(2014) ivf mummies support group

My baking session with the neighborhood people .. orange chiffon cake.. hehe..


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If i dun nap during daytime, then i have no problem slp early at night ard 11. If i nap then likely can only doze off ard 1am n standard waking up timing is 5-6+, either go toilet or dream too much n makes me wake up..
Now making my godson drink milk to nap. So full of nonsense just now, i just use cane to reason w him, no choice if not he tiks he cry he wins
Aiyo, lynncandy...u know ah my dh nagged at me 2 sats ago about disciplinary with my godson for 20 mins. I m like he is not my son n i only see him on weekends for longer time. He said we re not strict enough w him, i told dh thats bcos i have no energy to reason or shout at godson at this moment. I have to tik of my beanie inside.
My gf sil once screamed at my gf n 2 sons for no reason (she was having some depression after first birth) n she was preggy w 2nd one. Her sil waterbag burst just like tat after she screamed n agitated for dun know wat reason n mc.
My gf said luckily all family members were ard to witness her craziness if not may blame my gf for her mc.
Just came back from the scan. So happy to see the fetus moving around. Doctor even measured NT and it's normal. Phew. Next Friday is my Oscar at NUH. Feel wanting to discharge from NUH after seeing the scan at pte gynae.
BB_hc yeah yeah cheers. You pass the Oscar test then. So nice for your gynae to measure the nt for u today? Got extra charge?

How is shopping in Malaysia ladies? Bought anything?

I am finally home. Out the whole day totally drained out.

LynnCandy yr orange cake looks gd. Nice bonding with the neighbours.

Kitkats and circle the ms pills think don't take if no use cause doesn't seems to be good to take often. Unless u mean vit b6 which doc say also helps prevent ms. I am eating b6 daily as part of the routine.
Good morning ladies, today I wear my maternity clothing to church so that people will be careful of me but still a church member can't tell I am preggy. Faint. Think maybe month 4 or 5 then can see.
Btw yesterday I took the nausea medicine and makes me so sleepy that I nearly overslept this morning. My want to puke feeling was bad the whole of yesterday. So my question is don't tell me my ms is beginning when I am approaching trimester 2.
How are you ladies yesterday? I had Starbucks again for breakfast today. Sian my mil cooks those food which cannot be eaten by preggy ladies. Don't know is she knows or don't know. It is black fungus which is good for clearing my womb. Oh man.. Anyway I just ignore eating the food she cooks for safety sake. Sigh.
Dun tik i will wear my maternity clothes tat fast yet cos my usual dress are mostly loose type...now alternate day i have to trouble my gf to help me jab the progestrone oil on my butt. Better than gg gp tat costs $20 n my gynae clinic charge me $30 to do injection. Got a shock when i saw the bill.
Haha my normal clothing still can wear just that going to crowded places I purposely Wear maternity clothing so people can be careful of me.
Wah your gf daring to jab for you.
Ooo she is trained nurse so ask her jab for me.. even my trigger jab for er at 1am I aso ask her help so tat I dun have to spend $ at a&e.. heheee
Actually my dh aso can jab for me just tat he vy long no do it n refused to do now, he said vy stress leh
Hello ladies! Ms still bad today. Went out to metro to get some stuff. Thought it would be better that I am out of the house and distracted. I am so wrong man. With the crowd and different smells in the air eg musky t - shirt, sweaty old man, stuffy lifts, smelly toilets... i feel so terrible!

Now home and trying my best to recuperate.. oh man...

Well looking forward to my extra gynae visit tmr evening. Hope to have a nice nice scan session and interaction with beanie for once...
Circle so excited for you that you can see beanie tomorrow. Oh you better rest at home now and relax.
Tomorrow is Monday and I have to returned back to work.
Usually my ms is bad at nite. I always feel normal in the morning. Then afternoon start to feel nausea then slowly turn into Merlion.

Circle, so exciting can see beanie again.

No mood to go out. Hope next week is better then I want to go shop shop. Backside itchy very long already
Circle keep us updated. It's yr 1st scan outside right. U be so happy with the Scan machine I tell u. So diff from kkh. Remember to talk to your beanie during scan maybe can hear you and will pose for u.

