IVF/ICSI Support Group

At o n g u can insist. That's what I did even though kkivf din want to entertain us. Although ours ended up chemical but still wondering if I had it earlier would it make a difference (sigh bridge under the water). That's why just go and insist to have it. The medication costs $30+ only an du have ease of mind. The only thing u need to know is that the side effects will get worse though it doesn't harm u or the baby
Actually in my opinion I would rather not hv to need add support. Going to the o&g and speaking to the dr was great comfort already. Thanks gooiee for your advice!
Lovely that you're seeing double line, Mich.

Despite what other views there are here, you've done all (and everyone case is different) and now just rest well and Monday will come soon. It's important to have a relaxed mind. We all know that :)
Thank you redvel. How hv you been? Are you going on holiday soon?

I think like you too. Now gotta rest and stop over analysing and pray Monday bt is good too.
the ivf centre nurse asked me to eat 1 or 2 fully cooked egg white a day. I am going for the scan this sat. I recently did a blood test and it shows I have low reserve egg so im worried also. im not very old nor very young.. im 33 this year.
dun think too much... we only need 1 egg and sperm :)
KKIVF called me yesterday and told me that my appointment for briefing will be in Jan and most possibly procedure will be in Feb and if it happens to fall during CNY then will have to change it to Mar. So disappointed. Just wondering have anyone ever try calling them and ask them for an earlier date so that the procedure can be done in Jan? Am thinking of calling them but wondering what are the chances. Pls advice.
kevangie, jy jy... understand the disappointment. u can try natural while waiting for the cycle. :) my friend got her cycle postpone and she strike naturally, maybe stress free as mindset going for ivf next mth.
kevangie, jy jy... understand the disappointment. u can try natural while waiting for the cycle. :) my friend got her cycle postpone and she strike naturally, maybe stress free as mindset going for ivf next mth.

Ya that's true.. Just relax lah and who knows. Haha. Thanks anyway.
Hi everyone. I just join the forum today. I have been reading up about conceiving and various methods. Me and my hb are trying for a baby for 3 years, but till today, no good news. We have decided to go for IVF treatment, hoping to have a baby soon. I have never try other methods such as IUI. My thinking was if IVF has a higher chance of success rate, I want to try IVF. I know IVF treatment can be very expensive and tedious for couples. I have my preferred gynae, if I have the money capability, I would have chosen to do in my gynae clinic. However, when I think about the govt subsidy that we could get if we do IVF treatment in a public hospital, the treatment fees would be much lower than a private clinic. I saw some members recommended to visit a polyclinic to get a referral letter to a public hospital, the fees will be more lower. We decided to visit a polyclinic this Saturday morning to get a referral letter. Will the polyclinic arrange the appointment date for me or do I need to call the hospital myself? I do not know which public hospital to choose.
the moment u decided on ivf, u r a private patient at gov hospital.. the ivf charges in gov or private hospital is abt the same, the only difference is grant. So going thru polyclinic u only saved on the pre-ivf test n check.
Yeah.. but heard that the trigger shot Is painful. Actually I have got used to the daily jab. Its quite fun :p provided that i used ice to numb the area first.
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What is support for? Sorry if it is a stupid question
@paperclip we all receive various forms of support during IVF via jabs, tablets and pessaries. Eg progesterone pessaries to insert after ET. Sometimes our body needs more to maintain the embryo growing within. Usually IVF centre will ask to be notified if hv bleeding or spotting so they can gauge if need to increase the support.
So far, kkivf hv a "reputation" for limited additional support hence the debate and advice here on whether it's required.
Hope it helps.
Thank you redvel. How hv you been? Are you going on holiday soon?

I think like you too. Now gotta rest and stop over analysing and pray Monday bt is good too.
Miching yeah rest well, hope for the best on monday. Maybe it is an old implantation spotting. How many did you transfer? Is it two?
@paperclip we all receive various forms of support during IVF via jabs, tablets and pessaries. Eg progesterone pessaries to insert after ET. Sometimes our body needs more to maintain the embryo growing within. Usually IVF centre will ask to be notified if hv bleeding or spotting so they can gauge if need to increase the support.
So far, kkivf hv a "reputation" for limited additional support hence the debate and advice here on whether it's required.
Hope it helps.

Thanks Mich. Now I have a clearer picture.
How does everyone cope with work? I see that there are a lot of procedures that need to do/follow up after IVF procedure. Every 2 days do test/scanning or visiting the doctor. Won't it affect your work? Or do you stop working when you start IVF?
Thanks chuckles and kym for your advice.

