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    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Thanks may i know how many times do you need to see her in a mth sorry if I'm bothering u with my questions but I believe in being prepared rather than go on doing things blindly hehe
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    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    Bubbli thanks for it prompt reply..ya thinking of gg to dr Zhou..seem to be highly recommended..are u seeing dr Zhou too?
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    I'm a newbie in this forum and planning to do so-iui in march next yr..did so-iui in July but failed..thinking of gg to TCM at Ang mo kio b4 doing the so-iui..can I know if I can juz walk in or have to make appt to see the doc??and wat is the total cost of seeing a TCM??really hope someone can...
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    IVF/ICSI Muslimah Support Group

    I'm a newbie in this forum and planning to do so-iui in march next yr..did so-iui in July but failed..thinking of gg to TCM at Ang mo kio b4 doing the so-iui..can I know if I can juz walk in or have to make appt to see the doc??and wat is the total cost of seeing a TCM??really hope someone can...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi i'm new here.1st time Doing So-IUI and currently on my cycle day 15 with egg size of 11mm only really worried that my egg can't grow and have failed the SO-IUI even before the insemination
