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  1. G

    WTG Lucky baby highchair (Preloved)

    hi, can I have the high chair? Still available?
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    Preloved Mothercare 3 in 1 walker - $40

    Hi, is this still available
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    WTS Preloved Philips Avent Bottle & Baby Food Warmer

    Not sure how to pm. How much are you selling?
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Just added you Bianz, can't find the SMH Jan link though..
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi mummies, Pls add me to the FB thread too, [email protected]
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Jojo, Think you guys leave me out for this gathering, will try to join the next one. I'll be starting my massage that week in Mar and also no confidence to bring baby out yet, still getting used to his moods at barely a month old.
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Silsilly, Valteen, For my boy, it can take between 30mins to an hour. i just gauge if he falls asleep and I unlatch him and he doesn't fuss then I will burp him a bit and put him into his cot. If he still fusses, I will latch him onto my other breast and continue feeding him awhile more...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Valteen, My bb also the same, breathe very hard like want to die like that if I don't latch him fast enough sometimes. Either that or his head and hands will swing wildly looking for the nipple! I was beginning to wonder if that was normal behavior.
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Valteen, I try to burp baby after feeds but sometimes I don't too as its already so hard to get him to sleep. If he wakes up after burping, the cycle starts all over again. Hi Jojo, I'm quite near you, I'm at Simei but Sengkang is fine with me too. Sigh, my baby every day has different...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi mummies, For those of you using bottles to feed your baby, do they still latch on to your breasts after u use bottles to feed them? I'm afraid I have to exclusively pump out my milk to feed after introducing the bottle.
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi mummies, When you express your breast milk, do you feed baby using bottle or feeding cup? I'm afraid baby doesn't want to latch anymore if I introduce the bottle at this stage. I'm feeding baby at every 3 hr interval, if I don't express in between his feeds, will my supply drop?
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Bianz, hi mummies, I finally delivered on 1 Feb after having to induce my boy because he was overdue. Checked into hospital and waited for more than 24 hrs to dilate and got stuck at approx 7cm. Doc told us not to try anymore since it has taken so long so went for emer. c-sec. Was quite...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Bianz, Just saw doc today, he wanted to induce me today already but gave us some time to think about it. I'm still hoping my contractions will start soon if not will induce by mid next week, that's the maximum he will drag for me. Baby's weight seemed to have stabilized and I have lost...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Congrats Hkbaby! Wow without epidural! Looks like the VE helped. Yeah I'm also curious, 8cm dilation and you can stand it, your pain threshold must be quite high.
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Welen, What's a stomach washout? Don't stress yourself out, you need to be calm and strong for your baby and to be able to produce more milk with less stress. Sometimes milk won't come in till a few days later and baby doesn't need so much milk the first few days too. Hang in there... I'm...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Bianz/ hk baby, My baby also 3.7 kg now, if by my next gynae visit on Sat and he's still not out, doc also want to induce me already. Hoping I'll have some signs soon! Are your EDD based on last period or weight of bb? My first doc gave me a later EDD of 29/30 Jan based on my cycle but...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi mummies who have delivered, just wondering did you bring your breast pump to the hospital when you delivered?
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Hkbaby/Bianz, Looks like we're going to be next. I just saw doc this morning supposed to be due next week 25th but also no signs yet and bb still growing. If by next sat bb still not out, doc wants to induce already as scared bb gets too big.
