Zodiac horse and mouse will crash?


Active Member
Hi wonder if you have heard that zodiac sign horse and mouse will crash? I am planning for a baby next year, but heard friend and fengshui master said zodiac sign horse and mouse crash. Anyone heard of this? Or anyone in the family has such zodiac signs? Can share with me? Thanks!

i have not heard of this before kkf. maybe you can check with the almanac book?
Not every horse and mouse will crash one lah...
It depends on your shen1 cheng ba1 zi4 too... hehe...

But so far never heard horse and mouse.

Only heard snake and pig...
general rule of thumb, 6 years gap is not so good. so rat and horse, ox and ram, etc etc lor

I also think shen1 cheng ba1 zi4 is the most important

a relative & his wife 6 years gap but very loving leh. not hard & fast rules, maybe their shen1 cheng ba1 zi4 compatible
from what i understand...

the chinese zodiac... consist of 12 animals... if you put the animals in a circle based on their sequence... any animal opposite the animal will crash...

so e.g. rat and horse crash... ox and goat crash... etc etc...

but then again there is also shen cheng ba zhi...

I'm a dragon, my bb gal a dog... supposed to crash lah.. but looking at the shen cheng ba zhi... hers is the same as mine... whatever direction good for me is good for her...at the moment she's still very young.. so really dunno yet... crash or dun crash she's still my bb gal...
eh... HB is rat and I horse leh.. hahaha

I have read also tt these two sign clash. But like what hippo mentioned, the number 3,6,9 gap is not good. Hence the "clash".

So far, me and hb still married leh... as for clashes... well, we quarrel sometimes but who doesnt?
I'm a horse and my sis is a rat, we xiang an wu shi kekeke... it depends on the shen cheng ba zi. I've friends who is horse and their hbs are rats also, loving.
Thanks thanks...I am just worried that it may affect the health or safety of my next child or myself.

If based on sheng cheng ba zi, more difficult since I cannot control that.

But anyway, as what you all say, I guess things are fated. Some couples zodiac signs dun crash but also divorce. Some children and parents zodiac signs dun crash also cannot live in peace...

trying to reason out...ha!
Have consulted a fengshui master. This is her reply.

Horse and Rat will form a "six killing" clash, one of
the worst clash sign in Chinese astrology. Thus, it is best to avoid giving
birth in the Year of Rat. You will have a more difficult pregnancy term as
well. If you are rushing to st up a family, you can choose to have conceive
in the later part of 2008 so that the baby would not born in the year of

So for those whose zodiac sign is horse and intend to have a rat baby, you may want to heed her advice if you believe in it.

For me, I won't take any chance because I have already two difficult pregnancies.
i believer horse n rat will crash.. my dad is a rat while im a horse.. in early days, we juz seems cannot get along,always quarrel.. duno why.
You can choose to go for C-Section. Thus, you can control the sheng cheng ba zi. My sil did that.
I agree with Kate

I m a horse while my ex was a rat. dunno why we used to quarrel almost without fail, thus it ended in our divorce partially.
Ha ha

I think not only horse and rat will clash. My dd is a horse hb is a dog, still clash leh. My dd only 5 years old always argue with daddy liao cannot imagine when she becomes teenager.

But it is also some sort of bonding ? Dun be pantang and i guess it will not happen ?
My hubby is horse, i am rat. Touchwood !!! So far, we still ok..hahaha. My son is a rabbit (b4 CNY) but born in 2000, daughter is monkey. From what I know, rat/monkey/dragon very good bonding.
Janet, yes, I agree with you, rat, monkey and dragon have good bonding. My hubby is a dragon, son is monkey, thus I am giving birth next yr to a rat baby to bring three of them closer. I am a goat, thus kept telling myself to try for rat baby, otherwise will have to stop till I try for rabbit baby, coz cow and tiger not good with me.
Here's the complete listing. Good means they are your "gui ren" and may bring your good luck. Bad means they may bring you bad luck. It doesn't mean you will fight a lot lah, only that you may not win any TOTO or get promoted very quicky lor. Both my parents zodiac are bad for me, may be that's why I never win any lucky draw. But I don't blame them at all lah.

Good: OX, Dragon, Snake
Bad: Mouse, Horse, Rabbit

Good: Rabbit, Horse, Pig
Bad: Dragon, Ox, Dog

Good: Tiger, Rabbit, Horse
Bad: Ox, Goat, Rooster

Good: Rabbit, Dog, Tiger
Bad: Snake, Dragon, Monkey

Good: Dragon, Monkey, Ox
Bad: Rabbit, Horse, Goat

Good: Mouse, Snake, Rooster
Bad: Snake, Dog, Goat

Good: Horse, Dog, Pig
Bad: Snake, Monkey, Ox

Good: Goat, Pig, Dog
Bad: Mouse, Rooster, Tiger

Good: Mouse, Monkey, Rooster
Bad: Ox, Pig, Goat

Good: Ox, Rooster, Horse
Bad: Tiger, Monkey, Pig

Good: Tiger, Goat, Dog
Bad: Mouse, Ox, Rabbit

Good: Mouse, Dragon, Rooster
Bad: Tiger, Pig, Snake
Hi tamarind,
is there typo error for this as how come snake is under good & bad?

