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  1. valval04

    (2013/07) July 2013

    Hi Felix, Congrats also! Wow! Then we are exactly the same timing for both kids. Hehe.. I didn't want a #2 so soon or maybe I dun even want a #2 one.. so when it happens, it's more like a shock than surprise. For the #1, I have to go thru IUI to conceive but for the #2 it's natural. That's...
  2. valval04

    (2013/07) July 2013

    Hi mummies! Can i join in the fb group also? I'm expecting my #2 and according to my last gynae visit, it should be 5-6 weeks now.. yet to see the blinking heartbeat, just the sac.. the pregnancy came as a shock as my girl has just turned 1 yr old..
  3. valval04

    (2011/11) Nov 2011

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum and need some advice from u mommies. Not too sure if anyone is going thru what I am going thru now. I delivered my bb via c sect on the 21 nov however was suffering from a side effect from epidual called the spinal headache. Due to this, I was unable to get out...
  4. valval04

    (2011/12) Dec 2011

    Hi, can i join in too? [IMG=] Nick: valval04 Email: [email protected] EDD: 2 Dec 2011 Gynae: Dr Su Lin Lin Hospital: NUH Baby#: 1 Gender: Girl Girl Location: Yishun Thanks!
