1 or 4 bedder at KKH


New Member

Juz went to KKH to enquire on the room packages. But i was simply amazed when they told me I will need to pay about 2K+ after medisave deduction for A1 and 1.5K+ after medisave for B1. Think its more than TMC and mount A. Was wondering whether any new mums delivered at KKH recently and could advise me the total amt paid???

Hi Tricia

I just delivered my BB boy at KKH and would like to strongly dissuade you from choosing them cos my total bill came up to about :

$1047 (initial payment) + $2500 (mum) + $1000 (BB). I was in a 1A bed ward with a C-Section done cos my cervix did not dilate enough even after induction.
Wah....tat seriously looks alot....But im alreadi in my 33 week. If I change my gynae now, is it appropriate? Cos kkh gynae dun deliver else where.
For me, I took B1 ward in May. I did not take Epidural, and normal delivery. For me, I remember my bill was less than 2 K in total. I paid only 600 in cash.

Do bear in mind, Emergency C-section is generally very much more expensive in public or private hospitals.
Why don't you consider SGH ? Their fees are cheaper than KKH, and offer much better service. If your pregnancy has been problem-free, it should be OK to change gynae. Anyway all government hospitals are now linked by computer networks, your records can be retrieved in any hospital. In any case, even if you deliver in KKH, it is not guaranteed that your gynae will deliver you, since she may go on leave.
Thanks for the inputs mummies

Tamarind, does SGH really charges lower room rates??? In that case, which gynae do you recommend????
daughter in law,
can i check with you? how much of medisave can we use? u mention u use 2.6K. someone told me max is 1.5K.

hope you dun mind me asking the question in your thread cos i m also delivering at KKH and am concerned how much it wd cost.
Hi mummies,
im oso going to deliver @ KKH. after looking through the thread is seem to me KKH is quite ex. now still wondering taking 1 bed or 4 bedded??

u fr Jan 06 MTB rit?? me too =) btw next week friday going for my gynae visit. by den hv to confirm my hospitalisation package. so maybe can ask them the differece n watever doubts im hving now...
Hi daughter in law,
thanks for the clarification. Maybe different type of procedure got different medisave deduction. will check with KKH.

yup, i m from the same thread as u. I m going for my visit tmr so maybe they will talk abt the package since i m at 32 weeks already.

like what daughter in law say, KKH is one stop shop. that's one of the reasons why i went there as well. I do hear pple say it's not that cheap. think Mt A also cheaper right?
Hi ladies, my gf chose to give birth at Mt Alvernia for her 3rd child as she found that it was more ex to deliver at KK. For her, it was natural delivery with no epidural for all 3.

For those of you who are newly pregnant, determine whether you are comfortable with the gynae. If you are not, change to another one early. The gynae is the deciding factor which hospital you deliver. Like what daughter-in-law mentioned, enjoy your pregnancy.

KK is not a 'cheap' hospital. I had no regrets delivering my son there. It was because my gynae went private, that was why I delivered my 2nd child at TMC. Frankly speaking, I was very worried about 'hidden' costs delivering at TMC too. Fortunately, there weren't and also my child is healthy and I had a smooth delivery. For any pregnant woman, having a healthy child and a smooth delivery is the most important.
Hi SY,

I was told that they will provide one tin of FM, but the brand will be on rotation basis. So depends on which brand they are providing for that month.
Hi Dino,

Thanks. So if i want to do BF, i have to let them know that i want to BF and they will only feed FM if needed, is that the case?

Sorry not very sure.
Hi daughter in law,

Are the KKH nurses supportive of BF? One of the my colleagues mentioned that besides the lataction consultants, some nurses are not very "encouraging" during the stay. Don't know if its just a one off experience or not.

