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  1. B

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Dawndew, I'm sorry to hear your loss, and I totally understand how you feel. I had lost my baby Joelle on 5 Mar 2010 when she was 35 weeks. We had did various blood test, but we can't find what the cause of the stillbirth. It took me quite a while to get over it, though sometime I will...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    It has been quite a while since I visited and post in this thread. Time really files, baby jorelle had left us for 2 years (7 mar 2010), and I had successfully delivered her sister, baby Jocelyn on 24 feb 2012. Due to the first unpleasant incident, I had been worrying, stressed and over paranoid...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Monster, congrats! Java (cosmicstar), I heard of protein S deficiency, but don't really know what is it. Based on all the test results, Gynae believed that the stillbirth was due to virus attack. My hubby and I were trying hard for No. 2. But I'm worried at the same time that history repeats...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    It's been almost 5 months since baby Jorelle left us. I still miss her dearly especially when i see small babies, and tears will start to roll. How I wish she is around...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Ethan_mum, thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully, I can get over this dark period soon... Enjel, At least you know what happened to your little angel. Till now, all the test reports still couldn't tell what happened to my baby jorelle. I have been asking myself what went wrong. Whole...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    It's been almost 3 months since I lost baby jorelle... I'm getting better now but there are still times where my tears dropped when I think of her. I will be back to work on 14 June. Will I be emotionally stable when I'm back? How am I going to answer to those ppl who asked me about my baby?
  7. B

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Enjel, I asked my gynae whether the same thing will happened to my future pregnancy and when can I try to have the next baby. He told me that this is a stand-alone case and should not affect future pregancy. As mine is c-section, it would be good to try after 6 months. I would very...
  8. B

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Thanks to all for your encouragement. I had just finished my confinement and still resting at home. Enjel, Any finding on the autopsy? I would very much want to know what actually happened to my baby jorelle as well, and I was really at a loss when it happened. And so far, all the test...
  9. B

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Not sure if this thread is still "alive"... I have lost my precious girl, Jorelle on 7 Mar 2010 during the 35th week of pregrancy. Everything went well during the pregancy till 4 Mar. She had been actively kicking even my hubby can feel her movement when he touched my tummy, but I can...