Good: Mouse, Snake, Rooster
Bad: Snake, Dog, Goat
Hee tamarind
I am a horse and my mum is a tiger but we are not really on the best of terms

I think it boils down to personality rather than the zodiac signs...If your mum nags and nags and wants to interfere in your every movement...I think it doesn't matter which zodiac sign she belongs to...hehe
sometimes things cannot be control, I have the same concern initially, so want to have a bb born in the year of dog, after feb 2006. who knows, I have twins, and they are premature, so give birth in jan 2006, they are in year of roaster, bad for me as my sign is rabbit. keke, so far so good. told my husband if anything, at least got you to handle the boys. haha.
Thanks for pointing out.

It should be

Good: Mouse, Snake, Rooster
Bad: Dragon, Dog, Goat

The information is from here.


Yes whether 2 person gets along depend on the personality. What I mean by good and bad is giving good luck or bad luck, nothing to do with getting along well or not.
My 5+ years old daughter is horse and I'm a rat. Up till now, we are very close. My hubby is a dog but not close to my daughter leh.
tamarind, i guess i now know why i never strike any lucky draw or anything...

Good: OX, Dragon, Snake
Bad: Mouse, Horse, Rabbit

my mum is a mouse, my hb a horse and MIL a rabbit!!!
Me too never strike any lucky draw. I am also a rooster, my mother is a rabbit, my father and brother are horse.

But nevermind, we just have to work harder, can still earn money

It is not about closeness. It is about luck ;-)
erm my mum is rat, while my brother is horse. My brother shares almost every thing with my mum. So i dun tink so.
my sis is rat & i'm horse with 7 yrs age gap.

we didn't get along at all in the past not sure if its the crash or the age gap but now ok already.
Hi all.. this is very interesting discussion le... my #1 is horse & my FIL is rat... but ever since moving in with us, FIL has been striking 4D le... character wise, no clash for sure cos #1 is 1st grand child & like bao bei for many years before #2 came along... even now, FIL gives #1 more priviledges than #2...

Then I heard pp say 3 of the same kind in the family is good... is that true?
I believe in the clash between horse n rat. I am horse, cannot really get along with my aunt and cousin who r rats, to the extent that we avoid talking to each other.

For myself, my daughter is a dog, which is good for me (Horse). My son is an Ox, which is good for my husband who is a snake. Not really planned, but I did avoid giving birth in the rat year.
Hi there

I'm don't know anyone believe or not .
u said horse and rat will crash or not ?
A Person shun horse and rat have many type depend on the time and sec he/she born and months too
Year can depend too but not all will crash some is fated to be like that maybe year to year slowly will change .
Many People think that horse will not get along with rat , some shun horse very friendly and cheerful. but some shun rat think very serious on friend maybe she/he born around Jan,May,Aug,Sept.
I'm a horse. Mum's a rat. Son's a rat.

My mum dotes on me alot and we get along well ever since forever.
And my son is super like my lover like that.

So I don't believe in the clash :p
i believe that clashes will happen even between same-character people. best to be polite, considerate and sincere in our dealings with others. also avoid nasty remarks and staying patient when provoked.
Those tt will clash with ur zodiac: will b zodiacs away.. So rat, 6 zodiacs away will be horse..

Those tt belong in your same group, i.e will be beneficial to ea other: will be 4, i and 12 zodiac away.. S if rat, the good friends will be Dragon, monkey and rat..

Those tt will be ur secret fren, i.e gd for you, will be 7 zodiac away: so for rat will be Ox..

So, if rat in horse yr, then the fortunes will usu nt be gd..n ya can see tt in the gd frens yrs, will have better luck.. If in secret fren's yr, will be gd too..

Then to see if wh 4 animals will fan tai shui in a certain yr, count 3,6,9 & 12 fr the yr.. So if rat yr, then the fan tai sui will be rabbit, horse, rooster n rat..

So hor, actually if hb n ya's a 3,6,9 age gap hor, then basically will fan tai sui together, wh my hb said is easier since Both will bai bai together n nt like every other yr gotta go bai bai..
Very clear analysis. I feel that clashes will be inevitable in a relationship. Same strong-headed characters will deinitely also fight. My mom and I belong to clashing zodiacs and after all these years, we've learnt to give in and avoid unnecessary conflicts by being more careful with words + more objective.