LynnCandy I think my tummy really growing and growing le. Now if wear tight sure can see. Already got people notice I think.

Another 2 weeks to end trim 1. Cannot wait.
Circle keep us updated. It's yr 1st scan outside right. U be so happy with the Scan machine I tell u. So diff from kkh. Remember to talk to your beanie during scan maybe can hear you and will pose for u.

LynnCandy I think my tummy really growing and growing le. Now if wear tight sure can see. Already got people notice I think.

Another 2 weeks to end trim 1. Cannot wait.
Ya I also must make sure my clothing are loose fit, a bit tight will feel uncomfortable. Endure for both of us to ending our 1st trimester. I still have not taken my dinner. Really no mood to eat and my mind can't think of any food.
Finally settle down after enterained my godson n niece n family at my hse celebrating my bday. Watching star awards now in my bedroom
Happy birthday dolly gal!!!!!! I am watching star awards too!

Will update all of you for the scan. Cos it is evening clinic. Hubby will be there. Hopefully we will have a meaningful session.
Coming Tuesday right dolly gal yr bday. Happy advance bday 1st :)

I just finish mopping the floor. Tomorrow is Monday 1 whole week of work week. Oh no. Circle I hear you going scan tomorrow I so tempted to slot in another scan this week haha before my Oscar scan. But don't think my gynae free.

This two days I keep rubbing my tummy cause really can feel the bump already. Every morning I wake up I keep having this feeling the tummy grow another inch rounder.

LynnCandy today feel better? I don't think ms will start suddenly in trim 2. Maybe just eat wrong things. Hopefully is eat wrong things at least the nausea feeling will end soon.
Coming Tuesday right dolly gal yr bday. Happy advance bday 1st :)

I just finish mopping the floor. Tomorrow is Monday 1 whole week of work week. Oh no. Circle I hear you going scan tomorrow I so tempted to slot in another scan this week haha before my Oscar scan. But don't think my gynae free.

This two days I keep rubbing my tummy cause really can feel the bump already. Every morning I wake up I keep having this feeling the tummy grow another inch rounder.

LynnCandy today feel better? I don't think ms will start suddenly in trim 2. Maybe just eat wrong things. Hopefully is eat wrong things at least the nausea feeling will end soon.
I also feel a small round bump below the belly button. But don't think that is beanie. Poss all the fats from the inactivity.

Iwantahealthybaby, must be careful when you mop floor k. Very slippery. On the fan so that the floor can dry faster.
Its another short working week coming again. I m still worry for every upcoming scan , sometimes like no preggy symptoms, i so scared....
Tmr shall guai guai stay at home then tues go out lunch.
Thanks circle. I will be extra careful.

Dolly I also feel worried at times. Sometimes after scan the only comfort lasted only 3 days maximum after that will feel uneasy and uncertain again. This three days feel a bit more feel cause the tummy just gets rounder and rounder (be it fats gained or not)
All along i have a tummy but can see my tummy is rounder n harder now when i shower. Today feel my belly button vy itchy. Still tiking when to start using stretchmark control lotion.
Its another short working week coming again. I m still worry for every upcoming scan , sometimes like no preggy symptoms, i so scared....
Tmr shall guai guai stay at home then tues go out lunch.

Dolly don't worry so much .. later you make beanie a worrier ..
A question here, belly grow first to accommodate the growing fetus Or fetus grows and push the belly outwards. Forgot to ask my gynae.

Oh yes, iwantahealthybaby, my scan with NT measurements is just normal scan, No extra charges. It seems that I had been seeing bb every two weeks. Who is first for the Oscar here?
Hello everyone, it has been a bad weekend for me with all the want to puke feeling. I have no appetite to eat and when I eat I got the want to puke feeling. I ate lesser than 3 meals and only like 1 bread for each meal. I have slim down within these few days and my waistline have reduced so much. Just now I was driving in a massive traffic jam for almost an hour and I got to eat my bread in the car as I am feeling giddy.
bb_hc i probably will be the 1st to go oscar over here. my oscar is 7 may. by then i am in week 13 already. they give me a very late slot for oscar. some do btw week 11-13. i also schedule myself a two weeks scan apart in kkh and tmc. i ownself go make aptm since kkh checkup is way too far apart.

lynncandy hope this week will be a better week for u. today i weigh myself and i "proudly" say i gain 3kg in the 12 weeks of pregnancy. i wonder is the boobs that is getting heavier or the tummy or its simply my body fats since i been eating and eating...my belly now confirm is outwards already. like baby tummy. you know how baby always shows a rounder tummy. hahaha.
bb_hc, I think I will be the 2nd to go for Oscar test as mine is on 8 May and also at my week 13.

