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  1. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi mummies n mummies to be, am a graduate fm this thread... Went thru my first fresh cycle end last yr n am blessed with a 3 mth old bunny boy... I have an unopened box of immunocal expiring april 2012 at $70... Will bear the postage... Do let me know if interested... Thx! All the...
  2. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Baby... Tat's good... 2kg... Which means they dun really need nicu... Weida mummy... Can tahan 1 mth in hosp...
  3. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Baby... Sorry... Just saw ur post... Wat did doc do at 26wks? U must be very worried then... Tat means u stayed 3 wks in hosp before giving birth? Wat were ur twins wt?
  4. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Stb... I'm only at 29 wks... 2 more days to 30 wks... Counting down... Bb was abt 1.3kg 1 wk ago... Ya, true... Must hv good rest first before the hard work kicks in... The ward tat I will be in will depend on when bb choose to be born...
  5. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Stb... Fully agree... The bed at kkh is super uncomfy... We chose c class cos bb will need close to 100 days in neonatal if born then... Got a ceiling fan n my own fan... Sweating the whole day cos my bed was beside the window... It made my stay there quite miserable... Yep... Hv been resting...
  6. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Stb... Yep... Admitted for 2 days and readmitted on the same day I was discharged... Altogether 1wk...Terrible stay cos very uncomfy... The med I'm taking lowers bp n may cause dizzyness... But so far so good... Doc say no side effect on bb (hope so)... Still having some cramps n staining...
  7. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Stb... U r luckier than me... Cos still had some contractions after 1 wk in hosp n need to bedrest till I deliver... Discharged anyway cos they only gave me adalat during my stay which i can also take at home... N home is a better place to rest... Wat medication were u on? U must be...
  8. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi mummies... Does anyone has threatened preterm labour before n managed to carry bb to full term? Bleeding n having contractions at 28 wks... Now on adalat n bedrest...
  9. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Rostrum... Ya... 3 times & I had to take 3 days leave... Every wk 1 day... Just hope things turn out well... Joanne... Expecting a boy... Due in sep... Was thinking of giving birth in kk since they hv my records & I'm comfortable w dr marianne... But may consider to switch... See how...
  10. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Rostrum... Thx for the positive reply... I went 2 days (20 & 25 apr) for the scan cos of bb's position... Then on the 2nd day, sonographer said managed to take the measurements & everything looks good... Now ask me to go back on 3 may... If there r measurements tat was missed out, at...
  11. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Mummies w kk... Need some advise... Had done my detailed scan & was told everything is fine... Received an sms & a call on fri to go back adc for another scan... Asked the staff wat the scan is for... She said will check & get back to me... Din receive any callback so I called up...
  12. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Stickybfp... *hugs* But we know u r a strong gal... Really hope u dun give up & keep on trying... U really deserve to hv child(ren) of ur own... Cos u'll be a good mummy... Nip... Hope u r coping well... Enjoy the rest of the 5 mths ahead...
  13. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    piggy... all the best to ur et tmr... bbdust to u...
  14. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Stickybfp... Ur dh stressed, tat's why... U can always come in here... All the gals here support u... Tmr et... Must be happy... Ur babies waiting for u... Loads of bbdust for u...
  15. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    wow, mummies... thx for all ur advice... will start to take the fish oil & calcium first... then multivit 2 hrs later... mine is prenanatal though... seems like lots of mummies taking obimin...
  16. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    rostrum... i'm not with dr sf loh... w dr marianne... she said if wan to drink milk, take pasterised milk...
  17. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    tkx, pink-d & rostrum... pink-d, my gynae said no need any supp during 1st tri... only folic acid & duphaston... advised not to take milk powder for mtb also... as will cause weight gain... rostrum, u r with dr sf loh rite? why not prescribed calcium?
  18. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    congrats! janice! all ur hard work & butt pain paid off... must rest well & enjoy ur pregnancy...
  19. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi mummies w kkh... Need advice on the supplements... When do we start the calcium, multivits & oil? Was told 2nd tri but it's fm wk 12, 13 or 14? Am 13 wks now... Dunno is it 2nd tri already... And was told to take one of the supplement 1 hr after the other 2... But forgot which...
  20. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Stickybfp... I'd love to stalk the thread but this thread is really too fast... It's moving a lot faster than the time we were having our fresh... Just happened to pop by cos I try to do it every nite but can only read a bit...
