(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Didn't know there is pre mature specialist in it...btw can share how is e charges? And have to go mt a c him? Cos I stayed in west...
Ya his clinic at mt. A. I'm not sure abt the charges. Can't recall. U might wan to give them a call to find out. Their nurses v friendly. Can tell them ur concern over e phone n they will advise if need to see doc.

One of the mummy recommended him to me here when my #1 had high fever few mths back. Find him patient n v detailed. Then when I learned that he also specialize in low birth weight bb, I decided to op for him to be #2 pd. Gynae was worried that #2 might b low birth weight coz of #1 history so need him to standby.
Lolz yah If one side 100-120 I will keep quiet Liao lolz

My gynea suggest latching on when bb 2 or 3 months old cos may more cooperative and won't fall asleep and supply may go up ...
I do latch once or twice a day. But he is like nv full from latching. Like machiam sucking for fun. After suckling for 20-30min will get angry n cry. So got to give fm. My boy is 3wk+ n drinks 100ml bm,fm will either 60 or 90ml. Depending on how close was e last feed.

Pd advise to feed when he wants but he can refuse to zzz n cry almost every hourly especially at night. And cl will make fm for him. Wish to set a pattern when cl leaves Tmr. Else feed every hourly can die sia
Which brand of Breast pump you all using? Not sure if the different types of Breast pumps will produce different results or not cause I heard some suction is better than the other...
I do latch once or twice a day. But he is like nv full from latching. Like machiam sucking for fun. After suckling for 20-30min will get angry n cry. So got to give fm. My boy is 3wk+ n drinks 100ml bm,fm will either 60 or 90ml. Depending on how close was e last feed.

Pd advise to feed when he wants but he can refuse to zzz n cry almost every hourly especially at night. And cl will make fm for him. Wish to set a pattern when cl leaves Tmr. Else feed every hourly can die sia
Give him more milk during his feed? As long as he doesn't puke it's okay to let him drink more
Give him more milk during his feed? As long as he doesn't puke it's okay to let him drink more
Tried to give more but he will take ages to finish. Like he is not that hungry but since its offered, he will take his time to slowly drink. Still can't catch his drinking pattern... Right nw, he is drinking 100ml ebm for 1h still left 50ml! Tink today no mood to drink. Going to waste my ebm le *heartpain*
Ya same ... I also using freestyle.
Did you all try using hands free pumping bra?

I am using the simple wishes hands free pumping bra as I'm typing this. Its a lifesaver, time goes by ALOT faster when the hands r free to surf the net, check Facebook etc. Last time hold the pumps until the hands damn sng, make me so cranky n depressed.
How long do you all pump to get that 100-120ml? Im starting to pump also. Bb gg to be 1 weeks old amd my breast will harden like siao if miss afew feedimg hrs...
If ur baby is healthy , y u need to go pre mature specialist? Normal pd can right?
I was thinking to get pd in west than need to bring bb to so far...
Ya my bb is strong fighter ytd dr commented everyrhing okie except her weight...later will call to say the dr leh...math failed lor gained 220g count till 22g scare die me...
Tried to give more but he will take ages to finish. Like he is not that hungry but since its offered, he will take his time to slowly drink. Still can't catch his drinking pattern... Right nw, he is drinking 100ml ebm for 1h still left 50ml! Tink today no mood to drink. Going to waste my ebm le *heartpain*
Is he no mood to drink or due to teat of e bottle? when I'm 1st using avent bottle my girl one hr liao still like nv touch e milk at all that kind of half of it den my sis commented if that is e case not more than 1 hr once touch saliva so got to throw e milk...den my friend recommend nuk bottle touch wood la every feed will nv more than 20 mins...u may change bottle n c how it is goes...trial an error...
I am using the simple wishes hands free pumping bra as I'm typing this. Its a lifesaver, time goes by ALOT faster when the hands r free to surf the net, check Facebook etc. Last time hold the pumps until the hands damn sng, make me so cranky n depressed.
Sounds super useful...u buy online? Can share e link?
20-25 mins for me

20-25 mins on avg for me too... longer if there's still milk coming out

Sounds super useful...u buy online? Can share e link?

i got mine online from pupsik studio. its $45, well worth every penny!! get the simple wishes one, not the other brands.

for those going for the brunch today, enjoy! wish i can join, let me know if u ladies are meeting again later this month/next month. can't join today cos my hubby's niece, who is currently teaching english in Korea, is visiting SG for a week, n we are hosting her... adding to the household chaos!
I was thinking to get pd in west than need to bring bb to so far...
Ya my bb is strong fighter ytd dr commented everyrhing okie except her weight...later will call to say the dr leh...math failed lor gained 220g count till 22g scare die me...

