(2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

ask u all ah...do u feel movements mostly thruout the day? or on some days only?
@chrisl I feel baby movements esp so at night...yes everyday...but last week or so, I felt a decrease in his movements...was quite worried.. I read that sometimes they r sleeping to grow...as long as they do move a bit... be safe... :) but do monitor n ask gynae if uncertain...

@hi_mei and @moo3moo, my bb also underweight, went below
50th percentile, weighing 710g at 25W then I tried to eat more and went back to average weight 890 at 26 W.

@chrisl, many places not selling durians as the season ended. But surprisingly managed to buy from Causeway Point Cold Storage.
My baby is more active in the late afternoon. Sometimes I get worried when there's few movement, I would wake him up with ice cream. The change in temperature and sugar rush sure wakes him up.

your bb so cute :)
thanks mtbs for ur input...cannot help but feel paranoid sometimes as I have had so many losses before :confused:..my bbs dun come easy for my hb and myself lah u see...anyways shall just monitor and wait for scan next Monday ...cannot wait!
thanks mtbs for ur input...cannot help but feel paranoid sometimes as I have had so many losses before :confused:..my bbs dun come easy for my hb and myself lah u see...anyways shall just monitor and wait for scan next Monday ...cannot wait!
Hee hee same for me...first trim worse...couldn't feel movements...i always asked my hubby do u think the baby is still growing? So worried n scared ...so scared of another mc....now second trim at least his movements is a form of assurance:) v fast ...u r going to see gynae next mon liao!!
I visited gynae yest...n my bb 's head has turned down liao...

Anyone going taka baby fair which starts tomorrow?
Hee hee same for me...first trim worse...couldn't feel movements...i always asked my hubby do u think the baby is still growing? So worried n scared ...so scared of another mc....now second trim at least his movements is a form of assurance:) v fast ...u r going to see gynae next mon liao!!
I visited gynae yest...n my bb 's head has turned down liao...

Anyone going taka baby fair which starts tomorrow?
yup..im hoping my bbs can give me more of the assurance I dun mind lol..oh! ur bb turned liao! how many weeks r u now?

nope dun think I will be going ..I hv most things already apart from bb nappy cream , cotton wool, bb laundry detergent etc..which can get at watsons or pharmacy or online ..hehe so shiok shopping online on qoo10:p:p
yup..im hoping my bbs can give me more of the assurance I dun mind lol..oh! ur bb turned liao! how many weeks r u now?

nope dun think I will be going ..I hv most things already apart from bb nappy cream , cotton wool, bb laundry detergent etc..which can get at watsons or pharmacy or online ..hehe so shiok shopping online on qoo10:p:p
Haa ha more kicks r good :) i m 29 weeks now hee...
️Wah so fast...I haven't buy them yet....haven't buy big tickets items too like stroller car seat...only bought cot so far haha...going to wait for fair in April too...don't know if can still walk well by then haha...
Any good lobangs from qoo10?
Haa ha more kicks r good :) i m 29 weeks now hee...
️Wah so fast...I haven't buy them yet....haven't buy big tickets items too like stroller car seat...only bought cot so far haha...going to wait for fair in April too...don't know if can still walk well by then haha...
Any good lobangs from qoo10?
actually stroller I hvn buy yet still..my hb said just day before that might wait till abt bb 2-3mths then get..cos tentively very likely using slings first for newborn..car seat wise he will get from his side..

I got a diaper backpack from qoo10 which I think is very good--with lotsa compartments to put diapers /bottles/toys/wipes etc..good also for either me or hb to carry aka hands free..


then maybe also looking for a 4 in 1 pack swaddle cloth..as I reckon we might need to change bbs often with and later stage can use as burp cloth/stroller cover..
Haa ha more kicks r good :) i m 29 weeks now hee...
️Wah so fast...I haven't buy them yet....haven't buy big tickets items too like stroller car seat...only bought cot so far haha...going to wait for fair in April too...don't know if can still walk well by then haha...
Any good lobangs from qoo10?
Wow u are prob the most advanced of us all haha!!
Hope the april baby fair is not too crowded...!
Hi mummies
i will be baking lactation cookies for myself .once i deliver ..if anyone else wants to place an order you can save my hp number 83625075 and msg me...will be selling for $25 for 500 gms ...(oatmeal and choco chips / oatmeal and raisins)
collection will be at toa payoh at my block near mrt ..since i will also be delivering along with you all ,maybe you hb can pick them up for you . :)
thanks mtbs for ur input...cannot help but feel paranoid sometimes as I have had so many losses before :confused:..my bbs dun come easy for my hb and myself lah u see...anyways shall just monitor and wait for scan next Monday ...cannot wait!
Totally can feel U :) but we must stay positive too and that will let bb be happy too..
I also have my paranoid moments.. Some pple comment that my tummy looks small doesn't look like 6 months and I'm so worried that bb didn't eat well or she is small but luckily during the checkup her weight is ok and everything is good..
Sometimes if she didn't move I'm also quite worried and will disturb her to make her move xD

