
  1. A

    Recommended gyne in KKH

    Hello, first time mother here. Any recommended (preferably) gyne from KKH? Did you have natural birth or c-sect with this gyne? Would like to hear experience giving birth (natural, with/without epidural, csect) and maternity A / B1 ward in KKH in the past few years as well. Thanks!
  2. N

    Gleneagles - Recommended OB

    Hi Mommies, I am a returning Singaporean to give birth in Singapore. We are planning to give birth in Gleneagles but have no idea which OB to go to. I am keen on natural (with/out epidural) anyone had good experience with their OB who didn't pressure you for C-section? I'm currently 28+ weeks...
  3. C

    BN Natural Avent bottle 260ml + teats

    Hi.. Looking for the above with a tight Budget. Bottle at $8/pcs and teats ( various size) at $5/2pcs. Include postage please. If item available and within price range please pm me. Thanks a lot.
