做牛都来不急 haha, but I will Supp fm if not enough (did that initially). Only 8w onwards full bm.

I guess baby don't have to be super chub like Michelin baby? As long baby drinks, poos and healthy I think that's good enough... Do what you feel is right :)

5.8kg at 2m is a good weight, so don't worry.

我做牛都不够奶,要做鲸鱼才够。>_< hahaha just joking.

My supply now stagnant at 450-480ml per day. And my bb takes about 1litres. Hais. I thinkig of stopping at 4th month.
我做牛都不够奶,要做鲸鱼才够。>_< hahaha just joking.

My supply now stagnant at 450-480ml per day. And my bb takes about 1litres. Hais. I thinkig of stopping at 4th month.

It's ok don't stress yourself. We do what we can and when really cannot reach for the tin lor lolz . I supplement w fm twice daily cos got 2 times daily really nt enough milk to knock him out.
Bb healthy mummy happy most impt.
我做牛都不够奶,要做鲸鱼才够。>_< hahaha just joking.

My supply now stagnant at 450-480ml per day. And my bb takes about 1litres. Hais. I thinkig of stopping at 4th month.

Hahaha ya lo... 母牛都不够奶
How many times u express a day? I am exclusive pumping mum... Didn't latch at all, tried initially but don't know what happen my nipple bleed and she can't latch properly.
My baby is on full bm now and she is drinking every 2hrs, I currently only have enough bm daily, no surplus. 我做牛都来不急 haha, but I will Supp fm if not enough (did that initially). Only 8w onwards full bm.

I guess baby don't have to be super chub like Michelin baby? As long baby drinks, poos and healthy I think that's good enough... Do what you feel is right :)

5.8kg at 2m is a good weight, so don't worry.
I also no surplus n got sup w fm. For this case what will u do when return to work?
我做牛都不够奶,要做鲸鱼才够。>_< hahaha just joking.

My supply now stagnant at 450-480ml per day. And my bb takes about 1litres. Hais. I thinkig of stopping at 4th month.
I also e most half of her intake. Not enough to support when returned to work
I also no surplus n got sup w fm. For this case what will u do when return to work?

I still got 1.5m before returning to work, shall see how it goes. Will just continue to pump at work (1-2 times hopefully) and then supp with fm if really not much left then just fm lor... I not hardcore on bm only.
Hahaha ya lo... 母牛都不够奶
How many times u express a day? I am exclusive pumping mum... Didn't latch at all, tried initially but don't know what happen my nipple bleed and she can't latch properly.

I am also exclusive pumping.. how many times u pump per day n how long? I pump 30 mins each session n only get 120 Total..
Hahaha ya lo... 母牛都不够奶
How many times u express a day? I am exclusive pumping mum... Didn't latch at all, tried initially but don't know what happen my nipple bleed and she can't latch properly.
I am also exclusive pumping.. how many times u pump per day n how long? I pump 30 mins each session n only get 120 Total..

Now Im down to 4 pumps a day.. really no time to pump loh.. used to pump every 3hrs = 8 times.. then drop to 4hrs = 6times. But regardless of the no. of pumps, my supply also 450-480. So might as well save some time to slp. I'm pumping 15-20mins each side.
I am also exclusive pumping.. how many times u pump per day n how long? I pump 30 mins each session n only get 120 Total..

I pump 6 times a day and 30mins each session, yield between 120-150ml ... It's super tiring , sometimes I feel like giving up to have more rest but told myself to try at least till my ML ends
Can I ask how often should be sterilize the milk bottle?
Also our pump accessories?
I actually doing it after every time I use
Milk bottle I sterilise twice a day... when they gets older then once a day... but sometimes after feed if I find the bottle too oily I will rinse with hot water.

