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  1. N

    (2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

    Chrisl, better check with doctor first. the directions for the medicated oil I have at home says "for adults and children above 2yo". I also wanted to apply ammeltz yokoyoko on my back but I read from another forum that the mummy was sent into emergency ward after applying. After that I though...
  2. N

    (2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

    Hi ladies, nice joining all of you here. Am currently at 6 weeks. Would like to ask.. what can we take to curb nausea? I'm facing a loss of appetite throughout the day. I don't feel like eating anything, so I just forcing myself to eat because I need to. After meals, or halfway through a...
  3. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Nurul, Dr Lau is a very patient and caring doctor. He is also attentive to the needs of the patient. Before going for Ivf at kkh, I was with a few pte gynaes and with each gynae I realized that I always have to repeat the same old story about my condition, as though they are seeing me for the...
  4. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thank you all for your well wishes! Sasha, i'm 6 wks now... EDD around aug/sep. i1BB, i didn't know that too. We were even more surprised by the fact that sperms can survive for so many days in a woman's body. And yes, i keep telling myself that it's a miracle baby and must treasure my...
  5. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Nurul, for most people, OHSS can be manageable and does not require cancellation of cycle or hospitalization. In my case, a blood test shows that my blood was getting too "sticky", which indicates moderate OHSS. I could barely eat or move around as my tummy looked like 6 months preg. Dr then...
  6. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Angel, Actually we did it 2 days before hcg but we didnt know it was not allowed.
  7. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi everyone, I did my Ivf fresh cycle in nov 2011, but was unfortunately cancelled after ER as I was hospitalized due to OHSS. I was given duphaston to induce my menses and was all prepared to do FET this jan. However, 2 weeks after taking the last duphaston pill, my period did not report...
  8. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Yes, kk ivf will be closed for some time during the later half of jan for CNY and lab cleaning. Sorry can't remember exact date.
  9. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Noy, I'm not exactly sure about the normal wait time but it seems that there's no need to wait that long for FET. My fresh cycle was cancelled early Dec and just 3 days ago I requested from Dr Lau for me to do FET in Jan. He only asked if I was feeling okay emotionally and he went on to arrange...
  10. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Noy & Dee, I'm with Dr Matthew Lau. He's a very patient and approachable doctor. Although his name is not as often mentioned as other doctors in forums, but I personally have faith in him as my IVF doctor. I did my 1st fresh cycle with him, which was unfortunately cancelled as I was...
  11. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi everyone, I've been admitted into KKH the night before my ET for moderate OHSS. Doc recommended to freeze all embryos and do FET in future, if not may risk going to ICU as my condition will only worsen after ER. Quite disappointed but no choice. Chrisl, I took 8 egg whites per day and...
  12. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Lovetohavekids be strong and Jia you
  13. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Chrisl, the doc didnt't give me progesterone support, only cabergoline which helps prevent bloatedness. Same here... My cramps were so bad that I couldn't sleep well last night. Now I just lie on the sofa and get hubby to do everything for me.
  14. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks lovetohavekids. Actually after I posted my last message, I vomited out my dinner and egg whites.. I guess it must be the sedative. Not sure if all the medicine that I took have been absorbed or puked out.
  15. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ladies, Just had my ER today. Had 37 eggs retrieved and now having cramp like feeling... Can't even walk straight. How long will this take to go away?
  16. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi ladies, is it possible to buy extra syringes and alcohol swaps for lucrin at KKH pharmacy over the counter without a prescription? Just realised that they didn't give me an extra pack when I collected lucrin the last time.
  17. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ocean, my MIL also bought korean ginseng for me, but she was told not to take the ginseng during menses. not sure abt the reason though.
  18. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    miracle happens, I understand how you feel because our circumstances are similar. I'm about the same age as you at 27... also unprotected sex throughout marriage. I've seen 2 pte gynaes and 1 tcm doctor before going to KKH but no success. When people ask me why no kids yet, I'll always try to...
  19. N

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Serene, I'm with Dr Matthew Lau. Only met him once as I just started IVF - starting lucrin tomorrow. I think he's quite encouraging and he was also able to answer all our queries clearly and patiently, so we are pretty comfortable with him. Perhaps you could meet him first before deciding.
