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  1. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    hb and i not very comfortable with nanny also. heard horror stories too. but oh well still have some months to think about it. off to bed now. nite everyone!
  2. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    lynn - I have lots and lots of pimples too! my first sign tt i was pregnant was the breakouts! then my colleagues keep asking mee why all of a sudden i have so many pimples [IMG=] but my colleagues very nice to me when they found out...
  3. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    i think i saw the rate for my first skool is 1.4K, so with subsidy as FTWM shd be 800-900? about the same as maid. chujie - wah. yours sound worse than mine lor. i use this cream called bepanthen from bayer shering to help the healing of my rashes. not sure if you can find it in guardian or...
  4. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    chujie - thinking of sending after 2.5 mth to 3 mth, cause i have to go back to work. my mum feel too young but we have no choice. no one can look after. my parents still working and my ILs don't live in SG. Heard too many horror stories about maids as well, so don't dare.
  5. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    wendy - its good that you are able to teach piano to your bb. will be getting my bro to teach. can save $ too. chujie - i itch all the time too! i have like rashes in lots of places. esp when im at work, so itch, then no choice have to scratch. get scolded by hb when i come home cause i...
  6. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    syrah - congrats on the news. really perfect! anyone knows if we can already register for IFC? my place has a new My First Skool opening in march i think. dunno whether can kiasu and register... px22 - wow, so envious, you can feel pop already. i feel only gas. hb claims he can hear the bb...
  7. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    I've had tummy since week 13. getting bigger and bigger all the time. px22 - no one gives up seat for me either in the train and bus, so what I actually do is I walk up to the reserved seats and tell them that I'm pregnant and ask if I can have the seat. so far everyone I have asked always...
  8. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    btw, i'm having reunion dinner on my mum side today, anyone know if we can take loh hei? loh hei without the fish is not loh hei... its like char quay teow without 'ham' [IMG=]
  9. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Audrey - amazing that you can be up so late. I just knock out at 9 every nite. DH complaining that he has so little time with me already cause I sleep so much! Lynn - my 1st tri was similar to yours. feel faint mornings esp in the train, then have to wake up twice a nite to go toilet. But so...
  10. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    TMC is quite popular I think. a lot of my colleagues delivered at TMC. The other favourite is Mount A. Are the diagnoses at this stage very accurate? I heard they check the angle or something liddat?
  11. M

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Hi all MTBs, this thread moves really fast. I'm expecting my first child on 20 Jul. Any MTBs in the west? saw my active bb this week, no idea boy or girl. plan to deliver at nuh, any mtbs delivering there? [IMG=]