Hi there, I was delievered my boy on 31st Aug this yr, actually i very disappointed with kkh services. I remembered that morning during ward doctors' round, 7.40am, my doc confirmed my cervix had already opened 4cm (I was being induced as my amniotic fluid decreased). The Ward Sister who had followed with the doc, promised me to call my hubby as i will deliever very soon, but in the she never call at all. At 8.10am, I was yet to send down to the delievery suite, and i was GREATLY in pain liao.. until my "neighbour" go and hurry the nurses to send me down.. 8.20am I jus reached the DS but they still asked mi to do this do that.. wah liew.. 8.30am.. i gave birth liao.. but my hubby nv being with me.. haiz.. he was outside but unable to find me.. the nurses outside din know i was tere.. so angry that time..
hee.. oh ya.. why i choose there in the 1st place cos I was attached to there while I was a nursing student. I went back to the exact same ward where I used to be. but i went back that time, majority of the staff were not there any more.. they have changed certain things also..

The total bill was $1550+ for me & $300+ for the bb. my class is B2+ (5 bedder and aircon) all deducted thru medisave. No complications, no epidural, no drips
Hi daughter in law,

Thanks for the information. I think I'll take your earlier advice in the earlier postings, go in with a positive mind and enjoy the process :=)

Hi MTB & mummies,

I juz went to KKH for their hospital tour yesterday... Think their A1 and B1 ward seem to be ok... thou there's a slight difference in price range.

Juz to check if anyone is under Premier package at KKH?? 'cos it seems like the A1 & B1 ward n other charges 'r' higher compared with classic package leh... If I choose B1 ward under Premier package, roughly how much do I have to pay after the medisave deduction...?? Is the extra charges based on B charge or A charge under this Premier package?

Need some advice here cos me still confused after checking with them leh... =)

Hi Tricia,
I am seeing my gynae at The Private Suite so i think that is premier package right? Not sure whether there's difference in charges but i thought that each gynae visit will pay more if under premier package. for ward, it shd be tied to the ward u choose right?
I also will deliver my baby in KKH by Feb'06. I was originally a TMC patient but they referred me to KKH bec they cannot cure my severe nausea. Also, my hospital experience in TMC was bad as the nurses didn't really take care of me. The rooms and toilet are also very small-aside from not being too clean. I am seeing my gynae at The Private Suite. The amount of $ I spend in TMC is the same as that of signing my gynae at the TPS. But at least KKH cured my severe nausea which I was very thankful of.
Thanks mummies for the replies.

SY, all TPS' patients will only be given the A1 and B1 ward to choose between cos they regard us as private patients....But after the many inputs I saw on the forum, think KKH should be a value for money place considering it can handle most of the implications(hopefully dun have). Think will be going for the 4 bedded ward, save some $$$. Now times are hard hehehehe
Daughter in law,
yup, think the difference is not that great between TPS and classic option. one reason i went for TPS is that there's Sat clinics. Weekdays are difficult for my HB to make it and he does want to go for some of the sessions.

the extras are tied to whether you r A1 or B1 ward.

i will be choosing A1 cos my HB wants to stay over. and since this is the first grandchild for both sides, we may end up having quite a few relatives coming.

like what u say, the main reason we chose KK is that it is a one stop shop if there are any complications. of cos hopefully dun have!
Hi SY, for my 1st child, I had the 'luxury' of a single-bedded ward. My hubby stayed over and he did a great job looking after me. We chose KK because everything was under 1 roof.

Since your baby will be the first grandchild, do be careful how you handle your MIL or there will be lots of unhappiness esp during the confinement.
u read my mind well.

initially my hb wanted my MIL to do confinement for me but i refused. i m not that close to her and she tends to side with my HB a lot even though she say i shd tell her if my HB bullies me. and of cos i feel paiseh to ask her to do things for me during my confinement so i insisted on CL.

i think for 1st child, i wd want single bed and CL. for 2nd child, once i have been thru childbirth and know what to expect better, these things won't be really needed.

i think must learn to close one eye where in laws are concerned. i used to be quite unhappy over some of the things they do but now just close one eye for hb's sake.
Hi SY,
KKH send me to a lot of tests (urine, gastric and blood) that TMC didn't do. And furthermore, KKH has all the equipment to verify the results of the tests. I heard that some private patients also were referred to KKH bec. their equipment cannot handle the complications.
I'm seeing Dr. Kenneth Wong in TPS, how about you? when are you due?
Hi Marcia,
i see. i guess the good thing abt KKH is that everything is really there!!

i m see Dr HC Han at TPS.