Iwantahealthybaby, hehe maybe is your boobs + 2 beanies grow = to the weight increase. I think it is fine for you with 3kg as you have got 2 beanies and usually those with only 1 beanie will gain like 2 to 3 kg for 1st trimester. Btw I read from 'what to expect' that by week 12 our beanie will move from bottom of our pelvis to a front-and-center position in our abdomen. Let's count down for our 2ww.

If I continue to be like this I think I will slim down further, oh man, my beanie just don't want me to go to work. Every moment is want to puke feeling. Anyway I manage to make it to work today and just trying my very best to work now. I cannot be taking mc again and again and if this continues, I am going to get a plate of cuttlefish soon.
lol. dont know leh some say 1st trim dont need to gain one. imagine 1st i gain 3kg 2nd i going to gain more. ya i think mine already moved up to centre abdomen already. this lil bump i see now perks me up the only signs i am preggie. hahaha

circle what time your scan. i am waiting for your updates. hope you get to see a clear pic of beanie today.

my asos items arrived already. all reached and i am loving it. i am thinking for my 3rd order liao. going in to see any good sale items or bargains. i only order their maternity section. i realise the maternity wear their top all very soft and thin. maybe easier to stretch to accomdate growing tummy.
lol. dont know leh some say 1st trim dont need to gain one. imagine 1st i gain 3kg 2nd i going to gain more. ya i think mine already moved up to centre abdomen already. this lil bump i see now perks me up the only signs i am preggie. hahaha

circle what time your scan. i am waiting for your updates. hope you get to see a clear pic of beanie today.

my asos items arrived already. all reached and i am loving it. i am thinking for my 3rd order liao. going in to see any good sale items or bargains. i only order their maternity section. i realise the maternity wear their top all very soft and thin. maybe easier to stretch to accomdate growing tummy.

Can show the link for your asos items? I assessed many a times but somehow end up never managed to get anything from asos. Whereas you gals seem to be buying happily from asos.
lol. dont know leh some say 1st trim dont need to gain one. imagine 1st i gain 3kg 2nd i going to gain more. ya i think mine already moved up to centre abdomen already. this lil bump i see now perks me up the only signs i am preggie. hahaha

circle what time your scan. i am waiting for your updates. hope you get to see a clear pic of beanie today.

my asos items arrived already. all reached and i am loving it. i am thinking for my 3rd order liao. going in to see any good sale items or bargains. i only order their maternity section. i realise the maternity wear their top all very soft and thin. maybe easier to stretch to accomdate growing tummy.
My oscar is on 17 may (beginning of week 13). It is normal to put on weight for first trimester but no need to be alarmed if u are losing weight too. Surely will put back on during 2nd trimester one. That is what dr tan said.

My scan is in evening. Update poss past 9 man. Hahaha! Today mid of week 10 only. Don't think there is much to see. As long as I no need v scan, beanie is ok then happy liaoz.

Haiz my asos not here yet leh. I got emailed on 15 Apr that it was despatched but still haven seen it at my door step leh. It is normal?
Can show the link for your asos items? I assessed many a times but somehow end up never managed to get anything from asos. Whereas you gals seem to be buying happily from asos.

i am viewing midway...i wanna get cheap and good items lolx.

circle my email saying its despatched was on 16april and last weekend i saw the parcel in my letterbox. both my items are delivered to my letterbox.
For asos, try to choose material like Polyester (higher % like maybe 100% or 90%+) the quality is better. Cotton is cotton so you all know the texture. Viscose and Elastane are those like elastic and thin thin type.
Happy shopping... Sian I just taken my lunch and the want to puke feeling is back again. What is happening to me?
Circle, do update us on your scan, so excited for you. Ask the doc to on the sound for you to listen. I think by week 10 should be abdominal scan already.
This dress is cheap and nice but sold out http://www.asos.com/ASOS-Maternity/...,1920&sh=0&pge=1&pgesize=204&sort=3&clr=Black
Btw I bought this and wear on Sunday, it is nice and people cannot see if you are preggy http://www.asos.com/ASOS-Maternity/...0&sh=0&pge=1&pgesize=204&sort=3&clr=Nudeblack