Now I really got to decide which hospital I want to go when I visit polyclinic this Saturday. I was thinking, can I choose my doctor when I am in the hospital? Will that defeat the purpose of visiting polyclinic from start?
Hi paperclip if you got referal letter from poly you can not choose a doctor but you will safe some cost of initial check but once you are in ivf programme it will be private cost same as others
How does everyone cope with work? I see that there are a lot of procedures that need to do/follow up after IVF procedure. Every 2 days do test/scanning or visiting the doctor. Won't it affect your work? Or do you stop working when you start IVF?
I told my boss that I'm doing ivf. Luckily he is supportive. But I must say its really disturbing the job. Have to take leave every other day. Waiting time at kkh is not helping.
I told my boss that I'm doing ivf. Luckily he is supportive. But I must say its really disturbing the job. Have to take leave every other day. Waiting time at kkh is not helping.
I didnt tell my boss or collegue that I am doing ivf. I made sure I reach nuh by 7.30, so I can scanned by 08.00 when they open. Good things that some of the days fall on saturday too
I am worrying a lot of things. If I do IVF, taking leave every now and then will affect my work. I'm not sure how I should tell my boss. It's difficult to tell a male boss and don't know what will his reaction be if I tell him. If I go to public hospital, the waiting time is very long. If I don't tell my boss, once come to egg retrieval process, I will be issued hospitalisation leave. How to inform my boss why I need to go for hospitalisation leave? ("Boss, I met with an accident. I am in hospital for 7 days. No, no. You don't have to come to the hospital to visit me. I'm fine")
I am worrying a lot of things. If I do IVF, taking leave every now and then will affect my work. I'm not sure how I should tell my boss. It's difficult to tell a male boss and don't know what will his reaction be if I tell him. If I go to public hospital, the waiting time is very long. If I don't tell my boss, once come to egg retrieval process, I will be issued hospitalisation leave. How to inform my boss why I need to go for hospitalisation leave? ("Boss, I met with an accident. I am in hospital for 7 days. No, no. You don't have to come to the hospital to visit me. I'm fine")

Hi paperclip,
I am newbie here. I also decide to do IVF after doing several test at KKH. I married on 2007, miscarriage once at 2008. Until now still no conceive. I am still waiting KKIVF to call me. The IVF journey need many test, many scan, and many injection. Yesterday I already informed my Boss even I still don't get the appointment date. I think its better to inform Boss, cos we not only need support from husband & family, we need Boss and colleagues support also.
Hi Nanja. I'm also new here. I wish I am as brave as you, to inform my boss beforehand. It's unavoidable. How long have you wait for KKIVF to call you? I saw some forums discussed the waiting time at KKIVF could be March 2015 due to holiday seasons and Chinese New Year is coming. I don't mind waiting since I have already waited for 3 years. If in the midst of waiting and we conceive naturally, it is a bonus for us.
Paperclip, that's the downside of ivf at govt hospitals. No choice. You don't have to use all the med leave given if your job won't get in the way. I could have med leave till bt but I asked for only 1 week. Staying at home alone during 2ww is really tough!!! I'm going back to work after a few days and taking it easy.
I am worrying a lot of things. If I do IVF, taking leave every now and then will affect my work. I'm not sure how I should tell my boss. It's difficult to tell a male boss and don't know what will his reaction be if I tell him. If I go to public hospital, the waiting time is very long. If I don't tell my boss, once come to egg retrieval process, I will be issued hospitalisation leave. How to inform my boss why I need to go for hospitalisation leave? ("Boss, I met with an accident. I am in hospital for 7 days. No, no. You don't have to come to the hospital to visit me. I'm fine")

Hi just to share my experience. Scan usually start on day 2 if u are doing short protocol. Day 2 u can take mc because I cannot plan my leave ahead not knowing when my AF will come. U will jab for few days and kkh will give u a date for scan. U can take half day leave for this. Another scan will be schedule two days later, usually alt days. U can also take half day leave or take mc if needed. As for HL just inform your boss that u need to go for woman procedure if u don't want to tell the truth. When my boss asked when is my HL I will say I am waiting for my dr confirmation. Should be this or this date.
Hi paperclip,
I am newbie here. I also decide to do IVF after doing several test at KKH. I married on 2007, miscarriage once at 2008. Until now still no conceive. I am still waiting KKIVF to call me. The IVF journey need many test, many scan, and many injection. Yesterday I already informed my Boss even I still don't get the appointment date. I think its better to inform Boss, cos we not only need support from husband & family, we need Boss and colleagues support also.

