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  1. S

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Angel: Nv heard of this myth before, but my girl already started on meat, and she sure has some temper, and it's bcos she's a tigress.. Fii0nn: my girl's appetite got better after we introduced meat and I'm happy bcos she is one skinny bb, only drinks avg 120ml of milk per feed..
  2. S

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Thanks all for the advise.. [IMG=] To those mummies who are still bf-ing, *salute*, I stopped when my girl turned 6 mths old, it's too tiring for me bcos I was always the last to slp and first to wake up to express milk.. But.. No...
  3. S

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Thanks ladies, then what about marmite? I assume it is also not advisable?? My girl has one tooth now, and my mum says she's ready for meat, is this true? She can't even chew the fish properly how to have meat? Will she get indigestion?
  4. S

    (2010/02) February 2010 mtb

    Hi all, will like to hear some views from u all.. My girl always gobbled up all her porridge which my mil had prepared, I had tasted it b4, indeed, it's tasty.. Den recently I got to know that she added a bit of salt to taste.. Is it okie for my girl to take salt at this age (8mths old)?
