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  1. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    muffin maybe go see a doc and see what doc says? cos CNY coming and most clinics will be closed. nip1 u having twins?? [IMG=] congrats!
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    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    simbaobao i take milo everyday but only 1 cup. i think it's ok. in fact my gynae never say cannot drink tea or coffee hee... guava yeah man. it's really funny but true. so dun change job liao.....haha jennifer ng u told your boss already? i haven yet. waiting for next scan to...
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    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    chine u having same problem as me. i only started my new job for 2 also on probation. have u told your boss? jasmine rest more!!!
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    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Jennifer Ng i think most of the time the tummy showing now is not really due to bb being bigger or anything. it's more that feel bloated. and it makes a difference whether it's first bb or not. for my first one, my tummy wasn't really obvious till like 4 or 5 months...
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    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Jasmine actually spotting is qutie common. think as long as not like what simbaobao said the reddish kind and with cramps, it shd not be very serious. but of cos best to check with gynae. guava my probation is 6 months. quite standard i think. in my last job, i also got pregnant one week...
  6. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    pray&love normally it is once a month for visits at the initial stage. but my gynae will see me in abt 10 days time cos when i saw him on fri, can only see the sac so he just wants to confirm that can see the bb. towards end of pregnancy, it will be more frequent like every 2 weeks...
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    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    happyenough my first visit cost $112. include urine test. medication cost abt 60+. guava at least your hb is so supportive. my hb is agst the idea of me not working. i stopped work for 2 years when i had my second one cos no one to help with taking care of bb. but now the 2 older kids...
  8. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    annie my gynae says dun eat. i did ask pineapple tarts he said try not to eat too much. i m not a big fan so it's ok with me. [IMG=] pray&love dun be too upset. u wan to try KKH TPS? shd be able to get appt faster. i got...
  9. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    pray & love hee me and hb called up hotline and asked for a senior consultant. we just hamtam and lucky the gynae we got is a nice guy. for my first bb, he sprained his leg and came back in the middle of the night to deliver my bb and cos i had no technique of pushing, he had to stand for...
  10. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    pinkie dot i usually start on DHA after 1st trimester. think heartbeat can't hear so soon. i remember everytime i only hear heartbeat abt 10 weeks or so? muffin i usually go for the oscar test. it's just blood test and scan. i have a fren who din do for 2 of her kids but did for her...
  11. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    pray & love 5mg is good enough. i think 800mg sounds very high. [IMG=] my gynae usually gives me the hormone pills and vitamin b (to help with the nasuea). that's abt it. just avoid eating pineapple and coconut. the rest i...
  12. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    hi mummies!! morning!! wah so many stories abt KK. i must be one of the lucky ones with good experience. my fren also gave birth there and also very good experience. in fact we hear not so good stories abt weird right. maybe it's cos we went for The Private Suite so better...
  13. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    p3pp3r maybe cos i go private suite so it's better. yeah think it's really heng sway one. but so far while i have not been happy on a few occasions abt kk service like waiting time etc but i m always very happy with their nurses. my son was in hospital a few weeks back for stomach flu and the...
  14. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    pommes u wan to go gleneagles? i can ask my fren for u. she has a female gynae that she finds good. he how come no one consider KK? the nurses there are great. samantha not 3rd visit, i meant 3rd bb but still feel so excited. oh then that's different. if he intends to get for his...
  15. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    re property for kids actually i dun agree with my hb's thinking of buying property for the kids. we have to work really hard to do that and end up no time for kids? not worth it right. so to me, the kids have their own life. maybe what we can do is to accumulate more savigns to help them but...
  16. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    simbaobao my parents are overseas working so that's why they ask us to move down. the main reason my hb wanted to move out is to have more space. other than that he is ok. [IMG=] your hb seems really excited abt bb!
  17. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    muffin hee actually no difference as stomach grow bigger. prob just more inconvenient. for me, maybe it's already #3 so not so kan chiong already. qutie sad one but can see difference btwn #1 and #2 pregnancy. now #3 will be worse!! haha. i still send the kids to sch everyday and getting...
  18. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    p3pp3r hee yah and last time my boss say gal better cos they come out to work faster than boys. very funny one. but my boss has 3 boys!! my hb always say want to buy house for all his kids. now with #3 dunno how it is possible. mummies seems like my bb will be the youngest here...
  19. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    p3pp3r your hb so traditional. my hb is the only son in family but he loves gals!! in fact when we had our boy, he was so disappoitned. so fortunately God gave us a gal for our second one. i also feel gals are closer to family and gals can have each other for company. like sisters will tell...
  20. B

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    p3pp3r my hb likes gals...hee...yeah as long as healthy that's the most impt!! but can't help wishing for one more gal. while my boy is terribly sweet to me, my gal is super adorable and very loving. but i find gals temper harder to control. so maybe another boy better.