I am due end of Jan. Having a boy. U?
Hi mummies, i delivered my boy in kkh. im glad i went there for delivery. Like some mothers who delivered their babies, its one stop centre. i dont want to worry about all the vaccinations and jaundice tests that my baby had to do. EVERYTHING IS TAKEN CARE OF. I think staying in A1 ward in kkh is not worthwhile cos the service is uncomparable to A1 in private hospitals. In fact, im supposed to deliver in gleneagles but thinking about the costs and the costs of my baby and the hassle of getting a pedi for the baby myself. i rather choose kkh for my second child.
Hi there,

I keep reading abt A1 & B1 wards at KKH. Don't they have have A2 wards as well? Can anyone share their pkg for A2 ward stay- natural delivery?

Does KKH have packages, e.g. from pregnancy to giving birth - u just pay a lump sum for unlimited visits to gyne + hospital stay? I tried enquiring b4, they told me no such thing. But I know in private hospitals, it is very common & prices are reasonable as well. Think KKH is not cheap at all!!

Would like to find out if KKH is very mechnical in doing things, i.e. not very patient friendly, or will insist on bottle-feeding dispite the fact tat you want to do full breast feeding?
Hi Louie,

if I am not wrong, A2 ward is for Gynae patients oni... we can choose A1, B1, B2+, C wards.. But if you r in the premier package then can oni choose A1 or B1.

Regarding the special packages that u mentioned, I tink they dun have it.. Ya, KKH is rather expensive but at least it is a 1-stop station lor...

Not sure if they will really insist on bottle-feeding but in the antenatal talk with one of the senior midwife there, she mentioned tat we can tell the nurses that we want to breastfeed & they will bring your baby to u ard 1hr after u have given birth. (Pls correct me if I am wrong...)

Whether the nurses are patient friendly, I tink it still boils down to different nurses... some nurses are very nice... =)

I agreed with Tricia that it depends on each individual nurse with regards to friendly.. I stayed at KKH for 8 days and happy to say that I am full of compliments and praises for the nurses at the ward.. Efficient, friendly, caring and responsbile..
Hi all...

Thanks for the info
Me not preg yet, but have gyne at KKH now (Dr CC Khong). He's nice, but sometimes he gives pple the feeling tat he take things too relax (fr another thread) hee :p although I'm ok with tat!

Frens have pursuaded me to use Mt Alvenia etc (pro-BF). Also, pkgs seem very attractive!! Limits ur cost!
Tot A1- too exclusive & expensive, B1 - a little crowded for baby birth leh, although normal hospital stay gd enuf. Sigh... can't have best of everything ya!

Just checking, whats the avg bill size for normal delivery (A1 or B1)? How come mummy & baby -> separate charge?!?!

I was staying at Wd 72 during my 8 days of admission. Honestly, I used to be very scared of KKH because of all the horror rumours that I have heard. But after my stay, I realised that all the rumours are unfounded and untrue...
Hi mummies & SY

went for my gynae visit yesterday n had signed up on the delivery package!!

since im in the antenatal premier package n all visit @ TPS, can only choose between A1 or B1. if you wan to go for other classes like B2 den your gynae visit hv to go back to women clinic le n not TPS. yah mummy n bb is separate charges coz if (touch wood touch wood !) bb need to stay longer in hospital or need extra medication care due to some reason will be easies for the hospital to do the bill @ the end of the day.

btw i chose B1 package. after asking the nurse how is the 2 day stay calculated, she mentoned tat once u r admitted u will straight away go to the delivery suite n ur stay start fr there. meaning w most of the time stuck in the delivery suite (@ least 12 hrs for we first mummies)... we dun really hv the chance / time to stay in our ward. might be jus one night stay n the next day discharge liao!! sooo think save some $$ n we have a bigger suite waiting for us @ home mah!! =p

oh yes, checked w them too. tat no upgrading or downgrading of ward is allow after delivery. can only do tat when you first admitted in n your package hv not start running yet.
Hi all

missed out something. had paid an initial of S$1550 for my B1 package. max medisave claim is S$1050, coz previously had used medisave claim of S$420 for my antenatal package.
hope i get a ward with nice nurses too!