I guess we wun stop worry abt them even until they are out :) that's what mum do..
Hee hee same for me...first trim worse...couldn't feel movements...i always asked my hubby do u think the baby is still growing? So worried n scared ...so scared of another mc....now second trim at least his movements is a form of assurance:) v fast ...u r going to see gynae next mon liao!!
I visited gynae yest...n my bb 's head has turned down liao...

Anyone going taka baby fair which starts tomorrow?
So fast turn down le yah? But will he still rotate? Im aiming to go for the April bb fair hehe.. To look for baby cot.. Till now still can't decide which cot to buy.. :(
@bliswifu that's great to know your baby has turned head down already!

@Ice_Tea yes the worry about our baobeis start from the the moment we know of their presence in our body. It's never ending, now I learn to be more appreciative of my mum for all that she is doing for me.

@chrisl I suggest getting 6 muslin swaddles each, they tend to poop and pee a lot and their clothes can get it, too. Try to choose those bigger sizes 120 x 120, can even use them as mattress covers. And you may wanna note that some muslin quality quite rough on baby's skin.
@bliswifu that's great to know your baby has turned head down already!

@Ice_Tea yes the worry about our baobeis start from the the moment we know of their presence in our body. It's never ending, now I learn to be more appreciative of my mum for all that she is doing for me.

@chrisl I suggest getting 6 muslin swaddles each, they tend to poop and pee a lot and their clothes can get it, too. Try to choose those bigger sizes 120 x 120, can even use them as mattress covers. And you may wanna note that some muslin quality quite rough on baby's skin.
oh ok ok thanks ..that means I hv to get 4 more..
Hi mommies
im planning to buy muslin swaddles for my baby due in June...but im getting it from a wholesaler ..if i buy just a few pcs just for me the shipping is quite expensive ..so was thinking if i allowed to ask if any other mummies would be interested in clubbing up with me ..so that i can get the swaddles for $25-$30 per set..instead of the u.p mummies pay like $55-$60 ..which will benefit other mummies too..

thank you
@bliswifu that's great to know your baby has turned head down already!

@Ice_Tea yes the worry about our baobeis start from the the moment we know of their presence in our body. It's never ending, now I learn to be more appreciative of my mum for all that she is doing for me.

@chrisl I suggest getting 6 muslin swaddles each, they tend to poop and pee a lot and their clothes can get it, too. Try to choose those bigger sizes 120 x 120, can even use them as mattress covers. And you may wanna note that some muslin quality quite rough on baby's skin.
Yes totally! Now den start to understand how my mum thinks when she used to nag at me.. Coz it's really can't stop worrying abt us :)
Hi mommies
im planning to buy muslin swaddles for my baby due in June...but im getting it from a wholesaler ..if i buy just a few pcs just for me the shipping is quite expensive ..so was thinking if i allowed to ask if any other mummies would be interested in clubbing up with me ..so that i can get the swaddles for $25-$30 per set..instead of the u.p mummies pay like $55-$60 ..which will benefit other mummies too..

thank you

what is the link to your wholesale plc online? what brand are the swaddles?
@moo3moo yes consecutive weeks cos I lost my mucus plug and had hard tummy showing contractions, so had closer monitoring.

Ya don't drink tea read somewhere that caffeine is toxin to the baby. Maybe taken in moderation ok bah or depends on individual body constitution.
oh, good for ur gynae to do such close monitoring. bb better be guai guai inside n grow well yeah!
yeah, now trying not to take tea, sometimes take a sip from hubby's drinks.
Hee hee same for me...first trim worse...couldn't feel movements...i always asked my hubby do u think the baby is still growing? So worried n scared ...so scared of another mc....now second trim at least his movements is a form of assurance:) v fast ...u r going to see gynae next mon liao!!
I visited gynae yest...n my bb 's head has turned down liao...

