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  1. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    pinkaddict, i very guai. stay in bed most of the times except for my morning checkup at nuh. 2molo got to jab again. u oso must guai guai k? dun walk too much. moderation ok. must eat well n sleep well oso ah.
  2. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    sesame, kekeek....aiya. my mind just wandered in that direction. out of my control. hahaha. I'll try to curb my yellow zone. lol
  3. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    kopibaby, i stay in serangoon very far from nuh loh. I asked my gynae to issue me a letter n the progesterone med. will bring along both to my gp n they'll jab for me. But must pay administering fee which nuh charges oso. Hence i wld rather do it at my gp downstairs loh
  4. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Diana, **baby sprinkle loads of bbdust on u** All will go well during ur ET n ur embies will cling tight tight to u. Start taking ur brazil nuts hor
  5. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    kopibaby, so when u seeing prof wong again?
  6. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    sesame, must force urself to sleep lah. hehehe.....hmm...wat kind of night activities har??? *baby's mind wandering into yellow zone le* kekeke more importantly, don't stress yah. so many sistas here bfp this month, n syrah just got the october month rolling... all will be well for u...
  7. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    kopibaby, mine is originally on wed n sat. but next wk onwards it'll be on tues n fri. Next fri i'm seeing prof mary rauff again. I actually asked prof rauff to give me letter n the jabs so that i can just go to gp to administer the jab rather than travelling all the way down to nuh for...
  8. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Sesame, Cheer up k? I'm sure like pinkaddict said, ur follicles r growing swee swee big big gd gd quality now. They will definitely be fantastic for ER. U just have to concentrate on eating well, sleeping well n Zenness all the way. More bbdust to u to fill ur womb n ur heart yah...
  9. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    kopibaby, yah loh...u see so many sistas miss u le. If my memory didn't fail me, 2day u hv appt with prof pc wong hor. my twin miracle......u back?
  10. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Syrah, You know ah.....i've never seen a positive before loh...n moreover, guardian pharmacy last wk had buy 1 get 1 free so i bought le. hahahaha....n oso my gynae said the line should ideally be darker than control line. so i really want to see if will be darker or not. kekekeke Aiya...
  11. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Winniepooh, Yah...cannot test when u r on pregynl jab. Then if all is well y not wait for beta hcg on 18/10? I know can be quite difficult to 'ren'. just to share, my beta hcg was at 268 14dpo. And that according to my gynae is normal. So if u r expecting twins, think it'll be much higher.
  12. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    winniepooh, by 18/10, u'll be how many days post ET le?
  13. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Syrah, I even more silly loh...kekekeke. up till yesterday, i was still testing. I still tot of buying clearblue coz never since a positive on it. Goon a not har! hehehe
  14. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    winnie, u hv done ur beta bt already? Do u mind telling me ur hcg reading? sorry ah.........i kpo heehhe
  15. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Syrah, Maybe i super ks. but i think 26Oct is too long a wait. I would suggest u continue to get ur progesterone jab at least on a wkly basis even though spotting stop le. Can I suggest that u get an appt to c ur mil's gynae sometime early next week so that u can be given more support? Think...
  16. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Syrah, however, you might 1 2 consider continuing your progesterone jab. My gynae refuse to release me from the jab even though i complain very painful. Hv to continue till i 12wks. When is ur appt with kkh n ur mil's gynae?
  17. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    ladies, just back from nuh. Did a scan today. could see sac and yolk sac. so comforting now.....not like past 2wks worry n worry. Syrah, yah...u wait another 2 to 3 days before deciding need to jab a not. by the way, how many wks are u along? heard 4wks can see sac, 5wks can see yolk sac.
  18. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    syrah, my spotting only stopped 3 days later Remember, don't walk too much. I went to the bookshop on sun thinking spotting stopped n it returned on mon loh. so really must complete bed rest
  19. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    syrah, u must continue to bed rest yah. mine stopped after around 3 to 4 days. if still doesn't stop then i think u should go n ask for 1 more jab
  20. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    syrah, ur doggy is so cute n observant. mine just heck care me. always go find my husband. he really attitude 1
