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  1. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Dont think there is any bad effect from drinking too much milk. But PD said drinking milk alone is not enough. Just have to make sure the child eats a variety of solid even though a little. My boy has started to eat solid (rice) again 3 days ago, altho not much maybe 7 small tbsp each meal...
  2. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    I read and heard from people, if you want your baby to eat more solid then reduce the milk intake. That's why some people only give milk in the morning and at night. So the child can eat solid during the day. But cos my boy not eating well these days, I have given him milk 3x a day. But during...
  3. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Wah, am glad to know am not the only one. Thought my boy is the most fussy eater. But guess there are others out there:p Ivy, is your girl skinny then? Yes have to remind ourselves - importantly they are healthy, nvm being skinny Mummy - Feeding milk is tough. I have to wait till he...
  4. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Hey Ivy, my boy had milk strike when he was 4 months old. Thought feeding would get better as the child gets older. But unfortunately, it's the opposite for me. Yah quite stressful especially he doesnt want to eat. He doesnt have any favourite food except cheese. I offered him junk food eg...
  5. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    I think why parents offer all sorts of food like fried, or ice-cream to their children is because their children refuse to eat proper food, like mine So sometimes I had to give him chocolate cake, crackers etc
  6. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    I think my son got a bad eating habit. He hasnt been eating rice or porridge or vege or meat for a month now, since he got better from diarrhea. And he doesnt want to drink milk. So now his 3 meals per day are gone. What he does now, is just snacking - we gave him anything he wants to eat...
  7. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Hey Jesline, Pls let me know if the hougang branch is any good? I want to go for the open use. But my boy has not been well so can't. Tx.
  8. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Kiddie Palace sells potty. You can buy the one which you can place on the toilet seat. My son is using that, so no need to clean the potty after use. Just flush the toilet only hahaha. My son is quite good in pee2 and poo2. I think it depends on individual kids. Teach him to say when he wants to...
  9. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Am thinking of sending my 20mth boy to nursery when he turns 4. No hurry in sending him in early. But in the meantime, perhaps sign him up for musikgarten or just attend church nursery to get him mix around. But no harm in looking around for good nurseries now...
  10. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Wow, Jeanie your 20mth old can help! Am surprise! That's great!!! Anyway, salute both of you Jeanie &amp; Fitti - both got time and can bake!!! I just wanna sleep if got time hahaha! I better go shower now &amp; nap while my boy is sleeping. At the moment, am aiming to do these few things...
  11. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Hi Yummy, Only 1 :p but already 2 handful hahaha So I salute you, Jeanie with 2 kids and yet still got time to do household chores and do some baking!
  12. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Hi yummy, Same here! Lords things to do but no energy. That is why if got time, I rather sleep Hanna... Anyway, yah quite bored stay at home. Seriously thinking going back to work :p
  13. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Hi Yummy and Jeanie, Yaj bored being a sahm, but that doesnt mean there's nothing to do everyday!!! In fact, I envy you Jeanie - I dont know how you find the time to do baking and household chores??? If I got any time, I just wanna sleep :p (like now hahahhaa). Hi Fitti, I've been to the...
  14. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC=" also facing the same challenge as you both Fitti and GG - my boy is shy now...thus am thinking also to send him to 'somewhere' hahaha! Fitti, which church pre-nursery you are sending your child to? Unfortunately I dont have a church nursery near my home. Am torn in between stayin...
  15. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Hi Everyone, Am a stay home mom. I have stopped working since giving birth to my 1st son. Now am actually contemplating to go back to work as I found staying at home can be quite boring. I know some of you are working moms. And some are stay-home moms. Can give any advice? Tx
  16. B

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Hi everyone, Am new here. Reason for joining is am looking around for pre-schools for my boy 19 months. Want to know a good playgroup for my boy around sengkang area. Thanks in advance.
