IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Hopeful,

I thought briefing and counseling is the same thing? It's not?

Looking fwd to cycling with you as well!!

Hi Yim!

No leh the briefing is to tell u what exactly to expect procedures and cost. After which u have to book an appt with a social worker to soThe counseling for more emotional support. We skip the latter cos hubby didn't have leave till sept...:)
Anyone still hv bloated tummy and contraction feeling 4days after ER? Cant even walk properly and the feeling like having contraction during preg. My tummy feel like going to burst soon. The skin is so stretched till look like going to give birth soon.
Anyone still hv bloated tummy and contraction feeling 4days after ER? Cant even walk properly and the feeling like having contraction during preg. My tummy feel like going to burst soon. The skin is so stretched till look like going to give birth soon.
U seems to have symptoms of OHSS.
If you are feeling super bloated n unable to pass urine, best to call the hotline. They might ask u walk in to 24hr O&G...
Anyone still hv bloated tummy and contraction feeling 4days after ER? Cant even walk properly and the feeling like having contraction during preg. My tummy feel like going to burst soon. The skin is so stretched till look like going to give birth soon.
Try to take more isotonic drinks. If really bad, shld go a&e as it can be serious. Take care!
Anyone still hv bloated tummy and contraction feeling 4days after ER? Cant even walk properly and the feeling like having contraction during preg. My tummy feel like going to burst soon. The skin is so stretched till look like going to give birth soon.
Ellesie, possible OHSS. Since you are in serious discomfort and already d4, suggest you consider going to clinic for a check up. If really OHSS and untreated, it is not only harmful sometimes can be highly dangerous.
Happy blossom : no leh, I never rush from bugis haha guess it helps me to save some time...
But looks like dr Zuo oso say lap will be good to remove the chocolate cyst first
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Dear sisters, pls help me interpret

So i was saying my SIS is not successful, i hv to go for hysteroscopy next wk to see if any scarrings n to remove if any.
Anyone here did this day surgery before? Care to share ur experience

What does 8 & 5 follicles on both ovaries means?

So my AMH levels is 1.1, was told its borderline low for my age 38. However, wasn't asked to take any DHEA supplements n even told that we could proceed to IVF next if my hysteroscopy went smoothly. I'm somewhat doubtful of e results n not sure if its really ok to proceed. Anyone who had similar AMH levels n progressed on to IVF without issues?

My hub SA results are normal. Mortility is 70% & morphology is 4%. But we don't really know what that means . Lol
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So far I experienced the black last doc, a female chi and this malay lady. I only like the black. My sis told me there was a chi guy doc too.
Yea I met the chi guy doc once. Seldom seen him around. Me and my hb don't quite like him. Attitude kinda cocky

i 101% agree!! i really dun like the chi guy too! super super cocky...ask him qs like waste his time. must be bcos of his bad judgement i failed my fresh. suay to hv met him :(
Anyone still hv bloated tummy and contraction feeling 4days after ER? Cant even walk properly and the feeling like having contraction during preg. My tummy feel like going to burst soon. The skin is so stretched till look like going to give birth soon.
Most likely symptoms of ohss. I rem my skin at my tummy was so taut that it hurts with every breath I take.

But continue your isotonic drinks and keep peeing. Super buay tahan then go 24hr clinic. They can do blood test to check on ohss. If it is cleared out of your system, u can drink antacid (which is gastric medicine) to get rid of the bloating and u will feel better.

And yes, u do look 6 months pregnant when u kanna ohss. almost can't lie on back. Even lying on side is uncomfy. Prop your head with more pillows to get a slightly more comfy position
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What does 8 & 5 follicles on both ovaries means?

My hub SA results are normal. Mortility is 70% & morphology is 4%. But we don't really know what that means . Lol View attachment 353149

I cant help you with all the interpretation... These are what I know

There are 8 notable follicles in your right ovary and 5 in your left...

