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  1. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Guttering-I'm also considering nata essential,coz saw their reviews not bad. Berrydelight-same as u too.sometimes can eat,sometimes no appetite at all.
  2. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Blueswimmercrab-yes,coz nobody help us look after bb & I don't really wish to hire a maid to help me look after.
  3. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Guttering-I also plan to get confinement tingkat and my hubby will be my confinement 'lady'.Haha.After the confinement period,I will take care of bb myself,then hubby over weekend.Hope can manage.
  4. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi mummies,birdnest can buy those instant one?
  5. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Baby dreamy-looking forward to see my bb heartbeat.Me too,I also have craving for spicy n salty fd.Yeh!Bubble tea nice leh,every time I see ppl drinking I feel like buying.Haha. Celtbaby-I like to eat my grandma home cooked fd,but I don't stay near her so can't get to eat everyday.I also like...
  6. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Baby dreamy,berry delight-I like to drink iced milk tea,but after I know I'm pregnant I don't dare to drink until nw.I only drink milk,soy milk or fruit juice.Drink plain water I will feel like puking.Im 7 weeks nw.22 Aug then will be gg for my 1st check up.
  7. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Baby dreamy-Jiayou Jiayou. Hmmmm.Before I'm pregnant I don't like to eat porridge.But now I like to eat porridge a lot.Normally i will have white porridge plus some braised peanuts,fried egg n veggies for my bf.U can have any side dishes that u refer to go with ur porridge.Sometimes if I don't...
  8. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Blueswimmercrab-I read a book frm a Japanese writer about how to raise up a happy bb.It said if mommy always has negative thinking,when bb come out he/she will be very emotional or will like to cry easily.Cos our mood will affect little bb inside us.I also try not to think too much.Juz try to...
  9. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    I also feel tired and lazy all the time.Most of the time i feel hungry but after a few bites no appetite liao.Then my stomach will feel bloated all the time.Morning I can only eat a few biscuits with a glass of milk.
  10. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    I chose jocelyn Wong frm tmc.The nurse told me earliest I can see my gynae is on 22nd Aug.I think mayb coz is dragon year also,so a lot of preggies.
  11. M

    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi mummies here,I'm new here,also first time mummy.Im nw heading to 6 weeks.I already called my gynae but I'm only manage to have my first check up with her on 22nd Aug.Is it too late or I find another gynae first?