Aiyo, so blur. Hahaha ur side no pd? Cos when i give birth to nos. 1, my gynae assigned the nearest pd to me so i dont have to go all the way etc. So now i stick to him since so near my hse. U wan the contact? Cos nearest mrt is chinese garden n is walkin distance too
found this online, it is way too funny not to share:


OK, here's my situation. My mummy has had me for almost 5 months. The first few months were great - I cried, she picked me up and fed me, anytime, day or night. Then something happened.

Over the last few weeks, she has been trying to STTN (sleep through the night). At first, I thought it was just a phase, but it is only getting worse. I've talked to other babies, and it seems like it's pretty common after mummies have had us for around 6 months.

Here's the thing: these mummies don't really need to sleep. It's just a habit. Many of them have had some 30 years to sleep - they just don't need it anymore. So I am implementing a plan. I call it the Crybaby Shuffle.

It goes like this:

Night 1 - cry every 3 hours until you get fed. I know, it's hard. It's hard to see your mummy upset over your crying. Just keep reminding yourself, it's for her own good.

Night 2 - cry every 2 hours until you get fed.

Night 3 - every hour.

Most mummies will start to respond more quickly after about 3 nights. Some mummies are more alert, and may resist the change longer. These mummies may stand in your doorway for hours, shhhh-ing. Don't give in. I cannot stress this enough:

If you let her STTN (sleep through the night), just once, she will expect it every night. I KNOW IT'S HARD! But she really does not need the sleep, she is just resisting the change.

If you have an especially alert mummy, you can stop crying for about 10 minutes, just long enough for her to go back to bed and start to fall asleep. Then cry again. It WILL eventually work. My mummy once stayed awake for 10 hours straight, so I know she can do it.

Last night, I cried every hour. You just have to decide to stick to it and just go for it.

I cried for any reason I could come up with. My sleep sack tickled my foot. I felt a wrinkle under the sheet. My mobile made a shadow on the wall. I burped, and it tasted like pears. I hadn't eaten pears since lunch, what's up with that? The cat said "meow". I should know. My mummy reminds me of this about 20 times a day. LOL. Once I cried just because I liked how it sounded when it echoed on the monitor in the other room. Too hot, too cold, just right - doesn't matter! Keep crying!!

It took a while, but it worked. She fed me at 4am. Tomorrow night, my goal is 3:30am. You need to slowly shorten the interval between feedings in order to reset your mummies' internal clocks.

P.S. Don't let those rubber things fool you, no matter how long you suck on them, no milk will come out. Trust me!
Hi Jan mummies, can I ask -- how frequent are your post-natal massage sessions? is it an everyday thing?

sorry ah, first time mum, i did a search but most threads dont reveal how frequent the sessions should occur
Hi Jan mummies, can I ask -- how frequent are your post-natal massage sessions? is it an everyday thing?

sorry ah, first time mum, i did a search but most threads dont reveal how frequent the sessions should occur

My post natal massage was done consecutively for 7 days on my 3rd week after giving birth (didn't want it earlier as I was still recovering from episotmoy wound).

After the 7 days my tummy was back to my pre pregancy size, it's my 1st pregnancy :)
My post natal massage was done consecutively for 7 days on my 3rd week after giving birth (didn't want it earlier as I was still recovering from episotmoy wound).

After the 7 days my tummy was back to my pre pregancy size, it's my 1st pregnancy :)

wow nice! thats encouraging! thanks!
Our is 1 week diff but still kena say is pre term bb...just I was so angry kns e nurse at nuh shout in e clinic asking is that pre term or full term bb...den everyone looking at me...
My bb this sat 1 mth old...my actual edd now become end of my confinement day...lol
My bb jaudice peak was 167...I so scare will went up again so cut down alcohol n no ginger...how abt urs?

When my bb full month it was his actual edd day. Nvm the nurse lah, sometimes they do their job till numb then is a bit insensitive. As long as bb healthy next time pre or full term won't matter so much.
