(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi Jen, thanks for the website address. Btw, you mentioned you pump around 70ml per pump, is it from both breast or just one breast?

Hi GG n sweetcorn, my red patch is almost gone! Finally! Massage works! Hope your lump is gone too.

Hi Catherine, the sinseh said overfed n blocked nose so can't sleep? Does that mean u feed ur bb gal more only at night?
My bb keeps on demanding for milk at night n dun want to sleep. She was awake from 2am to 7am yesterday..

Btw, anyone tried to remove bb's mucus using the "mini pump"? Not really sure what's it called. My bb has some dried n wet mucus in her nose but we can't seem to get it out. Tried to use wetted n twisted cotton wool but can't get it out too. Very scared.

Any mummies went for PD first month check already? I m going tmr, is baby supposed to get an injection? Will the baby get fever or drink less milk due to injection? My #1 for went too many injections, some will get fever, some won't, forget which is which....
Jen, That's good already. U record down every pump and sum up every day is lot already. That's what I m doing. Also when u see figures, u have to work harder ( not stress).

Yes, I am taking domperidone and fenugreek together. Lately I add mother love more milk ( also hv fenugreek ).

Since papaya, can produces more milk I will try to eat once a day from today onwards. In form of soup or fruits. My maid going to cook and boil one type of leaves to increase milk. Filipinos and indian way of increasing milk. If effective will post. This leaves previously is posted before one someone who sells the capsules but v expensive.
Found the name of the leaves Malunggay , avialable at tekka market ir Indian veg seller.

Either just boil and drink, my maid say no taste or stir fried with papaya, chicken, garlic.

It come in Capsules (100 capsules) too.
smiling merlion - our ped only does check up at 1 month, injections start at 2 months.

serene - how is the Motherlove More Milk Plus working? I am still doing that in combination with Domperidone and some lactation tea. haven't tried the Malunggay but do have the capsules on standby.

anyone dealing with fast letdown? my bb is protesting when latching on because of the fast letdown, don't know what to do and it really gets messy with the leaking.
Hi Meiji, I bought the nose cleaner (aspirador nasal) but it doesn't seem to work. My boy had stuffy nose n had difficulty breathing at 2wks old. Saw PD n did suction, was ok for half a day n the stuffy nose return that nite. Dripped the solution frm PD n tried to clear his nose with the nose cleaner but doesn't work. End up using tissue to remove the mucus that r in the nose.
Just brought my bb to Yu Guo this morning. THis week, she sleeps v little, fusses alot and cries alot. Driving everybody nuts. Physican did tui na, another 2 sessions to go. Now, already saw the benefit of tui na.. finally, she can sleep soundly now.. was told she is bloated, caused by bottle feeding

oh ya, was given some herbal pack to place on her belly button secure with a wrap also..
Bee mummy, thanks. Cos my mil was asking us to stay over at a hotel as she has a free stay. Was thinking if baby got fever, it would be better for us to stay at home instead.
Smiling Merlion- r u taking the 5-in-1? If yes, hep b will b at 1st month. We r taking 6-in-1 so only go back to PD at 2nd month for vaccination n developmental check. Not sure whether will get fever but baby had 1st soar hep b at birth n no fever so should be alright bah?

Serene- hats down, u r really dilligent wif BF.i think I probably won tahan much longer. My 70mls is from both breasts! Left 50 n right only 20! Pathetic!

Regarding blocked nose- my PD gave sterimar salt water spray n it works fine for my girl.

Hazel- hope your girl is better now. I also get cranky nights from my girl too but mum gave a bit of gripe water n she's relieved from the wind n bloatedness.
Meiji I still have 1 lump not cleared but was super happy when I cleared 1 and more milk start coming out. Suddenly like spray again when I press on the lump. Today getting about 100-120ml a pump, a bit erratic.

Mummies who go yu guo, is there a specific yi shi dat is good? Is it Xu yushi? Wat do they do in tui na??
Bee mummy , on mother love more milk special blend extract for 1week. Actually it taste quite good. Cos sick of swallowing capsules. Do see another 10% increase in milk. Console myself at least no drop in supply, cos the other time when I stop domperidone my milk drop, I chat with a pharmacist she told me must take long term. My milk also fluctuate during the day, worst pump is after lunch/ dinner 60ml. The rest I got ard 80-110ml.

Jen, just try. I told everyone my bm is more ex than fm. Cos I took a lot of supplement and they are not cheap. Now we don see the benefits but one year down the road the effect will kick in. My elder son is one good example, the fall sick every mth fr 2yrs on wards. Cough and flu is part of him. I only partial bf him for 3 mth .
serene - you are doing great, so only taking Motherlove, no need for domperidone? you are brave, i am afraid to stop both since my bb is total bf and i need to keep the supply up.

yes my per gives the 6-in-1 so starts in 2nd month.

anyone traveling by airplane with the baby yet? when is a safe time to do this?
Hi mummies, long time no log in le. Finish my confinement over the weekend. Been busy taking care of my girl without my mum's help.

