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  1. M

    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    HI Miko, sorry to hear about your trails of experiences. As what Tweety said, you should take it easy and enjoy your marriagehood for now. I am insured by my company under CIGNA. Take care Ladies !
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    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Hi Ladies, to those who have gone through the D&C, hope you're doing better now both emotionally and physically. Jia You. Just to share, I had my first mensus after my D&C. First day was Tues (exactly 30 days after my D&C), the flow is just abnormal for me, very heavy flow...
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    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Keep us posted Chocolate_Soh...
  4. M

    Pregnancy at 39...going 40 (anyone??)

    Hi Ladies, it has been a while since I came to this thread as I've recently started another thread subject: how soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage? As the subject matter reads: I lost my baby through the diagnosis of blighted ovum at supposedly 7 weeks into my pregnancy therefore...
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    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    min21: I know exactly how you feel, stay strong and keep focus simply because you need to build back your health and strength to TTC again... keep well and take care.
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    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    chocholate_soh: most welcome, happy to provide and share as much as I can, which is why we are all here. Scan went well, doctor saw a fibrod but said nothing to worry about, it is small and had nothing to do with my MC. You take care and keep well. Hi Victoria, nice to see you joining this...
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    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Cynthia, congrats and nice to hear that baby is doing well. I read alot of reviews and hear many people telling me to try again (don't give up) which is something I would hopefully try for. Will share more as I move along... thanks for sharing, its a positive sign for people like me...
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    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Chocolate_Soh, my d&c cost me $1035 (with GST). My clinic told me I could use medisave but I did not since I had insurance (if use medisave, you pay about $240 in cash). I kinda recovered the next day meaning, no pain but was still bleeding, the bleeding ofcourse gets lesser and lesser and...
  9. M

    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Raerae: I went for my procedure on Monday, the doctor calls it an 'evacuation'. I was there in the morning at 11am as the doctor had to insert two tables in me to open my cervix and after the insertion I had to wait for 3 hours before she can perform the evacuation. I was then sedated at about...
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    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Geri, I read your blog, very well written and to some extend some parts of it relates to my thoughts. Thanks for sharing and indeed I find comfort and confidence in wanting to TTC again. God Bless and keep well [IMG=] Hopefully...
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    (2011/05) May 2011

    Hi Blurlemon, you cna remove my name from your table, it is confirmed that I lost my baby (diagnosed with blighted ovum). I will be doing the D&C procedure in 2 hours. Thanks.... To all ladies here, take care and keep well through this wonderful journey...
  12. M

    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Thanks Sarah, point noted[IMG=]
  13. M

    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Ling, thanks, will jia you [IMG=] Mitch / Diana, thanks for both your notes, makes a lot of difference to hear positive comments. Diana, yes I have oblight ovum, I spent the past 2 days checking and researching on the net and...
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    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Anastasia / Auroa Many thanks for the advices, my doctor also told me that about 2-3 months; maybe I am abit kancheong since age is catching up so trying to conceive and hoefully to make it for delivery next year. Anyways I think best to be fit rather than going thru more problems...
  15. M

    (2011/05) May 2011

    To all the wonderful ladies out there, thank you so much for your kind words; I am holding up well. tomorrow going for 2nd blood test, will see what the results are. To top up to my agony, I am not young anymore (sigh)... going 40 next March... Blurlemon, you're so sweet to still keep my...
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    (2011/05) May 2011

    Emily, Xuanmin, Serene - THANK YOU for your kind words, very comforting and it helps to know that I have people out there who is looking out for me. Emily - indeed your post is giving me some light but then again, my gynae's words are replaying back over and over again that she is pretty...
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    (2011/05) May 2011

    Thanks Ling [IMG=]
  18. M

    **How soon can we TTC after going through a mis-carriage?**

    Hi Ladies, I am actually form MTB May 2011 thread but after my visit to my gynae today, I will not be able to join those lucky ladies there. I have to go for an evacuation on Monday to remove my 'baby'. I am at 6wks 5days but strangely doctor can only see the waterbag and not the baby which...
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    (2011/05) May 2011

    Thanks Jerejoy.... Somehow feels emotionally attached to this thread... like already have bonding with you Ladies here.. oh gosh, I think I am just being emotional...
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    (2011/05) May 2011

    Thanks Susan... just needed that HUG !!
