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  1. C

    (Advice- How to deliver easiily and faster)

    Walking a lot indeed helps wif squatting about 5 to 10 times a day. I had a real fast delivery from 11am till 1pm only. I ask for epidural n it doesn't helps much for me cause the nurse didn't know that I was goin to deliver soon so they didn't put on more drip for me. It's a waste of $$ for me...
  2. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    hi ladies, finally free to settle down to share my lor sor birth story. Date : 20/09/10 8.50am I was still on bed when I had an urge of weewee after a sneeze. As normal, I wiped n saw bleeding on the toilet paper. I cant believe it, continued to wipe wipe n wipe. But the bleed didnt...
  3. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Gd morning ladies, my water bag wasn't burst tis morning. Instead I started wif bleeding first. Went straight to clinic to c gynae n i didn't know I was oredi 4 cm dilated. I was asked to go to the hospital immediately. Now lying on the delivering suite waiting for my epidural. Will update...
  4. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Mummies , do u wash those bb clothings by hand or machine? My MIL says machine might leave some detergent behind which can make bb rashes. Nw I gt plenty of worn bb clothes to wash. I tot of throwing them into the machine. Then i heard bb s clothes muz get those worn one fr other bb then it...
  5. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi , My bb gender is boy, staying in Punggol, gynae is dr Chen Chern Yi n deliverin in MAH. Bb s name Clovis if I'm nt wrong. Hehe.
  6. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Wat other details do u all need ?
  7. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Wow tis thread really fast. Gsm - which hospital u goin to? Mine MAH. Mayb we r able to c each other. Lol apple - I tink somethng muz b wrng wif the weighting machine. Hv u try on other machines too? Mummies n daddies , do u all gv 胎教 to yr babies too?? Is it really important ?? Wat...
  8. C

    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Hi, I'm oso MTB tis oct. My EDD is 5/10/10. Hope tt I'm nt late too late to join in.
