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  1. K

    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    Mummies, Need some advice!! Is it alright to mix some of my 2mth old's excess EBM to my 3yr Old's formula milk? E.g 2 scoops (120ml) + 100ml EBM, enough nutrients for my 3yr old?
  2. K

    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    Hi Ica, u r rite! It's the Pampers Stages New Baby, green/yellow packaging with balloon stretch. Mee too, I find it very thin and absorbent, and really soft. Hi Ceres, Its really a good deal. My husabnd only managed to grab 2 packs at CK bukit Merah b4 it went OOS. I used...
  3. K

    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    Hi ica, my bb oso born on 9 July [IMG=] Hi Jasline , My girl oso drank abt 100~120ml every 3-4 hours, using Avent small bottle & teat no. 2. But I have chg it to latch her 100%. Now I a bit regret liao cos she...
  4. K

    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    Hi Cerehh, My bb oso had quite severe nappy rash initially, I use very wet cotton wool pads to wash her butt, u squeeze the cotton wool for water to dripe down and rinse her butt. Its oso softer not so hash on her painful butt. When i use wipes, I dont use directly from the packaging, I...
  5. K

    (2010/07) July 2010 MTB

    Hi babycoco, My bb will be 8wks next thur. She oso started off waking up every 3-4hrs for her feed. Now her last feed is between 10.30~12MN, then she will sleep thru till 5~7am. But I will usually wake her up to latch by 6.45am cos breast cannot take it liao, then pat her back to sleep...
