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  1. bearie_girl

    Looking for a Good Part-Time Maid

    Hi I'm currently looking for a part time maid, only require ironing service, once or twice a week. Amk central area. Pls do recommend or PM me thank you!
  2. bearie_girl

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi ariadne I visited the Gynae when I was about 5days late. Lol my hubby was v gan Jiong. But I was pretty sure because of the changes in my body and the test kit was positive. I had metallic taste in my mouth and had backaches. I went to the Gynae then couldn't scan anything at all. Took a...
  3. bearie_girl

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi ariadne U haven't seen any Gynae yet? How long have u missed your period? Once I tested positive I made appt already but if u want to its also ok to start at 6 or 8th week?
  4. bearie_girl

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi ARiadne I read those comments about dr fong too... But honestly my last few visits with him was fine. I think it's more of our own expectation... For me I would rather my Gynae act on issues correctly and swiftly, than to sweet talk... TLC is my hubby's job mah. I would encourage u to pick...
  5. bearie_girl

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi Ariadne So far I find dr fong v experienced. He is recommended by family and relatives too. I think I saw ho Yao sun that singer's photo in this clinic. He delivered her boy if I'm not wrong. Lol... Celebrity endorsement ... On a serious note I find that his years of experience is quite...
  6. bearie_girl

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Nick: Bearie_girl Age: 31 Baby: #1 edd: 26 sept 2012 Gynae: Dr fong chuan wee Hosp: Gealeagles Hello sept mummies I'm trying to cope w the pukey feeling since yesterday. Hope it doesn't interfere w my work.
  7. bearie_girl

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi All I just found tested positive over the weekends and went to gynae to confirm. I'm about 4 weeks from date of last menses. It's very scary and worrying because he didn't manage to see any sac yet. I also have occasional cramps and brown discharges. Dr has given me some hormonal and...
