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    MindChamp Preschool Reviews anyone?

    Need some advice on MindChamp Playgroup for Changi Business Park? Am thinking to get a place there when my girl turns 18 months. Heard from some friends that some child care already full for 2012 babies...
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    ~Anyone knows where I can get Similac Neosure Formula?

    Need help as my hubby mentioned that he is unable to find this formula in the stores he went to. My baby is prematured and PD has prescribed her with this formula and I am running out of the samples.
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    [advice needed] - infant care

    Have anyone heard of Citikids Academy? ANy reviews?
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    i dun dare to take bird nest and also i scare bb allergic as my hubby is allergic to bird nest. any other alternatives?
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    I am 12 weeks this week also and morning sickness seems to be worst than before... Vomitted twice on Saturday and today... = (
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    I also signed up for FBI in TMC
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    I no cravings for laksa but i just ate curry fish head yesterday!! Super shiok!!!
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Xara: praying for you all is fine. I had spotting 3 times and went to check up and was all ok. Just got to increase dosage of duphaston from 2 times to 3 times and monitor. = )
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    I am getting headaches and spinning head... Been out for work for almost a week... I totally can't work at all... Been resting on the bed but head still spinning... Gynae say like that good... At least he knows baby is stable.... Faint.... Hubby and doc can see heart beat yesterday but I...
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Jljz: just called and ask me to go down... Took the duphaston again.... Will see what he say later.... Feeling very sick now in the cab....
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Ladies, query: I stopped taking duphaston last night as wan to make sure I will feel better on Wednesday to concentrate on work... Morning I also no take then just saw a big patch of brownish on my panty... Do u think I should go back take duphaston or just wait and see? Taking duphaston make...
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Hi Mummies, sorry did not update status after I went to the gynae on Thursday... Was feeling super sick these days and sleeping like mad... Doc checked bb grow almost half and confirmed that this pregnancy is normal... Increased my dosage on duphaston and on mc on Friday and if need be Monday...
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    thanks BBL for your assurance... still waiting for hubby... He will reach at 2.45pm... i am having headaches now... = (
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Dear mummies, i just encounter a pinkish dot on my panty liner.... Called my gynae and he said to go see him today... Super worried... waiting for hubby to pick me up from office now... Left side of abdominal pain also....
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    ladies, i am having bloatedness everyday and super feeling very uncomfortable... Any remedies for that?? In the office toilet i cannot stop myself from burping and also sometimes i feel like vomitting and nothing comes out.... Having headahces... I am taking duphaston and going back this...
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Ladies i am feeling very cold these days too!! EDD: 9th August 2011 Gynae: Dr A.L Lim Hospital: TMC? BB#: 1 Home: Bedok (my parent's home) / Yishun (my hubby's parent's home)
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    (2012/08) Aug 2012

    Hi All, newbie to this forum... Had my appointment with Gynae last Saturday but he say the sac too small and cannot really see... I am roughly 5wks pregnant and he told me EDD if all is fine is on National Day... I told him I had cramps and backaches and he say might not be stable thus ask me...
