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  1. Y

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Hi I just admitted my bb to hospital due to jaundice and 3 person is telling me because I do not have enough breast milk that why bb dehydrated. So sad and I gave in to formula milk.
  2. Y

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Hi thanks everyone for the encouragement. Hope tonight will b better. Tmr bringing bb for jaundice check up. Hope the level will go down. But my baby did not urine much and no shit. Is it normal ?
  3. Y

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Re: breastfeeding My baby is only less than a week and latch every hour at night. When I pump out it's less than 10ml. Feel like giving up and give in to formula milk. Re: c section How long will the wound heal ? It's so painful. Re: Facebook How to join the Facebook ?
  4. Y

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    thanks aqua [IMG=] now my baby is already 3.2kg and doctor ask me not to walk so much ...
  5. Y

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Hi I m going for c- section on 30 aug. Would like to check a few things with those had given birth by c section. After operation, how soon will we be wheel back to the room ? Is it a need to use binder ? Any brand or Dale ? Is it difficult and painful to bf ? Thanks.
