
  1. toblerone

    Auspicious Date Selection for Cesarean & Baby Naming

    I am back after so many years! 不少老网友认识老师。想要知道老师究竟是谁,可以搜索以前的旧贴子(search for past postings)。 今年2020庚子年,出了乱象与动荡。一整年里,尤其是下半年没什么好日子生产。 尽管如此,老师将抽空尽力帮助妈妈,(1)挑好日给宝宝出世与(2)命名。 老师服务不收费(F.O.C)。外面如何收费,不妨打听。您有缘看得到我的贴子算幸运了!;) 2. 择日剖腹生产 I)...
  2. J

    Recommended Feng Shui Master Singapore

    Recommended Feng Shui Master Singapore based Consulting provides services of Bazi, Ziwei, Face reading, Chinese horoscope and Chinese divination. This is an ancient system embracing the idea of living in harmony & balance with our environment. At CM Centre We ensure that we have tested Feng Shui...