Anyone going taka baby fair which starts tomorrow?
wah, already head down position? my last visit, gynae told me bb is in head up position o_O i din noe how to respond.
me gg to taka fair tomorrow, taking leave from work. feel so good. really dun feel like working these few days..
Haa ha more kicks r good :) i m 29 weeks now hee...
️Wah so fast...I haven't buy them yet....haven't buy big tickets items too like stroller car seat...only bought cot so far haha...going to wait for fair in April too...don't know if can still walk well by then haha...
Any good lobangs from qoo10?

cool.... i don't even know where my bb's head is now.... hahaha.... it's only a few more weeks sure can walk de..... i'm preparing myself to go there..... my last chance :rolleyes:
Totally can feel U :) but we must stay positive too and that will let bb be happy too..
I also have my paranoid moments.. Some pple comment that my tummy looks small doesn't look like 6 months and I'm so worried that bb didn't eat well or she is small but luckily during the checkup her weight is ok and everything is good..
Sometimes if she didn't move I'm also quite worried and will disturb her to make her move xD

I guess we wun stop worry abt them even until they are out :) that's what mum do..

i guess irregardless at what stage, we mummies will constantly feel paranoid.... just like today, my bb not much movements during the day, i start to get worried.... luckily while i am typing, i can feel his little kicks
wah, already head down position? my last visit, gynae told me bb is in head up position o_O i din noe how to respond.
me gg to taka fair tomorrow, taking leave from work. feel so good. really dun feel like working these few days..

hahaha.... can understand the feeling.... just hope may / june quickly come
what is the link to your wholesale plc online? what brand are the swaddles?
Well i got in contact with a factory outlet overseas..my sis has already purchased a few sets for trial .and gv positive feedback..so ive also decided to order ..pls do find the pics attached..its a textile mill..


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Well i got in contact with a factory outlet overseas..my sis has already purchased a few sets for trial .and gv positive feedback..so ive also decided to order ..pls do find the pics attached..its a textile mill..
How many pcs in one set? How many set do we need?
@chrisl the diaper bag looks good! My goodie fren bought me a skip n hop diaper bag as my bday pressie haa so I think I won't b looking at another bag hee... Yes I think i will get more swaddled from the taka fair
@hi_mei hahaa yes cuz my edd is early June...so erhem i will share my birth experience with u guys after that...haa...yes think the april baby fair is our last 'chiong' fair before we see baby!
@wabbit_baby yea hahaa thanks! No wonder I need to frequent toilet a lot more now!
@moo3moo i m going tomorrow too! What time r u going?
@snowy03 haha slowly will def turn down :) yes really looking forward to seeing baby n carrying him in arms!!
@Ice_Tea i m also quite surprised when gynae told me baby 's head is in right position -turn down...but I don't know if he will turn again? Haha..I think doesn't matter turn where....as long as healthy!!
I'm in my 3rd trimester! now 27 wk 1 day ^^
Any1 feel the v getting sore in day time ? I wonder if is due to sitting too long in the office..Weather gg to be even worse for the next 2 wks. Can't imagine June gg to be even worse.
Yup baby movements getting more n more active since 25 26 wks..
i guess irregardless at what stage, we mummies will constantly feel paranoid.... just like today, my bb not much movements during the day, i start to get worried.... luckily while i am typing, i can feel his little kicks
True.. As long as they didn't hv much movement we will start to panic and keep disturb them.. But sometimes they are sleeping ba hehe..

Ytd I was watching the hk drama and got some thai fighting scene and I feel my girl kick or punch me so hard! And my hubby said that she also learning how to fight inside >.<
Anw how do u all gonna calculate ur maternity leave yah? Bcoz it shld be 16 weeks right? Do we include weekends?
i guess irregardless at what stage, we mummies will constantly feel paranoid.... just like today, my bb not much movements during the day, i start to get worried.... luckily while i am typing, i can feel his little kicks

@snowy03 initially I was worried too when my baby is too quiet. I think we probably would welcome their soccer kicks at our tummies anytime just for peace of mind. :D
I'm in my 3rd trimester! now 27 wk 1 day ^^
Any1 feel the v getting sore in day time ? I wonder if is due to sitting too long in the office..Weather gg to be even worse for the next 2 wks. Can't imagine June gg to be even worse.
Yup baby movements getting more n more active since 25 26 wks..

I do feel some slight discomfort in the V area especially when I'm constipated and feeling so packed inside. Do let your gynae know and ask if they can check your cervical length via abdominal ultrasound. Do not do vaginal ultrasound if possible, try not to disturb the cervix.
Anw how do u all gonna calculate ur maternity leave yah? Bcoz it shld be 16 weeks right? Do we include weekends?

