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  1. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    @candyflos: you are welcome [IMG=]
  2. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    @miho_26: which part of tw are u located? will u be coming back after delivery? The lady from parentcraft was telling me it's still possible to start the lessons from 30w. I think they still have slots for the 12/06 class...maybe u would like to find out from them?
  3. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    congrats, baobei07 and ellysia [IMG=]
  4. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    I m down with bronchitis...wracking coughs so I m unable to sleep much [IMG=] doc suggested antibiotics, medicon-a but I opted not to take them yet. He did discuss about possible side effects so I chose to wait it out *fingers crossed*
  5. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Welcome candyflos [IMG=] pls pm p3pp3r your email .....
  6. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011 seems like i detected my first pregnancy stretchmark (at least at places i can see)'s becoming-shallower-belly-button! haha...though it should NOT be something i should be happy about but somehow i just keep smiling when i spy it in the mirror :P
  7. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Thanx p00h! [IMG=] I went to the parentcraft website to chk out their schedules...but unfortunately the classes either start before i return or too late(i will already b in my 32w :P) There's mention of intensive...
  8. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    p00h: whew! that is good to hear [IMG=] thought I missed the boat and still erm...clueless...heh where are you having your lessons? yes i continued with my checkups after i came back to taiwan when i m at my 14w ... but i have a...
  9. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    p00h : Thank you! EDD - 01/09 Nick - jayna BB - No. 1 Gender - Prince Gynae - Dr LC Cheng Hospital - TMC occupation - Homemaker Area - Taiwan(at the moment)
  10. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    I am currently residing in TW but will be back in SG by my 28w. Will it be too late to go for antenatal classes? :P I could not find anything comprehensive where I am located at the moment...
  11. J

    (2011/09) Sep 2011

    Hi all mummies-to-be, [IMG=] I am new here...took me sooo long to join all of u coz i was worried i might mc again... [IMG=] i m @ my 22w today and our bb boy will be...