Hi Nanja-Monja, I am also married in 2007 but have started trying even before that. May i ask when was your consultation and which dr are you with?
Hi Nanja. I'm also new here. I wish I am as brave as you, to inform my boss beforehand. It's unavoidable. How long have you wait for KKIVF to call you? I saw some forums discussed the waiting time at KKIVF could be March 2015 due to holiday seasons and Chinese New Year is coming. I don't mind waiting since I have already waited for 3 years. If in the midst of waiting and we conceive naturally, it is a bonus for us.

Hi paperclip, according to them it's 1-2 weeks from your last appointment. I went for my appointment on the 4th nov and i received their call yesterday. Was told that the earlier slot will be in Feb. On the first day of your menses u will call them and by then they will be able to advice you if u can do your procedure or not. They will only be close on the PH of feb.. which is i think 2 days. Btw, are you on short or long protocol?
@paperclip, I have two male bosses and I was upfront with them that I was going for IVF and I explained to them that it involved visits to KKH about 2 - 3 times a week, followed by 18 - 21-day HL. Thankfully, they were very understanding as they are both fathers and know I have been struggling to conceive for a very long time. Lucky for me also that KKH was only 5 minutes walking distance from my work place. For scans, I get them done by the morning so all I need is an excuse chit from the nurse that covers me until lunch time. It's only when I feel tired or unwell that I ask for 1-day MC from the doctor. The HL lets me recover adequately from the ER and ET. I think being fully honest with bosses is the best strategy as they are also more likely to empathize with you. Hiding the truth may backfire and cause them to be more suspicious.
Hi, I m a silent reader for this thread..i gt BFN today on 12dp3t for my 1st fresh cycle..Would like to know what I can eat to tiao my body for my FET..
And I have a silly question to ask. Since I have bleeding or menses currently, is that means the embryos is no longer in my uterus? It has dropped from my body?
Hi paperclip, according to them it's 1-2 weeks from your last appointment. I went for my appointment on the 4th nov and i received their call yesterday. Was told that the earlier slot will be in Feb. On the first day of your menses u will call them and by then they will be able to advice you if u can do your procedure or not. They will only be close on the PH of feb.. which is i think 2 days. Btw, are you on short or long protocol?

Sorry, I think I really don't know much about the terms. I'm not sure which protocol I am at. I have not seen a doctor yet. I am planning to go polyclinic this Saturday to arrange for a referral letter and fix an appointment date with a public hospital. While reading, I see many ladies are going to KKIVF, a more popular choice, so I think maybe I shall request the polyclinic staff to arrange an appointment for me to visit KKIVF too.

May I ask, how long will this scanning, testing, consultation (for every 2 days) last? Is it for 37 weeks until the baby is born?
@paperclip, I have two male bosses and I was upfront with them that I was going for IVF and I explained to them that it involved visits to KKH about 2 - 3 times a week, followed by 18 - 21-day HL. Thankfully, they were very understanding as they are both fathers and know I have been struggling to conceive for a very long time. Lucky for me also that KKH was only 5 minutes walking distance from my work place. For scans, I get them done by the morning so all I need is an excuse chit from the nurse that covers me until lunch time. It's only when I feel tired or unwell that I ask for 1-day MC from the doctor. The HL lets me recover adequately from the ER and ET. I think being fully honest with bosses is the best strategy as they are also more likely to empathize with you. Hiding the truth may backfire and cause them to be more suspicious.

I totally agree with you. To be truthful than to hide. I will try to work out something during this period before my first appointment on how to inform my boss about this matter, or email him if it is awkward to put into words.
Sorry, I think I really don't know much about the terms. I'm not sure which protocol I am at. I have not seen a doctor yet. I am planning to go polyclinic this Saturday to arrange for a referral letter and fix an appointment date with a public hospital. While reading, I see many ladies are going to KKIVF, a more popular choice, so I think maybe I shall request the polyclinic staff to arrange an appointment for me to visit KKIVF too.

May I ask, how long will this scanning, testing, consultation (for every 2 days) last? Is it for 37 weeks until the baby is born?

KKIVF website says it's the largest IVF centre in Singapore, but not sure whether it's largest by patient volume, number of staff or by the floor area of the facility. The way I see it, the entire typical IVF cycle lasts from day 1 of your menses until the pregnancy blood test on the last day of your hospitalization leave. The every 2-3 day scan/consultation is only up to the day of egg retrieval, to monitor the growth of your follicles in response to the stimulating drugs. If you get BFN for your pregnancy BT, you will go back to see the doctor for further treatment to increase your chances and to probably arrange for another IVF cycle. If BFP, the doctor may oversee your 1st trimester scans and tests, and you have some time to decide on your gynae and hospital of choice to give birth. My IVF doc was Dr. Sadhana at KKH, but since she does not do deliveries (she wants to give her full attention to IVF patients) and only takes care of patients up to the 1st trimester, I had to find another gynae. I could choose a gynae in KKH but decided to go private.

