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  1. S

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Hi all!! Checking in late, my edd is 16th Jan. Nice to meet all here!
  2. S

    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Esth3r, I heard dry shampoo is worse. It's like powder and imagine your hair oily and the powder just stick onto it. After a while it'll get clumpy and your hair grey and white. I don't think I can take it. Haha!! =X
  3. S

    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Thanks Blitx and tethysea!! =) Will check those out!
  4. S

    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Daisy, I think my sashimi craze is over. What a waste!! Now I eating mostly steam fish but salmon can only take in raw form. Heh!! Mommies, where can I buy waistband extender? I still refuse to give up my daily pants. =P
  5. S

    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Hi all, I'm new here. My edd is 27th March 2012. =) *wave @ Daisy
