Low Ovarian Reserve Support Group

Hello haven't log in for a long time. Just to share I've been diagnosed with low ovarian reserve since 2011 when I was 29 yrs old. I have tried iui, ivf, tcm, donor eggs, overseas ivf, supplements of all sorts since then. It's really the lowest point of my life during few years as I had to go through disappointment after disappointment. The last bit was that I had to go through etopic pregnancy which could be life threatening at that stage too. I'm blessed with a very supportive husband who suggested for me to start thinking about adoption. After a struggle of 3 yrs (lots of tears and money) we decided to stop all treatments and take the leap of faith to go for adoption. I'm 37 this yr blessed with 2 adopted kids. Best decision of my life.

I know many of you in this forum would be looking for solutions to help with the condition and I am sure with advancement of medical help definitely there will be better chances out there. I went through a lot of internal struggles as well. However for those who wishes to explore an alternative, perhaps you can start thinking about adoption and giving the children out there a chance to be loved as well.

Jiayou ladies and hope your dreams come true :)

Hello haven't log in for a long time. Just to share I've been diagnosed with low ovarian reserve since 2011 when I was 29 yrs old. I have tried iui, ivf, tcm, donor eggs, overseas ivf, supplements of all sorts since then. It's really the lowest point of my life during few years as I had to go through disappointment after disappointment. The last bit was that I had to go through etopic pregnancy which could be life threatening at that stage too. I'm blessed with a very supportive husband who suggested for me to start thinking about adoption. After a struggle of 3 yrs (lots of tears and money) we decided to stop all treatments and take the leap of faith to go for adoption. I'm 37 this yr blessed with 2 adopted kids. Best decision of my life.

I know many of you in this forum would be looking for solutions to help with the condition and I am sure with advancement of medical help definitely there will be better chances out there. I went through a lot of internal struggles as well. However for those who wishes to explore an alternative, perhaps you can start thinking about adoption and giving the children out there a chance to be loved as well.

Jiayou ladies and hope your dreams come true :)
Hi! Thank you for sharing, may I also know your procedures on the adoption?
My western dr said that my AMH low, but the quality is also not good. I went to Zou Yumin TCM, the Dr Xie explained to me that AMH is varying every month, if I can start my IVF in a good cycle, I might get a different result. So I started to test my AMH for 3 months, and the results were all different. She also encouraged me by sharing her patients' successful experience. I did acupuncture and took her medicine for almost 6 months. Luckly, I am conceived. So, do not get disappointed with low AMH, working on better quality.
Has anyone successfully done it via egg donors in Malaysia?

We have used up 3x Co funding and my wife do not wish to go through the jabs and the thick schedule of checkups.
Wife coming to 40 this year.
Had hyperplasia which they have kept it in control but may recur within 2 years.

All the frozen embryo could not be used
Has anyone successfully done it via egg donors in Malaysia?

We have used up 3x Co funding and my wife do not wish to go through the jabs and the thick schedule of checkups.
Wife coming to 40 this year.
Had hyperplasia which they have kept it in control but may recur within 2 years.

All the frozen embryo could not be used
Dear sir,
Please refer to the following websites:

Dear sir,
Please refer to the following websites:

Thank you for compiling those articles.

It seems to suggest that it is better to get the process done in Malaysia than using frozen eggs.
I'm not sure if i understood wrongly, one of the articles suggest that getting genetic tests are not necessary and costly, while the other article suggest that it's better to do so.

Is there any reputable and trustworthy egg donor companies that are available.
Being in Johor will be a plus.
Has anyone successfully done it via egg donors in Malaysia?

We have used up 3x Co funding and my wife do not wish to go through the jabs and the thick schedule of checkups.
Wife coming to 40 this year.
Had hyperplasia which they have kept it in control but may recur within 2 years.

All the frozen embryo could not be used
There is a WhatsApp chat group on egg donors , by singapore fertility support Group “FSS”- a registered non profit org . The existing patients can share more info with you.
You can pm me if you are keen to join, I will connect you to the admin of FSS.
You can research on Instagram on Fertility support group
Thank you for compiling those articles.

It seems to suggest that it is better to get the process done in Malaysia than using frozen eggs.
I'm not sure if i understood wrongly, one of the articles suggest that getting genetic tests are not necessary and costly, while the other article suggest that it's better to do so.

Is there any reputable and trustworthy egg donor companies that are available.
Being in Johor will be a plus.
Best to do egg donation in KL or Penang with well-established clinics such as TMC, Alpha or Sunfert.

Genetic testing worth doing only if sex selection is an important consideration.

Or else waste of time and money.
Hi, did any of your docs say there's no scientific evidence that Coq10 improves egg quality and doesn't recommend it? Roland Chieng said so and advised me to start egg retrieval soonest instead of taking Coq10 supplements for 3 months first. I'm confused as a lot of websites recommend taking Coq10 for 3 months before egg retrieval to improve egg quality. But not sure if it's coz I've low AMH so no point waiting.
