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  1. R

    Premature babies support group

    forgot to add my email [email protected]
  2. R

    Premature babies support group

    hi sally! can add me to ur fb group? father of 31wks twins!
  3. R

    Premature babies support group

    Hi all. I have 11 tins of neosure 900gm for sale at $46/tin. exp 01/07/14. sg stock. Reason for selling is because we've visited the Dr and dietician today and both side said our babies are putting on a lot of weigth ( 1.7kg in a month!)and should stop neosure. I'm willing to deliver to...
  4. R

    2012 Twins

    Hi joanne, There are pte gynaes who do detail scans lah. Pay more lor. lol. My gynae is Dr. S.C. chew from Mount E. I think ever since our 2nd trimester, He's been doing detailed scans n 3d scans on us. i didn't even know he was doing the CT scan cos it was no different fro every visit! Each...
  5. R

    2012 Twins

    Joanne, we already made an appointment with kkh. will be seeing current gynae at mount e n kkh together. my gynae say if any happens before 35 weeks, go to kkh. My fren had a premie with TMC, he told me his bills was $17k-18k. And when he told them he could not pay 1 whole lump sum, they told...
  6. R

    2012 Twins

    Joanne, i think as long as they are above 2kg, can breath properly themselves, can eat properly, then no need NICU liao. Dun worry about them having no space lah. there r ppl with triplets, quadruplets and even sixtuplets! most of them r born due to mom's body cannot take it, never heard got...
  7. R

    2012 Twins

    joanne, Doctor never say anything about the babies weight difference. I did ask him about it cos there was already a difference since the 1st detailed scan, but he assured the differences are within limits. You should be glad that ur babies r such good sizes! Once they hit 2kg, u can stop...
  8. R

    2012 Twins

    Hi joanne.......wats ur bbs weight? ours r 665gm n 575gm at 24 weeks. Dr say the bigger 1 is angmo size. smaller 1 have single umbilical artery. tomorrow going for another visit , 27 weeks.hopefully the smaller fellow is growing well.
  9. R

    2012 Twins

    Hi ladies! I'm a twin father to be a had been silently stalking u girls here for quite some time! Hehehe..... My wife's edd is coming 17 Jul. currently in our 27th week? Very close to joanne? We had 3 miscarriages before this pregnancy. and this pregnancy is also not a very smooth 1 BUT , so...
  10. R

    2012 Twins

    Hi ladies! I'm a twin father to be and had been silently stalking u girls here for quite some time! Hehehe..... My wife's edd is coming 17 Jul. currently in our 27th week? Very close to joanne? We had 3 miscarriages before this pregnancy. and this pregnancy is also not a very smooth 1 BUT ...
  11. R

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Anna, care to share who is your gynae at NUH? Our current gynae is at mount e. didn't realised the costs involved if there r complications when he advised us to change to a government hospital n told him confidently that we wan him to see us to through. after going back n doing research did...
  12. R

    Premature babies support group

    also, besides kkh, how about nuh? because we had a bad experience at kkh during our 2nd miscarriage and now my wife refuse to go there.
  13. R

    Premature babies support group

    hi aixin, thanks for yr prompt reply. unfortunately, my wife is not yet a PR and only holding a LTP. yes i'm a singaporean, but i think we still pay private rates?
  14. R

    Premature babies support group

    Firstly, I'm so sorry about what happen to suda. I'm not very good with words, so I can only hope everything will go the very best for from now onward. Hi everyone. I'm new here and am a daddy to be for the 4th time. But wifey and I still do not have any children because we had lost the...