To mummies who r latching, do u pump after latch? What if bb only feed on 1 side - pump or wait until next feed. If wait until next feed, supply will decrease.

Re: bb sleeping habit
My girl keep waking up every 15mins / 30mins for daytime nap. Is it normal? I've trying Tracy Hogg method, hope it works.

Re: mucus
My girl also has a lot. Almost have to remove everyday. I use wet cotton ball.
GG, meiji

My lump oso gone after few massages on the hard section plus let baby suck that breast few times continouos. It unblocked but milk spray out like Fabreeze!! Omg, i tot it was very exaggerating but i now see it with my own eyes!
After u pump, ur breast shld feel soft.
If hard it means milk trying to get out. U shld massage in circular motion twds the aerola. Or let baby suck that breast to clear the blocked duct.
Hmm .. I mean if I pump every 3hrs, my breast will not be hard leh .. As in, it will be soft. It will never get a chance to be hard after 3hrs. And is that the case for u all? Or u all after 1hr, breast get hard and need to pump again?
Went to yuguo for 2nd session of tuina
My girl also hav block nose issue
Was told no cold drinks, sour things, cooling fruits, and Chilli
Hopefully she can slp well tonight
Nana, Tracy recommend a routine for bbs so that their needs are met and they will b a happy baby. It's E.A.S.Y. E - eat, A - activity, S - sleep, Y - your time. And also keeping track of ur bb's timing to spot any trending.

Tried for today. It's tough but slowly getting the hang of it. At least now I dun have to carry and rock my girl too sleep. Just have to bear w her crying. So far, she's sleeping quite well 2nite. *touchwood* gonna monitor for the next few days.

My breasts will only feel hard if I dun pump or latch my girl for more 3hrs. Otherwise, a bit soft only.

2hrs pump 110ml is not bad. I only manage to pump this amt for every 3hrs interval.

I having sore throat now after having too much red date longan tea. Do u all drink plain water from day 30 to day 40? Can drink liang cha?
Khim, long time no hear! Me bringing gal to poly next week for hep b jab and overall check. Need to check w doc if got any ointment for her heat rash. And her eyebrow area got a but of yellowish scaly patch.

Nana, for 2-3 hr interval my breast is soft. Only if about 5 hrs will become hard hard. For 3hrs interval I get about 90-120 ml most times. So your 110 is quite good!!

Mummies sometimes b4 time is due for next pump breast suddenly got let down ( dripping). Does it mean we should pump? If I ignore it the dripping stops after a while.
For those pumping 100ml+ is that after latching? I am just latching wondering if I should pump and feed instead?

If have letdown but not ready to latch, push nipple into chest then will stop leak- don't let it drip, don't want to waste liquid gold. I feel so pained when I leak onto pads overnight, what a waste.
yea my breast will become hard if i don't pump for more than 6 hrs...now i scared, quickly pump when it's time.

I don't get 100ml or 110 ml if i pump every 3 hrs cos I latch my girl first before pump.

if i miss one cycle, ie. if i pump 6 hrs later, i get 100ml...
if it's just 3 hrs, then i get 50-70ml...depends.

maybe should drink more papaya fish soup, increase fenugreek intake (now i take 2 capsule daily)....

haiz...tough leh
After latching, I wait 2hrs then pump. I'm trying something new today onwards. See if it works. I'll feed baby by latching 15min each side then top up formula. Then 2hrs later, I'll pump and see if I can get 110ml. Then next feed I'll feed the ebm. Then next feed I'll latch for 15min ... And repeat the cycle. Slowly build up my supply ...

Oh ya. My boy also have a patch on his eyebrow. Normal ba?
My per prescribed Fucidin H Cream for my bb because of the red rashes and a special shampoo for the cradle cap. I use both for 4 days and stopped once we saw improvement - hopefully the problems don't come back.

I am still taking Motherlove (3 capsules a day) and the Domperidone (5 tablets a day), haven't started the Malunggay.

For domperidone, wat is the dosage u ladies taking? How long shd i take this? Urgently need to increase supply cos bb underweight at 1st mth check. Not sure is it because I only did latch on for the last 2 wks n she didn't get enuff to grow well. Very worried now....haiz...

Bb started Merlion alot since yesterday, coincidentally I started on domperidone. Is this one side effect of this medication?

My bb at 5wks old now, only managed to pump like 40-50ml from both breasts every 2hrly. Sweet corn, how old is yr bb now?

Thinkin of giving up..... Haiz....
Jinglebell, so now u pump instead? I switched to mainly pump after first few days also. So as to be sure she getting enough and also the hindmilk which contains more fat.
Domperidone dosage 2 tabs 3 times a day. Can try Motherlove More Milk Plus as well.

Latching baby is supposed to be best way to increase amount.
GG: I latch on first, then feed bb with EBM or formula, then pump... Normally bb wil last 2.5-3 hrs till next feed. If too close to feeding time, then I dun pump anymore.

Beemummy: 2tabs for 3 times ... But instruction on box only 1 tab for 3 times a day. So safe or not?? Scare passing too much medication to bb thru the bm leh...