SA result... Motility of Semen is how quickly your DH soldiers can move/swim 70% is a good number. Morphology is the quality/shape of the sperm, 4% of your DH soldier are have normal shape... its a borderline score if I remember correctly...
I cant help you with all the interpretation... These are what I know

There are 8 notable follicles in your right ovary and 5 in your left...

SA result... Motility of Semen is how quickly your DH soldiers can move/swim 70% is a good number. Morphology is the quality/shape of the sperm, 4% of your DH soldier are have normal shape... its a borderline score if I remember correctly...

thanks lots @ecym
i did the SIS on CD10, seems like AFC only 13 on CD10 doesnt look gd ya... the report made no mention of its sizes and if they are matured etc

DHEA has to be prescribed by doc? Can we buy OTC? I read that they only recommend DHEA for those whose AMH levels less than 1ng/ml but mine like only 1.1ng/ml, was thinking if i shd take first before they referred me to IVF??
Steven is the one who help me do the transfer.. I thought he is quite pro..

hi @Hope42014, u r under dr steven teo? can u share ur experience with him? did u BFP under him?

am under him too but am getting pretty frustrated during our consult. for eg, he juz say my AMH results are borderline low but still ok for my age 38 & that we are good to move on to IVF!? that my hub SA results are normal (he mentioned though it had bn a while since he last saw a normal result on a SA test), when i asked abt vol, mortility & morphology, was told all gd (hasnt seen the results ourselves then). then when i managed to get a copy of our tests then saw that my hub vol is only 1.9mil (normal is > 1.5mil) so also quite borderline. and his morphology is 4% which is juz at normal range lor...

felt like we are bn pushed to IVF in a rush. no meds or supplements to be taken at all...
Yes! I think his name is Steven Teo. During our last IVF failed cycle, we only had 1 notable follicle. During the last review session (with him) before arranging for ER, he kept commenting only 1 follicle ask us how? Like we are wasting time if we go ahead. Totally not empathetic at all... Super dislike!
@summerreef, am getting rather frustrated with him too

anyone know can still change to another dr at this point in time?

wanted to see dr THH initially but was told his appt are full back then & we wanted to get an earlier slot so ended up w e only consultant avail (dr steven teo) bleh...

hv done most relevant tests & kept a copy of results... possible to cancel my consults w dr teo & jump ship to dr THH now? anyone change doc midway (before IVF stage)??
hi @Hope42014, u r under dr steven teo? can u share ur experience with him? did u BFP under him?

am under him too but am getting pretty frustrated during our consult. for eg, he juz say my AMH results are borderline low but still ok for my age 38 & that we are good to move on to IVF!? that my hub SA results are normal (he mentioned though it had bn a while since he last saw a normal result on a SA test), when i asked abt vol, mortility & morphology, was told all gd (hasnt seen the results ourselves then). then when i managed to get a copy of our tests then saw that my hub vol is only 1.9mil (normal is > 1.5mil) so also quite borderline. and his morphology is 4% which is juz at normal range lor...

felt like we are bn pushed to IVF in a rush. no meds or supplements to be taken at all...
I am not under him... I am under Dr Jerry, but Dr Jerry is off during my transfer date, so Steven took over the transfer.. during the process, he check whether I have poly(something) that affect pregnancy. After check, then he tell us the pros and cons for doing 3 embryos transfer, which in the end I only transfer 2. Yes, BFP... thought he is quite good during my short session with him.

Why don't you change to Dr Jerry or Dr Mattew or Dr Tan? These 3 drs are quite good.. I like Dr Jerry, cos he response to my mail whenever I am in doubt.. very nice dr.

I feel that KKH does not support the idea of supplements? Even when I go to Dr Jerry, he did not give me any supplement too.. I have my private gynea who give me all the supplements to prepare for the IVF and advise us on the results from the various analysis.
I am not under him... I am under Dr Jerry, but Dr Jerry is off during my transfer date, so Steven took over the transfer.. during the process, he check whether I have poly(something) that affect pregnancy. After check, then he tell us the pros and cons for doing 3 embryos transfer, which in the end I only transfer 2. Yes, BFP... thought he is quite good during my short session with him.