Ladies I can't wait to knock off from work..
Yah! I saw the black lace dress too! But don't have my size too. I super like it too. Still waiting for my delivery then can decide what to buy next on asos.

My beanie confirm junk food baby. Mom cooked fish mee sua soup for lunch. I ate 5 mouths only. She headache, dunno what to cook for dinner cos demoralised I always eat so little of her food. Gave up and ran to macs to buy fillet o fish and chicken nuggets. Me just whacked half the burger man! Happy happy!
Circle, I understand how your mum's feel. As for me I stopped cooking as I just can't decide what to eat any moment of time and if I am going to cook, the food will sure be wasted. hehe your beanie seems to love fillet o fish. I use to love it but now I just can't take meat.
Kitkats, how are you already? planning to see private too?
Dolly, how are you today?
Maybe tonight can eat Korean bibimbap without meat... hmm.. really can consider hehe.. iwantahealthybaby, what is for lunch and dinner?
This dress is cheap and nice but sold out http://www.asos.com/ASOS-Maternity/...,1920&sh=0&pge=1&pgesize=204&sort=3&clr=Black
Btw I bought this and wear on Sunday, it is nice and people cannot see if you are preggy http://www.asos.com/ASOS-Maternity/...0&sh=0&pge=1&pgesize=204&sort=3&clr=Nudeblack

Ladies I can't wait to knock off from work..

budds & circle check this link out : http://list.qoo10.sg/item/2014-NEW-ARRIVAL-5-HOURS-FRESS/414784883
same as asos black lace dress.

i am counting to ko time as well. just now during lunch i spent 45mins in the cubicle (trying to make big business) and i keep squeezing real hard. really cannot take it, finally manage to release some. and after that when standing while waiting for my food i nearly black out. the eyes started to go abit black white screen then i faster grab a seat and sit for a while. during the short few mins while sitting down i can feel my body abit break out into cold sweat. i used to have this fainting spells back then when i diet but ever since i stop dieting i dont have it already. wonder isit due to the hard squeeze earlier on that i exerted too much strength.
Yah... Sometimes i feel bad too. Generally now i totally turned off by home cooked food.

Beanie likes anything unhealthy. Pizza Hut, KFC, mos burger, macs, potato chips/chachos esp sourish/spicy kind. Korea food also ok! Now u say bibimbap I also don't mind.

As long as not Chinese food or home cooked food.
i had pig organs soup with rice for lunch minus the liver. cause the soup sour sour more open my appetite also. as for dinner i crave for xo fish slice beehoon but cannot eat xo...mmmmmmm boring. see what dh want to eat later, meeting him for dinner outside.
Me guai guai at home today since I m gg out tmr bday lunch w my gf then shopping at tangs since got 10-20% off for bday month.. tik won't adventure elsewhere too much too...

iwantahealthybaby, you read 'what to expect' we will start to have this dizzy feeling more often. Remember I mentioned this morning while I was driving in the Jam also feeling fainting and had to grab a bread in my bag to eat. The keep spinning effects will take place more now. Oh btw I manage to resolve my output problem, I ate wholemeal bread every morning and my tea break also wholemeal bread. I also eat dried prune for snack. I find that this will enable me to go toilet more often than the so many days once. XO bee hoon was my fav too before preggy. Your dinner can consider bibimbap hahah or the kimchi soup sour sour type yum yum.
Btw the qoo10 dress too small for the boobs area hehe.

Circle, I think maybe you might want to ask your mum to buy instead of cooking for these 2 to 3 more weeks period otherwise the food will be wasted. I think your beanie loves western a lot. Maybe Mos burger tonight?

Dolly, stay at home and rest better. Are you going back for review again?

Faithfullyyours, how are you already? JB trip good?