Usually how long u take to let down? I take ard 1 min, too long?
Meiji_Crackers - I also bought the 'nasal pump' but have not used it yet. Brought my son to see the pd as he was having very bad blocked nose. can hear him wheezing. PD used a surgical like tweezer n took out a large piece of dried mucus. After tt he can breathe better but the blocked nose still came bk. Anyway PD mentioned the pump is only suitable for wet mucus.Can also use the cotton bud and twist the top part for those wet mucus but cotton bud must be dry not wet. for dried ones must use those tweezer.

Jen, Serene, Jinglebells - My bb is abt 5.5 weeks old. My milk supply still low too. I have to top up fm at night. Presently taking fenugreek 2 tabs x 3 times. Wonder will i ever get at least 200ml per pump.

Khim - Under Tracy Hogg method, u mean just leave bb alone even if he is crying etc? My bb just want to be carried, once put him down he will cry. Super tiring.
Jingle bell, still hv milk so no need to give up. Just pump and feed. Thats what I did when supply is low. Either consolidate 2 pumps as one feed or give whatever u hv shortfall give fm. Option 2 means hv to ask bb to wait for a while u make the fm. Feed the bm first than fm. So no wastage.

On domperdome, could be coincidence that bb merlion. So far my bb ok. Only on fm he merlion duirng day time. U surf website on the medication. If u don feel safe.

For me, I m ok with all the herbs cos I read a lot. Most of it people take in on a daily basis is just that we are Chinese that these herbs are new. Ie Malunggay, Indian n Filipinos is part of their normal food. Fenugreek is only common to Indian. Same for green papaya. So if u are having bb gal start them since young next time they will big boobs. No wonder Indian don hv boobs or milk problem.

Qestion, when u all take the papaya fish soup do u all eat the papaya too?
I'm still having low supply too.. Unable to feed bb's demand.. So I jus supplement with fm.. As long as bb doesn't go hungry..
If too stress no milk, the more ur milk won't flow..
Try to take it easy..
3 hrly I'm only getting 80-100ml
Bb is 6 weeks old..
Yet bb drinks 90ml every 2 hours..
Most prob I always express out instead of latch.. Coz latch I dno how much she drinks.. Only when I'm abit lazy to pump then I let her latch on..

Regarding the tweezer im using the pigeon one.. It's mean to pull the dried mucus.. I always clear for my girl every 2-3 days..
But u must be firm to hold her head.. Get someone to hold then quickly pull it out..

Same here. My baby gal in her 5weeks too, she was born 11feb.
Sigh i oso cant get my milk supply to go up. Only get 50-80ml every 3hourly.
Dont give up! Lets gambatte together! Red dates drink can boost too! Im tryg to drink papaya fish soup more often.
Im a breastfed baby myself & my sis was formula fed. I can see the difference in immunity and antibodies. Not easily fall sick and body stronger twds cold n hot weather.
My gynae oso told me latching is more effective in increasing supply compared to only 20-30%effective by pumping!

So we shld let baby latch on as much as possible..

My mom got a half green half ripe papaya frm market, so turn out making the soup sweet...i ate the papaya too
Domperidone is a stomach medicine, so the dosage on the box is not for lactation. Lactation and milk increase is a side effect of the medicine.

I only drink the soup I do not eat the fish of the papaya. I am using milkfish, and drink 2 cups/bowls of the soup per day.

I havent pumped much at all usually just latch. Can't we just count wet and poopy diapers to figure out if baby is eating enough, or is that not accurate?

I do find that my baby only latches one side per feeding now, versus 2. Overnight it makes for a lot of discomfort because I am afraid to leave the baby alone while I pump in the other room.
Since green papaya got no taste, I ask my maid to put in all sorts of soup she cook. If u want v v green papaya, buy fr Indian store. Cos Indian cook green papaya as their normal food.

Today went tekka market saw a lot, previously want to find cannot find any.
Wah ... Everyone weekend mood?

Haiz ... My supply already low, now like worst ..

I'm eating sashimi now ... 真爽

My bb got flu .. Bring him to see doc later.
My supply suddenly seem to go higher. Dunno is fenugreek or I managed to clear blocked duct. Wahlau just now went shopping wanted to buy bra suddenly got let down in fitting room and dripped all over.
Congrats GG! I am doing a bit opposite, I am adjusting my domperidone and Motherlove dosage and supply has dropped.

But I am still needing advice on what to do with a fast letdown, chokes my bb and makes it uncomfortable for her.

BTW any mamas using bean sprout pillows with bb? If no terrace to sun the pillows, can we just put the pillows in the clothes dryer?

Bee, same here want to adjust some of the supplements too. ESP fenugreek cos the capsules so big I want to vomit. For domperidone, I am getting the cheaper version from gynea on Monday. Just calculate if take motilium, v ex. Like $4 a day.

Just bought fenugreek seeds to make as tea cos I really cannot stand the capsules anymore. Is v cheap, 200g only $6. Can last 2 weeks.

U can consider, drop one capsule every 3 days / 1 week unless ur supply is v high. This is what I read online.