u signed up so fast? but if stay B1 hubby can't stay over....how much is the B1 package in total?

hmm.. w the medisave claim $1050 + initial payment $1550 = $2600. hv not include bb charge which shld be ard $200 for the 2 days stay..

another factor tat made me take up B1 package is bcoz other exculsive charges like medication for pain relieve n duilation (if i use any of them) will oso b cheaper than those in A1 package. tat applys to the extra hours cahrges for the delivery suite too, A1 package only give 4 hours n extra hour is charge @ $31++. B1 will confirm be lower.

so @ the end of the day can save quite alot. the only thing is hb cant stay over n bb cant room in. but thinking abt the time we going to really spend in our ward is so little so save on this $ lo =)
Hi SY, most men would want their mothers to do the confinement so that they get best of both worlds - their mummy dearest to be with them and also be close to grandchild.

Even with a CL around, your MIL may still want to make her presence felt. So just close one eye. After delivery, there will be some hormonal changes and that's when women experience post-natal blues. Enjoy your confinement and lie down as much as possible.
for the A1 package, it is abt $2547. This includes 2 days nursery fee. The medisave is 1500 and initial out payment is $1047. BUt i agree that everything extra will be more ex. so must pray for fast and smooth delivery.

my fren's bill at TMC came up to abt 4.5K cos his wife stayed one extra night and bb stayed extra cos of jaundice.


actually throughtout pregnancy, i have already learnt to close one eye. just hope that during confinement, she won't come by so often. my parents are less interfering and usually help me if i ask them to so that's not an issue. just hope MIL won't impose her pantang ways on me.

that time she insist we must get stroller cos cannot carry bb too often as she say bb will 'suck' in 'ren qi'. i plan to buy those bb carrier first instead of stroller. hope she won't say anything. and think today she just told hb that we must bring bb out to see her. lucky hb told her cannot bring bb out when he so small. hopefully can manage when the time comes.
SY, I agree on the part that she said not to carry baby too much. Not hygienic for the baby. During your confinement, you have to close 2 eyes. If she pops by often, there is nothing much you can do. Maybe you can drop hints to your hubby that after giving birth, you need to rest and may get post natal blues. If his mother comes often, then you will get affected easily.
Hi Rachel,

I had opted for the B1 package oso... same sentiments as u (if everything turns smoothly, might be able to save some $ compared with A1).

But juz being curious, will u be using epidural if really very pain? Is ur pain threshold high? 'Cos mine quite low and I am quite worried about the additional charges like epidural, anaesthetist fee... which may be quite expensive...

Btw, the Baby charge that u mentioned is refering to the nursery fee or...? Thot our package does include 2 days nursery fee?
saving some $ can really helps @ this point of time heehee

if im not wrong for B1 package all items r bill separately which inclube BB nursery stay too. correct me if im wrong =p

i really hope not to touch epidural @ the end of the day. hmm.. my pain threshold shld be those ok type la. wat my mum say abt me is im those kind of person who rather pain till face green green oso wont complain or say a word to tell ppl im in pain one. soooo... c how la. how my birth can be a smooth one too. Jia you jia you!!
Hi SY,
As I said, I'm seeing Dr. Kenneth Wong in TPS and I'm having a boy too. My EDD is 1st week Feb 2006.

I'm also scared to take epidural..but I will just do what my OB ask me to do if I can't take the pain anylonger.
Hi all,

I am wondering what to pack for my hospital bag... Anyone can share? 'Cos I am not too sure what KKH provides & not provides... And need to pack my bag soon... as my EDD is ard mid Jan '06. Abit kan chiong now... hehe...

HI Marcia,
our EDD is so close.

re epidural,
i told myself to be open minded abt it. if really cannot take the pain, will just take it.

i also want to ask the same qn. what does KKH provide? packing my bag soon also...
Hi SY, just be open to the idea of epidural. You may not need it after all. If really cannot tahan, then your gynae will advise you. My gynae checked me at 37 weeks and I was already squirming. He said I can't 'escape' from the epidural. HeHeHe.

Hi all, does any1 knows what KKH provides?? SY & me are not too sure what to pack for our hospital bag... so need some advices from experienced mummies...

