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  1. H

    Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

    Hi sunbelle Your words really motivate me! I wanted v much to have babies with my Hubby as both of us like kids and it really will make our life more complete. Sometimes I will even imagine our babies in our hse, playing and crawling in one corner. Really hope the day will come soon. I...
  2. H

    Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

    Hi jenn thanks for your encouragement. All the best to u too.
  3. H

    Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

    Hi heatherwhite and dolphy, thanks for the encouragement. Actually i have not really tried in the right time as my menses have been v irregular. I only started seeing dr Zou around sep this year. Was v happy to know I ovulated after seeing her for a month then. But as I'm still new to bbt...
  4. H

    Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

    Hi to all mummies to be chanced upon this forum and decided to get some support here too. I have been diagnosed with pcos but I'm not obese. I've been reading alot on diet for pcos woman and mostly the advice is to reduce sugar intake and reduce weight. But since I'm not obese, do u think I...