In the 1st and 2nd trimester, the scan and consultation with gynae is once a month. In the 3rd trimester, it's once every 3 weeks until the final month, it increases to once a week.
Sorry, I think I really don't know much about the terms. I'm not sure which protocol I am at. I have not seen a doctor yet. I am planning to go polyclinic this Saturday to arrange for a referral letter and fix an appointment date with a public hospital. While reading, I see many ladies are going to KKIVF, a more popular choice, so I think maybe I shall request the polyclinic staff to arrange an appointment for me to visit KKIVF too.

May I ask, how long will this scanning, testing, consultation (for every 2 days) last? Is it for 37 weeks until the baby is born?

Oh oh... So sorry didn't know u haven't see dr yet. Personally, I didn't go through poly clinic. What i did was i called kkh directly and ask for an appointment date with the dr i want. Like what the rest said, it will be under private. My first consultation + scan and 3 kinds of blood test cost me $200+. Not sure how much it will be if refer by poly clinic.
As this is my first time, i dont really know how often the scan n other test will take. But for my first appointment, i was done by 2pm (my appointment was at 12:20pm).
No worries, Angie. Thanks Archie and Angie.

So can I assume the every 2-3 days scan/consultation will continue for a month until we are pregnant, then it will be the usual scan/consultation with the gynae?

For this scenario, for example, if I go to KKH for IVF, I got pregnant through IVF with the help from KKH, then I stop visiting KKH and choose a private clinic for consultation, labour, etc, will this affect the government grant?
No worries, Angie. Thanks Archie and Angie.

So can I assume the every 2-3 days scan/consultation will continue for a month until we are pregnant, then it will be the usual scan/consultation with the gynae?

For this scenario, for example, if I go to KKH for IVF, I got pregnant through IVF with the help from KKH, then I stop visiting KKH and choose a private clinic for consultation, labour, etc, will this affect the government grant?

The 2-3 days scan/consultation is less than a month, about 2 weeks, until the day of your ER. After that, during HL which we also call the 2-week wait, you're given progesterone inserts to help with implantation until the scheduled day of your BT, which is the last day of the HL. You don't go to hosp for scan/consultation during the 2ww. It is up to your uterus and embryo to do the magic work of implantation that leads to a pregnancy, and the hosp won't see you during that time. But some ladies who experience early spotting/bleeding during the 2ww may go to hosp before the BT date to do an earlier BT and if necessary, increase the progesterone dosage or whatever support to try to maintain the implantation.

The government grant is only for the ER and ET procedures. It does not cover pre-natal, pregnancy consultations after the IVF.
Hi Nanja. I'm also new here. I wish I am as brave as you, to inform my boss beforehand. It's unavoidable. How long have you wait for KKIVF to call you? I saw some forums discussed the waiting time at KKIVF could be March 2015 due to holiday seasons and Chinese New Year is coming. I don't mind waiting since I have already waited for 3 years. If in the midst of waiting and we conceive naturally, it is a bonus for us.

After so many stressful comments from friends and others peoples who get pregnant easily, me and husband decide to have a proper check up. Get referral letter from polyclinic, consult with Dr Veronique on July, I done HSG, blood test, pap smear, scanning. My problem is slow ovulation. Hubby done blood test, scanning, semen analyst, his sperm low mobility. Meet Doctor on 5th Nov, doctor say all hubby blood test and scanning are okay, but sperm low mobility, she suggest hubby to consult urology at Tan Tock Seng or direct IVF. First we suggest consult with urology, after searching from internet, even after surgery, the mobility increase about 20-40%. So me and hubby decide to cancel the appointment at TTS, and call KK to inform we want to go for IVF. KKIVF haven't call me yet. Nurse old me if KKIVF never call me by this week, I have to call. Me and hubby are mentality prepare for this. I tell my boss, hubby tell his boss also. Cos he want to company me for the journey. Before we also think can conceive naturally, but after wait for 6 years, sad plus pain from peoples words, some say go n pray, some say eat Chinese medicine, some says sex position wrong, some even ask with laughing face, so we make this decision. I am 33 years old liao, must faster.
Thank you all for clearing my doubts. Now I have a clearer picture what to expect for the coming journey.

