IVF/ICSI Support Group

So hard to stay sane and cool when the boss called to talk abt work stuff. I heart beat fast when I was told I would be needed at work this Friday. :( the injection I did on my tummy was not so successful cause blood dripped out. Must be my shaking hands. I'm going to have to learn to not pick the phone up when it's work calling.
ouch.... must be painful... ya.. hv to keep phone away... jy jy...

Gooiee, progesterone support will only help the embryo to hold on to the lining & provide the necessary lifeline for growth. If the embryo wasn't meant to grow in the 1st place, I do believe God has reasons. Take heart we all believe you and your wife will succeed.
Thanks I agree that if its meant to be then it is. The only irk was during our review when I brought this up the doctor told me that no evidence proves that having more progesterone will conceive or make a difference and since we are on three times daily support it should not make a difference. However, when I told him that true enough average or high progesterone will not ensure conceive BUT IF the progesterone is very low, it CAN hamper the embryo growing. So my question here is why they don't even check the levels in case it is too low. Today we do not know if it's low,average or high. WHAT IF my wife absorption rate is low and progesterone was too low to carry the baby through nobody knows because no check was done. He finally agreed with me and said we can choose to be checked if we want for our next cycle. Bummer. After paying so much I just wanted all bases covered and of course at that time we were quite lost that we had a chemical I guess. Hate having these "what ifs" but I also know I'm just tormenting myself.

Baby dust to all and hope we all have our bfp and stickies soon! I trust and have faith it WILL happen one day
Btw guys, kkivf does do PGD but the cost is $5000 and since doctor advised it doesn't ensure conceive also we were advised and we agreed that it's a waste of money. This info is just for those who thought about PGD
Did my scan today, same thing again the eggs r the same amount as the previous 9 even though change of drug. Dun understand Hw cme the quantity of eggs nv increase . Sat will be doing pick up.
Hang in there gooiee... sometimes there are no answers to all our questions. Can only do our best. From what I was told by the clinic, the only information we can never pay the embryologist to do is the sex of the baby. Anything else is possible with $ and the expertise of a gd embryologist of coz. :)
Did my scan today, same thing again the eggs r the same amount as the previous 9 even though change of drug. Dun understand Hw cme the quantity of eggs nv increase . Sat will be doing pick up.
Did they grow in size? I guess they are good enuf else the doc will not schedule pick up.
Did my scan today, same thing again the eggs r the same amount as the previous 9 even though change of drug. Dun understand Hw cme the quantity of eggs nv increase . Sat will be doing pick up.
Egg quantity wont increase with the stim meds. Your egg quantity for each menstrual cycle is likely determined by your body when you were in gestation in mummy's tummy. But the stimulation meds are intended to provide more-than-usual hormones to make more than 1 follicle grow to maturity. As long as the follicles grow with each scan that means stims are working. Jia you for Saturday! :)
You could ask the doc to give you different medication. I was on puregon 1st round. It gave me rubbish eggs but I responded better to gonal f. I had menopur and saizen. I ended with 9 mature eggs of which 4 made it to day 5!
i did iui with 100iu of puregon and I have 6 follicles. after 2 failed iui, I went to TCM for 8 months and I went back to do BT and it shows I have low reserve... even gynae was surprised how come within a year my reserve becomes low... now on 400iu of puregon and not sure will it help to increase the no. of follicles and also the growth. going for my scan on sat. hope there are good follicles...
So if i used to have only 6 follicles means no matter how much stim jabs i given will still be only 6? Wont increase the no. Of eggs?
If that month's scan show 6 follicles then it will be around that (bear in mind some smaller ones may be missed out during u/s scan).

But take heart every month is different. And bear in mind our ovaries take turn (left side, right side) so the hormones for one month may differ from the 2nd month.

For those who failed a fresh w low follicles, my suggestion is try to scan on the "other month" to see if any difference. Ie if your failed fresh is in jan, try to cycle in April or june, not may or july. Am i making sense? Not guaranteed it will make any difference but no harm trying.
If that month's scan show 6 follicles then it will be around that (bear in mind some smaller ones may be missed out during u/s scan).

But take heart every month is different. And bear in mind our ovaries take turn (left side, right side) so the hormones for one month may differ from the 2nd month.

For those who failed a fresh w low follicles, my suggestion is try to scan on the "other month" to see if any difference. Ie if your failed fresh is in jan, try to cycle in April or june, not may or july. Am i making sense? Not guaranteed it will make any difference but no harm trying.

