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  1. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Worr i see..hahah..tats cute n rare posture..keke..i was told we mus sayang bb and tell bb to be cooperate b4 the next appt on 14feb..will keep u gals update if i can see..hehe.. U wan to keep it a secret mah?very tempting to know leh..hahaha..
  2. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Hi crayon..i bot at eu ren sheng too bt is small bottle kind..i time drink 1 bottle like tat..intend to drink once every 2-3 days..maybe next tme i buy the concentrated they having discount,can buy n stock up liao..hehe.. Mdmkhoo> hw is wired posture like?hee..on my las visit,we...
  3. S

    (2011/07) July 2011 me..i born in the yr of happi to see fact hor,i strike 4d twice (small Amt) after knowing im after tat 2 times..seems quiet now..hahah.. Nvm,will buy again each week try my luck..keke.. Looks like alot doggies here..huat ahhhhh...
  4. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Gd morning all..hehe its been a while since i las log in..hope u all doing fine..still rem mi? Keke oh ya, i finally passed my 1st trim now in 13weeks..went for oscar on monday glad tat everythings fine..tues i start to tell my frens happi they share the joy with me..hehe...
  5. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    alamak modisch..i like prawn mee, hokkien mee week eat twice like tat.last week eat crab..errr...gosh...
  6. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    congratulations alicia..i hope for gal and a boy also. : ) wow looks like alot mummies wking at raffles, me at harbourfront, anyone same? gals, i haven tell my pregnancy news to any of my frens or colleagues yet. Intend to break the news next week (start of week 13). Hehe...after tat can add...
  7. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Ok audrey i get it from gnc..hehe txs Chujie> i can do it wif other pills..nt obimin liao cos i too scare the smell..ystd nite keep wakin up n tnk of morny tk that pill how..gosh horrible feelin.. Hehe...No mood to wk...
  8. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Ok audrey i get it from gnc..hehe txs Chujie> i can do it wif other pills..nt obimin liao cos i too scare the smell..ystd nite keep wakin up n tnk of morny tk that pill how..gosh horrible feelin.. Hehe...No mood to wk...
  9. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Haha..i find it ridiculous smetimes big liao duno how to swallow...heee..smetimes i tnk my throat too small..i tried to put deep in..end up still stuck..omg.. Put in jam..i oso try b4 put in bread..:( failed... Helpless...
  10. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Chujie>hehe..i like the calcium milk bread too..nice.. Milo no wk for mi..after takin tat i drink milo..stil cant cover the smell..can u imagine..zzz..faintz..the power of obimin vitamins...hohoho.. Im gg GNC today find other alternatives..maybe replace those missing ones with other forms...
  11. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Audrey..where can buy liquid calcium? gals..i puke for the 3rd time today..sweat...txs to obimin. Yaya>i was told to stop my duphaston eversince ystd i started muti vit etc... Actually hor,i duno hw to swallow i crush all pills n eat..mayb tats my pukin so serious after tkin...
  12. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Audrey..where can buy liquid calcium? gals..i puke for the 3rd time today..sweat...txs to obimin. Yaya>i was told to stop my duphaston eversince ystd i started muti vit etc... Actually hor,i duno hw to swallow i crush all pills n eat..mayb tats my pukin so serious after tkin...
  13. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Hi mummies,i just started my multi vit,calcium n fish oil ystd given by gynae..i was given obimin mutli vitamins n i tnk i cant stand the smell..puke ystd after eatin tat and today morny puke another 2tmes..i tnk i gg to stop it cos i cnt continue like tis..anyone same as me?i gt to find other...
  14. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Good day to all mummies..Happy New Year!!! Hohoho.. Daph> same leh, my tummy still flat and no one notice yet, not even my coll. Haha..But last week my hair stylist ask me leh..he guess so bcos my face did change abit he say. Hm..duno how true..haha..but i find it amazing lor, my tummy...
  15. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Hello gals..tis thread gg v fast..tryin to catch up..these few days super lazy..dun feel like doing anyting. Pleth>i got the same edd as u tentatively..high 5! My nausea still ard..everyday scare vomit out in the office or anywhere. Just hope we can pass trim 1 real fast.. Sweat...
  16. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    ok i c..tnk after my 1st trim, i can go tour the hospital rooms liao..hehe...
  17. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Mdmkhoo, mind if i ask why u prefer gleneagles? Nearer to your place? [IMG=] haha sunshine, if my tummy obvious liao i dun tink i will ask pple give up seat to me..haha..unless i feelin nt well at that tme..hehe...
  18. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Wow serious ah eyelash drop..hmm..check wif gynae,mayb u lackin in sme nutrients or wat..oh i mean u monitor 2nd trim start still got drop so much hair gynae say might stop..hehe..i oso cant bear to cut..scare if my face bcum chubby..i still can use hair to hide abit..hahaha..
  19. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Feimei, i think u dun walk too much le, rest at home. I got a fren throughout pregnancy have to stay in the bed. So u monitor k? if prob persist, got to see gynae early and see if he can gif u any medi anot. Mdmkhoo: yeah, Dr Benjamin is far i've seen him 2nd time liao...
  20. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Mdm Khoo, we same gynae..hohoho...