Why don't you change to Dr Jerry or Dr Mattew or Dr Tan? These 3 drs are quite good.. I like Dr Jerry, cos he response to my mail whenever I am in doubt.. very nice dr.

I feel that KKH does not support the idea of supplements? Even when I go to Dr Jerry, he did not give me any supplement too.. I have my private gynea who give me all the supplements to prepare for the IVF and advise us on the results from the various analysis.

Congrats! :)

May i ask which private doc u went to for supplements?
I am not under him... I am under Dr Jerry, but Dr Jerry is off during my transfer date, so Steven took over the transfer.. during the process, he check whether I have poly(something) that affect pregnancy. After check, then he tell us the pros and cons for doing 3 embryos transfer, which in the end I only transfer 2. Yes, BFP... thought he is quite good during my short session with him.

Why don't you change to Dr Jerry or Dr Mattew or Dr Tan? These 3 drs are quite good.. I like Dr Jerry, cos he response to my mail whenever I am in doubt.. very nice dr.

I feel that KKH does not support the idea of supplements? Even when I go to Dr Jerry, he did not give me any supplement too.. I have my private gynea who give me all the supplements to prepare for the IVF and advise us on the results from the various analysis.
That's nice.. That he reply to email..

Congrats! :)
hi all, can i check for those who bfp n seeing tsb prior to ivf , do u take multivits or just take tsb medicine? wat abt brazil nuts,when do start taking?is it before ivf, during ivf to er period or take brazil nuts after et? thanks for e advise in advance
hi all, can i check for those who bfp n seeing tsb prior to ivf , do u take multivits or just take tsb medicine? wat abt brazil nuts,when do start taking?is it before ivf, during ivf to er period or take brazil nuts after et? thanks for e advise in advance

Hi I take TSB medicine and also my multi vit and minerals... I snack on brazil nuts weeks before I start on my cycle all the way till past my first scan post BFP.
I have done two IVF cycle with TSB and SGH, both cycles are similar and my diet are similar too... both cycles are BFP at span of about 10 months.
Bought isotonic drinks last night already :) I read that egg whites may reduce bloat but no way I will consume for along time. Sick of it.

Dramaqueenie, Dr and i have discussed before we are aiming for blasto. By this Fri, she will access the embies and see if we can try for blasto. If not advisable, we will do d2 transfer. Else will come back on next Monday for blasto.
Bought isotonic drinks last night already :) I read that egg whites may reduce bloat but no way I will consume for along time. Sick of it.

Dramaqueenie, Dr and i have discussed before we are aiming for blasto. By this Fri, she will access the embies and see if we can try for blasto. If not advisable, we will do d2 transfer. Else will come back on next Monday for blasto.
Egg whites help.. Or take protein if u have

Isotonic really useful I feel.
Make sure u can pee ah..
Thanks Faith. I will drown myself in hordes of fluid.

Miracle I will be there 730am. How about you? So tonight going to o&g for the trigger shot?
Miracle I'm sure your eggies are at optimal already. 2 eggies at 17.5 right? Altho I was scanned with 23 eggs on Mon, I believe 5 couldn't mature for today's ER.

I always get my timing for trigger in room 4 before I leave. Do call kkh if you don't receive the call soon.
Did a early BT today to give it a closure instead of agonizing. As expected it's negative...:( all the best to those still in 2ww or going to do ET. Will be starting a fresh cycle next mth.

Summerreef: you managed to do yr BT today?

Did a early BT today to give it a closure instead of agonizing. As expected it's negative...:( all the best to those still in 2ww or going to do ET. Will be starting a fresh cycle next mth.

Summerreef: you managed to do yr BT today?
Hugs... :(

Going for long protocol or short one next month?
Not sure if u try, but can consider to do endo scratching...
Usually done at D21 of menses cycle...