I understand what you trying to say because....
my first iui in jan, I have 3 follicles on each side. so total is 6. the next round of iui in feb, I have I think 1 or 2 follicles at right side. I cannot proceed because my right tube is blocked so it was aborted. but according to gynae, whether the tube is blocked or not, is ok as they can retrieve the follicles from both tubes.
Egg quantity wont increase with the stim meds. Your egg quantity for each menstrual cycle is likely determined by your body when you were in gestation in mummy's tummy. But the stimulation meds are intended to provide more-than-usual hormones to make more than 1 follicle grow to maturity. As long as the follicles grow with each scan that means stims are working. Jia you for Saturday! :)
It's really is not abt quatity but quality. Don't be upset abt what you can't control. Chin up and stay positive.
Thanks for the encouragement ladies❤️
hugs Nanja, I feel u... those stupid remarks ^&%*^(&)*%$& must learn to master left ear in and right ear out.
33yo is consider young for ivf... maybe becoz I started late ;p ... lets jy together..

Thanks Lynhope.

@kevangie , I am with Dr Veronique. Anyone with this doctor? She never suggest IUI or SO-IUI, direct suggest IVF on 2nd consult. Seems like she don't want to wasted our time, very patiently explain to us. At first we are thinking doing IVF with other famous Doctor, but after reading some blog and forum, we decided to stick with her.
Thanks all. Done with the procedures. Must say it went very fast. Thumb up to the nurses who took good care of me during observation. Now resting. Managed to retrieve 22 but not sure how many will make it. My last round I got 26 but only 2 make it to transfer. Whatever the outcome, we have done our best.
@Nanja-Monja Dr Veronique is not my actual IVF doctor (Dr Sadhana) but I have consulted her several times as she was the doctor-on-duty during the days I went to KKH for scan. I found her to be a very nice, approachable and patient lady. You're in good hands. :)
1) is there a limit on e number of fresh cycles that can be done in sg?(not saying govt grant, but on number of tries). Can we have 4 fresh tries?
Is it we cannot do more than 3 fresh cycles?

2) Anyone knows if tfc lab will be close in dec?
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Thanks all. Done with the procedures. Must say it went very fast. Thumb up to the nurses who took good care of me during observation. Now resting. Managed to retrieve 22 but not sure how many will make it. My last round I got 26 but only 2 make it to transfer. Whatever the outcome, we have done our best.

Are you with Kkh? I also have 26 previously but managed to transfer 1. Did u do anything this time round? Did the doc use the same protocol?
Connie, be positive. Dun think abt heartbreaks. U might succeed.
Dr sadhana DiD mentioned tat she has patients who tried 10xs. Jy!
1) is there a limit on e number of fresh cycles that can be done in sg?(not saying govt grant, but on number of tries). Can we have 4 fresh tries?
Is it we cannot do more than 3 fresh cycles?

2) Anyone knows if tfc lab will be close in dec?

1. As the ladies mentioned, if enter ivf program before 40, max 10 fresh cycles. Does not include frozen. And the 10 includes any fresh done outside of SG.

2. TFC closed for 2 weeks in Decl
1. As the ladies mentioned, if enter ivf program before 40, max 10 fresh cycles. Does not include frozen. And the 10 includes any fresh done outside of SG.

2. TFC closed for 2 weeks in Decl
when they closed, need to go thomson medical hosp to do checkup and scanning?
Hi happy mtb I am with nuh but I am with prof pc wong, I heard dr anu also not bad. Are you embarking ivf soon? Prof will be on leave first 3 week in december

Yes I'm with KKH now and would like to switch to NUH because of the stimulation drugs. My pte gynae has recommends a drug that KKH doesn't carry. So he told me to go NUH.
Connie, be positive. Dun think abt heartbreaks. U might succeed.
Dr sadhana DiD mentioned tat she has patients who tried 10xs. Jy!
yes, all brave sisters here, lets jiayou! though each attempt does not gaurantee success , there is still a chance.i know faith and hope dwindles aftr each failed attempt but hang in there!
huh, kkivf centre closed for two weeks during xmas .i better check wif my hospital if they r closing too. wil b doing fet during tt time and wish to start fresh immediately in jan if touchwood ,dec fet fails

Hi sisters, what's e waiting time to do fresh at kkivfc? Once referred to ivf, gotta wait 2 weeks for them to call ya? Then what about briefing? How long after briefing then can start actual procedure? I was reading some backlog posts n saw a sister mentioned that her fresh can only start in Feb n now is only Nov!? Omg, i was still thinking I can finally do our first fresh in January. Next appt in early Dec n prob on this day then doc officially refer to kkivfc.
