Can pregnant ladies visit tcm chinese doctors during pregnancy


hi all mummies,

i have been sick n seen western doctors but still can't cure my cough, dry throat n blocked nose..not sure whether is it reflux or not,cos after each meal,i feel lik the food is stuck in my throat..even drinking lots of plain water made me feel i m wondering whether i shd visit a tcm chinese doc but i donno whether their medicine is safe for pregnancy or not..can anyone advise? if yes, any gd tcm docs to recommend?

I did, for my first 3 months of pregnancy as I was feeling so bloated. Went to YU Guo at Kembagan. Just gave birth recently to a healthy gal recently.
Hi, for my past 2 pregnancy, i went to see tmc dr hong liang a opp clementi interchange..

Recc by my hubby's cousin.. She also went to see him when pregnant..
Hi Chloe, I went to EYS @ TBP during my 1st trimester. Having cough & I do not like to take western med. The TCM will help to 'tiao' your body & at the same time cure ure cough. The TCM also able to tell the sex of my baby at 7 weeks! My gynae only able to tell the sex at 12 weeks. ;p
hi Mum(tlsckt), which EYS did u go to? erm TBP is where huh? wow the TCM so incredible, can tell the gender so earli? is it accurate? how much did u pay in total? r u feeling better now?
Hi Chole, I went to Tiong Bahru Plaza Branch. Its a female TCM. Ya.. its accurate! Think all TCM when listen to ure pulse able to determine the baby gender liao bah... Total damage: ard $118 for 2 weeks medication. I took a month medication.
Hi Chloe, u can find her on mon, thurs, fri & sun. She's the only female TCM there. Yup, took med for ard 1mth & recovered totally...

You can give it a try.

