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  1. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Hi JA, Luckily he is quite cooperative, probably bcos I pre-empt him. The 1st visit they don't do any cleaning cos they dun wan to scare them off. The dentist just use the mirror and check the condition then fix another appt for cleaning. The 2nd visit they start to do cleaning. The...
  2. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Hi JA, Same here too. My 3yo boy only want use First Teeth and he is literally eating the toothpaste. I brought him to The school of Dental which AG mentioned when he is 2 yo. Went there twice so the dentist asked me to bring him every 6 months since he refused to brush his teeth.
  3. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Hi J~A i did ask the valet when the carpark is ready. He said not till end of Q4 2013. So it's gg to be a long way to go...
  4. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    hi mummies, just came back from my detail scan at Mt A. Thanks god that everything is fine. Mount A is having major renovation. everything is in a mess. Contemplating if i should change to TMC. Talking abt hospital bill, my #1 warded icu for 1 week. the cost was ard 10K. after tt we pay...
  5. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    morning mummies, thank you for all the encouragement. i will be as optimistic as possible. We are halfway thru so we all got to jiayou for the next 4 months. Jiayou mummies! hb flying back in an hour time. will try not to get emotional when i see him. haha.... Regarding insurance...
  6. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    bad day for me today. this morning when i went toilet, i saw red blood. really got a shock! went straight to the gynae this morning. Luckily baby was fine and growing well. But dr said placenta a bit low. But it is fine for natural birth. Then he sent my discharge for culture test to see what...
  7. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    princessxiaomei, Mine is a boy. I found out the gender when i was 13 weeks. It is a surprised to find out the gender so quick this time round. I only find out the gender of my #1 around 30 weeks, even after detailed scan also can't confirmed anything. crystal535, I'm having a boy again...
  8. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    J-A, It is not itcy. But is lumpy like cheese curd,and it smells. It should be yeast infection. My gynae did give me insertion during my early stage of pregnancy. But it comes back again and he asked me to leave it. princessxiaomei, I supposed to do mine in 20 weeks. But hb is away. So...
  9. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Hi Sherry, Is your gynae Dr Phua? My #1 was delivered by Dr Phua. Initially I suspect is the gynae's fault. haha.... What do you mean by unusual discharge? I noticed i got increase of discharge lately. My panty will get wet even with pantyliner on. Not sure if it is urine leak or waterbag...
  10. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Morning Sherry & Princessxiaomei, I did not do the Strep B test. I din know about this test. Will go ask my gynae the next appt. I'm 21 weeks. Hopefully can do my DS next week depending on hb's schedule. Actually I quite enjoyed the pregnancy process. But I hate the worrying parts when...
  11. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Princessxiaomei, Yes 10 days overdue. He was 3.03kg when born. Was warded to ICU for 1 week due to pneumonia (water got into his lung). Until now, I still dunno what is the exact reason. I have been asking around. Some says that the midwife din do a good job when she clear the muscus. Gynae...
  12. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    My #1 was 10days overdue. Luckily he chose to come out on the day that I suppose to be induce. For #2, I heard it might be earlier. But some say will be same as #1 overdue. Any idea?
  13. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    anyone gg to sign up for cordlife? my gynae was asking while i visited him ytd. he said if #1 already signed up then not necessary to sign up for #2. he said the chance of using for both of them together is very very slim *touchwood*. in any case, #2 can share #1 stemcell. i seek my friend's...
  14. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    JC... i also not sure if fenugreek work for me or not. cos i took it everyday and keep pumping every 3 hours. so not sure if consistent pumping kicks in the milk supply or the fenugreek works for me. just be persistent although it is very tiring.
  15. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    can i have mdm ida's contact as well? hopefully she is still available
  16. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    my boy loves tv and iphone leh. every weekdays, my mum will have to on cartoons during dinner time while feeding him. I think this is making him very dependent on people to feed him instead of eating himself. At home, he keeps pester me to watch cartoons. I told him "NO" cos he needs to go to...
  17. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    i'm gg NATAs on Sunday. But i gonna be there early at 9 plus in the morning. Wanna be there early hoping still got ample parking lots. also sunday church shld be very crowded.
  18. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    wow, lucky i nvr eat the stingray. my boy's birthday party last weekend and we bought a lot for BBQ. phew....
  19. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    morning mummies! finally last day of work.... BHG got bb fair too! from today till sun. do check it up!
  20. P

    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    after 4 week of long wait, i finally get to see my precious lil one this morning. surprise to get to know the gender at 14 weeks. My 1st one can't even see during detail scan, we waited for >20+ over weeks before we know it is a boy. anyway, keeping my fingers crossed for the triple test result.