I know some mummies doing it after each use... its more hygiene this way.
I pump 6 times a day and 30mins each session, yield between 120-150ml ... It's super tiring , sometimes I feel like giving up to have more rest but told myself to try at least till my ML ends

sama sama, i pump 6-7 times a day, n my avg yield is around 100 - 130ml during the day. only the one session at around 3am i will yield more, up to 180ml, cos i drag the sessions to 4 hrs. Yesterday i froze my first ever bag of BM, wah, super sense of satisfaction man, cos usually i have barely enough to feed my boy. but it took me 2 days to accumulate this one bag of 120ml la. i hope to be able to store at least 10 bags before i return to work on 13/4.

now that i am pumping all the time i have a lot of time to sit in front of the comp, n i have gotten hooked on my first korean drama ever. i have never watched any korean drama in my life, not even when i had so much bed rest when preggy, never understood what the fuss was about, but that day i heard the theme song to Meteor Garden, n i suddenly remembered how obsessed i was with Daoming Si 10 yrs ago, so i started watching that on youtube, then i decided to check out the korean version Boys over Flowers, n now i'm hooked on that. feel like some lao char bo lusting over young skinny (n kinda feminine looking) korean boys, lol. but hey, it sure helps the time pass a lot faster while pumping, n it sure is a lot cheaper than online shopping, hehe.
sama sama, i pump 6-7 times a day, n my avg yield is around 100 - 130ml during the day. only the one session at around 3am i will yield more, up to 180ml, cos i drag the sessions to 4 hrs. Yesterday i froze my first ever bag of BM, wah, super sense of satisfaction man, cos usually i have barely enough to feed my boy. but it took me 2 days to accumulate this one bag of 120ml la. i hope to be able to store at least 10 bags before i return to work on 13/4.

now that i am pumping all the time i have a lot of time to sit in front of the comp, n i have gotten hooked on my first korean drama ever. i have never watched any korean drama in my life, not even when i had so much bed rest when preggy, never understood what the fuss was about, but that day i heard the theme song to Meteor Garden, n i suddenly remembered how obsessed i was with Daoming Si 10 yrs ago, so i started watching that on youtube, then i decided to check out the korean version Boys over Flowers, n now i'm hooked on that. feel like some lao char bo lusting over young skinny (n kinda feminine looking) korean boys, lol. but hey, it sure helps the time pass a lot faster while pumping, n it sure is a lot cheaper than online shopping, hehe.

Jiayou! I managed to store my 1st pack of frozen emb last week...in my heart is was like, wah finally I have extra after pumping my Breast out and the Breast no longer feels like mine. I told my hubby, he only replied "good lor", I wonder those mums who have many many how they feel. But it's Okie la, each to its own, i will just jiayou for my baby!

I also pump and watch korean dramas too, confinement till now finish 3 dramas but now slow down already need to take care of baby myself. Watching dramas makes you feel that pumping time is shorter! :)
Can I ask how often should be sterilize the milk bottle?
Also our pump accessories?
I actually doing it after every time I use

the pump accessories u can actually store in a clean container n keep it in the fridge after each pump, n sterilise only end of the day. save some time. my helper will take out to wash n sterilise abt 2-3x a day, once the pile of dirty milk bottles builds up.

sama sama, i pump 6-7 times a day, n my avg yield is around 100 - 130ml during the day. only the one session at around 3am i will yield more, up to 180ml, cos i drag the sessions to 4 hrs. Yesterday i froze my first ever bag of BM, wah, super sense of satisfaction man, cos usually i have barely enough to feed my boy. but it took me 2 days to accumulate this one bag of 120ml la. i hope to be able to store at least 10 bags before i return to work on 13/4.

now that i am pumping all the time i have a lot of time to sit in front of the comp, n i have gotten hooked on my first korean drama ever. i have never watched any korean drama in my life, not even when i had so much bed rest when preggy, never understood what the fuss was about, but that day i heard the theme song to Meteor Garden, n i suddenly remembered how obsessed i was with Daoming Si 10 yrs ago, so i started watching that on youtube, then i decided to check out the korean version Boys over Flowers, n now i'm hooked on that. feel like some lao char bo lusting over young skinny (n kinda feminine looking) korean boys, lol. but hey, it sure helps the time pass a lot faster while pumping, n it sure is a lot cheaper than online shopping, hehe.

Welcome to the fantasy land of kdrama! It's a one way ticket lolx. My fave drama of all times is Queen In Hyun's Man, about this guy from te past who time travelled to our present. And Faith, doctor from present travels to the past. Hmmm... Hahahhaa
