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  1. S

    Advice on pre & post natal massage

    Hi Py I paid $6k for the treatment. She will go to your hse for consecutive 22 days during your confinement to do the treatment. She has other different packages to suit your budget. You can find Jitsinee Spa or Jitsinee Nit in Facebook.
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    Dr Chan from Glen E

    Yes hv to go back 10 days later to remove the stitches. You are advise / encourage to get downthe bed to walk the next day, but it's very pain lor. The pain gets lesser in the fourth day. By the way the hospital pkg is 4 days 3 nites, I wrote wrongly in my earlier msg.
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    Dr Chan from Glen E

    Dorakids I dunno how to comment on stitches, but for Dr Chan he is not using those thread that will dissolve by itself. U need to go back 10 days after the delivery to remove the thread. But the removing part is painless.
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    Dr Chan from Glen E

    dorakid oh isit they told you amnio test is abt 30mins to an hr? maybe 30 mins includes the consultation? But in any case the process of extracting the amnio fluid is the most less than 5 mins. just poke, extract and done. Of cos Dr Chan will apply anaesthetic before he 'poke' the needle on...
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    Dr Chan from Glen E

    hi dorakid Dun worry, Dr Chan is a very professional and experience doctor, you can see from the babies photos all over the walls in his clinic and the no. of patients in queue to see him. Kaypo abit I saw Mark Lee's photo on the wall, think her daughter was also delivered by Dr Chan. Ok...
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    Dr Chan from Glen E

    2nd child was more expensive than the 1st cos the 1st child was 8 years ago, the higher rates is due to Dr Chan's fee is up and due to my age (above 35) and need to do extra test like amnio test and detailed scan etc. The bill for my 2nd child (caecerean) is abt 10k for 2 bedded (3 days 2 nites)...
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    Dr Chan from Glen E

    hi baby starry are we talking abt Dr Chan Kong Hon? Both my kids were delivered by Dr Chan, the 2nd one just last year Dec. As i was 37 last year when i delivered my 2nd son, Dr Chan did the Amnio test(drawn out a sample of the amnio liquid) for lab testing. He would insist you to do the test...
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    Advice on pre & post natal massage

    hi all mummies, i engaged Nit after my 2nd delivery in Dec 2010, i agree that though her charges is on the higher side as compare to those normal malay massage but she is good. after the 22 sessions of post natal massage, i can wear back my pre-prenancy jeans. Best part is you do not have to...
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    Advice needed: How to cure Eczema?

    i am also having very bad hand eczema since 2 years ago, nothing seems to cure doctors oni prescribe steriod cream but steriod cream is no good for long term use and it couldn't cure eczema, it will come back when you dun apply the cream. i have since been seeing chinese doctrs and at least...
