Any mummies just gave birth at TMC? Do they shave u before delivery?


New Member

just curious whether they need to shave you before giving birth? If not, will the hairs get tangled in the stitches?


just curious whether they need to shave you before giving birth? If not, will the hairs get tangled in the stitches?

From what I know .. They'll only shave u if its C section . Don't think they'll do anything for Normal birth .
Yes they shave 1st. I m normal delivery.
My waterbag burst.
1st they let me clear bowel then give me pad.
Check dilation i m ard 3cm so pust me to delivery suite to monitor until at the right cm.
Ask me to decide to inject epi then ask
anaesthetist to come will take 1/2hr to 45min as my delivery is in the middle of the night.