Nanja, don't worry. I understand, babies don't come easy, not for everyone. Most of the time I smile back and reply "I'm not ready".
@Nanja-Monja, I know how you feel as I was at the receiving end of insensitive remarks for many years too. If I were you, I too would go straight to IVF. At 33, you still have time, so don't worry. With KKIVF, you must be persistent as this is a busy period for them. Looks to me like you need to get Dr Veronique to book you a slot for IVF at a certain month.

@paperclip You have a good attitude to be patient to wait until the month that KKIVF assigns to you, as they may not be able to give you the earliest month due to them having so many patients. Patience and perseverance are very important in this journey. All the best to you!
Thanks Archie for your encouragement. Most importantly is never feel panic or anxious to have a baby. The more I think, the more I want, maybe I don't have. Once you feel relax and calm, the baby comes to you. It's all fated, I guess.

I will try KKIVF first. If 3 trials I cannot succeed, then I will try in private hospital/clinic. If not for the government grant $6,000 for first timer, six grand is a lot to me, I thought I might as well use the grant first. If I can bring the medical bills down to a thousand or less, I don't feel the pinch.
Thanks Archie for your encouragement. Most importantly is never feel panic or anxious to have a baby. The more I think, the more I want, maybe I don't have. Once you feel relax and calm, the baby comes to you. It's all fated, I guess.

I will try KKIVF first. If 3 trials I cannot succeed, then I will try in private hospital/clinic. If not for the government grant $6,000 for first timer, six grand is a lot to me, I thought I might as well use the grant first. If I can bring the medical bills down to a thousand or less, I don't feel the pinch.

Yup I remember paying about $1000 or less for each IVF cycle with the govt grant.
At o n g u can insist. That's what I did even though kkivf din want to entertain us. Although ours ended up chemical but still wondering if I had it earlier would it make a difference (sigh bridge under the water). That's why just go and insist to have it. The medication costs $30+ only an du have ease of mind. The only thing u need to know is that the side effects will get worse though it doesn't harm u or the baby
Gooiee, progesterone support will only help the embryo to hold on to the lining & provide the necessary lifeline for growth. If the embryo wasn't meant to grow in the 1st place, I do believe God has reasons. Take heart we all believe you and your wife will succeed.
@Nanja-Monja, I know how you feel as I was at the receiving end of insensitive remarks for many years too. If I were you, I too would go straight to IVF. At 33, you still have time, so don't worry. With KKIVF, you must be persistent as this is a busy period for them. Looks to me like you need to get Dr Veronique to book you a slot for IVF at a certain month.

@paperclip You have a good attitude to be patient to wait until the month that KKIVF assigns to you, as they may not be able to give you the earliest month due to them having so many patients. Patience and perseverance are very important in this journey. All the best to you!

Thanks Archie7
Hi Nanja-Monja, I am also married in 2007 but have started trying even before that. May i ask when was your consultation and which dr are you with?
I am with Dr Venonique .
So hard to stay sane and cool when the boss called to talk abt work stuff. I heart beat fast when I was told I would be needed at work this Friday. :( the injection I did on my tummy was not so successful cause blood dripped out. Must be my shaking hands. I'm going to have to learn to not pick the phone up when it's work calling.

After so many stressful comments from friends and others peoples who get pregnant easily, me and husband decide to have a proper check up. Get referral letter from polyclinic, consult with Dr Veronique on July, I done HSG, blood test, pap smear, scanning. My problem is slow ovulation. Hubby done blood test, scanning, semen analyst, his sperm low mobility. Meet Doctor on 5th Nov, doctor say all hubby blood test and scanning are okay, but sperm low mobility, she suggest hubby to consult urology at Tan Tock Seng or direct IVF. First we suggest consult with urology, after searching from internet, even after surgery, the mobility increase about 20-40%. So me and hubby decide to cancel the appointment at TTS, and call KK to inform we want to go for IVF. KKIVF haven't call me yet. Nurse old me if KKIVF never call me by this week, I have to call. Me and hubby are mentality prepare for this. I tell my boss, hubby tell his boss also. Cos he want to company me for the journey. Before we also think can conceive naturally, but after wait for 6 years, sad plus pain from peoples words, some say go n pray, some say eat Chinese medicine, some says sex position wrong, some even ask with laughing face, so we make this decision. I am 33 years old liao, must faster.
hugs Nanja, I feel u... those stupid remarks ^&%*^(&)*%$& must learn to master left ear in and right ear out.
33yo is consider young for ivf... maybe becoz I started late ;p ... lets jy together..
