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  1. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    jellypurin: you mean the pd say that her hearing got some issues? or yourself think so?
  2. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    littlealmond: he look at rattles but not human eye lor.
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    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi mummies: want to check with you all if your bb (at 3months old) can have good eye contact with you? I am very worry cos my pd say my boy now 3months not having good eye contact. Have to review in a month time. SOb,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  4. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi jellypurin: Were you the one who collected the bumper from me yesterday nite? I think you are hee............... was reading thru the thread. SO your gal also oct bb? my no2. boy is born 09oct08.
  5. L


    hi can you PM my the disgusting PD! thks
  6. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi mummies: gOOD MORNING! Want to ask any one of you face the same problem as me................ My son reject bottle feed of ebm!!! I really dont know wat to do as i need to go back to work ma!!! Help me,,,,,,,,,,,, currently already tried out NUK teats both latex and silicone!
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    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi mummies: when did your mense really "clear up" after delivery? I am still having little spotting even 7weeks after delivery!1
  8. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Pinkimum / Mummies, I also envy those with a routine and babies that sleep through the night. Mine also still wake up every 2hrly nite. Come daytime even worse, he can be at my breast every hour. When I nurse him, he will dozes off, but put him down only, 'eyes BIG BIG' again.
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    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi joanne: i know of growth spurts but this happen not only during growth spurts lor! Sigh...........
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    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi mummies: anyone TBF and bb always want to be feed 1.5hrs later (start to start time)
  11. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi jellypurin: thks. My no.1 i start bottle at 2months and found that he hated it very resistant lor thus for no.2 thoug of starting earlier but drag till now he is 6wks plus liao. Think better start soon but just very lazy and tired to do so. Need to express and bottle and have a one-one...
  12. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi mummies: check with you all if u know of any guidelines to when to start TBF (direct feeding) bb with bottle training of ebm as to prevent nipple confusion? thks
  13. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    sorry for my poor english......... Wat i meant was that my boy only need to drink from one breast and it seems that is sufficient (last 1.5 to 2hr before next feed)
  14. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi mummies: Just want to join in the fun of chatting here with you all. I also like to find out any one of you have the same experience as me............. My boy 6weeks old only drink (latch on) one breast each time. It can last 1.5 to 2hrs. I am worried lor.............
  15. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi mummies: Long time since i update in this website. I remember the last time was i was resting at home during the 1st trimester. Now,,,,,,,,, bb already 1mth plus (born 09Oct). Want to chat with TBF mummies here!!! hope to chat with some of you soon.
  16. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi all do u have funny taste or smell in your month? I do have it !
  17. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    porky do take care n rest well
  18. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi ladies: with so many things that we cant eat and worst if got MS then left with not muc choice! Sian hor.......... Then with me having gestational diabetes history worst!!!! Really can go fasting liao
  19. L

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    juz a question does your doctor give MC or hospitalisation leave for you to rest at home due to unstable preggy/bleeding?
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    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    buffy, was given pills too see how it goes. the jab was tis morning