@Ice_Tea , i just check with my HR, they said, first 2 mths of ML must take consecutively (including public holidays) and the other 2 mths (40 working days, Not including PH) can take it as optional... Noted the Jubilee holidays on 7 Aug - 10 Aug, National day..
@Ice_Tea , i just check with my HR, they said, first 2 mths of ML must take consecutively (including public holidays) and the other 2 mths (40 working days, Not including PH) can take it as optional... Noted the Jubilee holidays on 7 Aug - 10 Aug, National day..
I see, I planned to take the 4 months straight.. But I dunno how to count it hehe.. Last time I see the mom they hv the maternity calculator or something to tell which date shld return to work but I can't find it already..
Well i got in contact with a factory outlet overseas..my sis has already purchased a few sets for trial .and gv positive feedback..so ive also decided to order ..pls do find the pics attached..its a textile mill..
what is the dimensions of each cloth?
@chrisl the diaper bag looks good! My goodie fren bought me a skip n hop diaper bag as my bday pressie haa so I think I won't b looking at another bag hee... Yes I think i will get more swaddled from the taka fair
@hi_mei hahaa yes cuz my edd is early June...so erhem i will share my birth experience with u guys after that...haa...yes think the april baby fair is our last 'chiong' fair before we see baby!
@wabbit_baby yea hahaa thanks! No wonder I need to frequent toilet a lot more now!
@moo3moo i m going tomorrow too! What time r u going?
@snowy03 haha slowly will def turn down :) yes really looking forward to seeing baby n carrying him in arms!!
@Ice_Tea i m also quite surprised when gynae told me baby 's head is in right position -turn down...but I don't know if he will turn again? Haha..I think doesn't matter turn where....as long as healthy!!

wow so nice of ur friend;)
I'm in my 3rd trimester! now 27 wk 1 day ^^
Any1 feel the v getting sore in day time ? I wonder if is due to sitting too long in the office..Weather gg to be even worse for the next 2 wks. Can't imagine June gg to be even worse.
Yup baby movements getting more n more active since 25 26 wks..
I hv that sore pressure too some weeks ago and even up to now sometimes when I walk too much and asked my gynae -he said cos bbs r growing bigger and the weight is causing it..as long no weird discharge or spotting with it it is ok..just try not to walk too much and put legs up on a support as much as u can
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yea weather very warm these days...until I buay tahan and when im alone in the hse mostly I just go ard in hse with bra and shorts..blasted fan at highest speed + aircon--shiok:D
@chrisl the diaper bag looks good! My goodie fren bought me a skip n hop diaper bag as my bday pressie haa so I think I won't b looking at another bag hee... Yes I think i will get more swaddled from the taka fair
@hi_mei hahaa yes cuz my edd is early June...so erhem i will share my birth experience with u guys after that...haa...yes think the april baby fair is our last 'chiong' fair before we see baby!
@wabbit_baby yea hahaa thanks! No wonder I need to frequent toilet a lot more now!
@moo3moo i m going tomorrow too! What time r u going?
@snowy03 haha slowly will def turn down :) yes really looking forward to seeing baby n carrying him in arms!!
@Ice_Tea i m also quite surprised when gynae told me baby 's head is in right position -turn down...but I don't know if he will turn again? Haha..I think doesn't matter turn where....as long as healthy!!
I realized that my bb like at the same position when I went for the previous 2 checkups hehe.. Her head is still at the right just that she will either face up or down hehe..
I realized that my bb like at the same position when I went for the previous 2 checkups hehe.. Her head is still at the right just that she will either face up or down hehe..

My bb also head on the right and facing me. Can see that the right side tummy is slightly rounder than the left.
I don't wear perfume hee...don't know if 'safe' for baby a not though I think shdb ok...but i kiasu haha

I m back from taka fair...hmm actually nothing much to buy since I bought a cot liao...n I know what stroller to get too...hee...bought some pigeon baby wipes n baby clothes...didn't see/get any swaddles...
Those who don't have time to spare can just wait for the april fair...I think there will b more things to get hee...

yea weather very warm these days...until I buay tahan and when im alone in the hse mostly I just go ard in hse with bra and shorts..blasted fan at highest speed + aircon--shiok:D
Haha can go with bra n undies...skyli ur hubby turns on ...den u will feel even hotter by then :p
