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  1. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Berrybaby, Luke is now 39 weeks. The weeks fly by so fast... How many weeks is Ryan now? Luke does occassionally vomit out his milk especially when he does not burp well. I get so worried when it happens. thank goodness...we are around when it happens so that we can clean up etc. And he...
  2. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Jas, thanks for replying. I did an increase took him a lot longer to finish but he finished (partly cos he fall asleep). it can be hard to tell if he wants to stop when he also wants to sleep. You are right...if he is full, he will let me know some rejecting the...
  3. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi mummies, I need advice on whether and how much I shld increase my baby's milk feed. 2 weeks back when we went to see his PD, we were told we can increase 10-15ml every 2-4 days. Since then, I only dared to increase by 15ml. He is now on 75ml (his weight 2 weeks back when measured at the...
  4. N

    Premature babies support group

    Berrybaby, thanks for asking abt Luke. He is coping well. He feeds well with every increment of milk (except for early morning feeds when he is just so sleepy, he take really long to finish). He screams every time its near feeding time...without fail; and every time he dirties himeself. Am...
  5. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi mummies With regards to the eye boy went for the test this morning, I took the advice of the mummies and daddy here and from the nurse to not be present during the test. At first, i stood right outside the examination room but when I heard the loud cry and heard rest of pple in...
  6. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi lilac, my email address is [email protected]. I will await your email. Thanks.
  7. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi David...thanks for sharing. Do you mean parents may faint? Gosh! I am now thinking twice...about being around when the procecure happens. How long does this procedure typically take? Hi Rain, I had pre eclampsia as well when pregnant and had to do a csect too. Till today, I still...
  8. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi David, Poor babies already been through so much while in NICU..and now have to go through such a test I hope it will be a short examination and mininal discomfort for baby. From how both of you have described, baby must be in a state of shock and fear. Not good to have our babies cry so...
  9. N

    Premature babies support group

    Berry farmer, why was the eye test scary? Do tell me more so that I can be better prepared. I heard that they will need to put some liquid to dilate the eyes. I am pretty sure Luke will scream and cry too during the test. What does the Dr do that so uncomfortable for the baby? David, noted...
  10. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi mummies and daddy David I am really glad to be part of this thread...getting the advice and encouragement. My baby Luke is now home...since this Weds. Thank God! I was nervous at first...filled with mixed emotions (part excitement, part worried,etc). So far he is doing Ok and manages to...
  11. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi afcai How old is your boy now? What do you mean by the Dr saying that most premie boy dunno what have not closed yet...can the Dr not do some tests or x-rays to determine that? It worries me that if Dr does not wld the parents know. So far my baby seems OK overall (Thank...
  12. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi lilac Thanks for your comments on the angelcare monitor...i think it does help to give us parents a peace of mind to know if bb is moving/breathing. Noted on the blowing fan...the monitor must be super sensitive. if you are willing to sell, I don't mind. Still in good working condition...
  13. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi David, I was reading abt the angelcare monitor that you mentioned. The website mention that the sensory pad is placed under the mattress. Correct? how does it sense movement and for that matter breathing if its under the mattress? Bb breathing is so light, can the pad sense it through the...
  14. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Berrybaby, How does a mummy know if baby is straining? I really cannot imagine our babies gg thru ops...already I feel heartache seeing him poked all over for the TPN, drips etc. My girlfriend's premie has to undergo an op too and till today has scars (she calls them "war scares") from...
  15. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi berrybaby, I am so so glad that Ryan is Ok. Dun worry..he will do well. He is putting on weight very Luke is coming to 36 weeks and still under 2kg. A girlfriend of mine who had premie twins mentioned to me about reflux and that it is very common to happen; even recommend to buy...
  16. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi David, Luke is doing OK. He is now out of the incubator and off TPN and glucose drip. Only thing is he is still trying to adapt to full milk times, he can finish all on his own but sometimes, he loses interest or strength to suckle and rest of milk has to be fed through the tube...
  17. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Cindy,Thanks for the welcome. Hows your baby now? How long has your baby been in NICU (which hospital?)so far? My boy has been in there for 20 days now...
  18. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Jas, Keann Yeah - mummies here do offer lotsa advice about my milk flow...I am very encouraged and will jiayou. I cannot imagine being poked at the nipples (i would be screaming out load). Already, when the LC hand express for me twice, I was in so much pain. Frankly, if I had to see...
  19. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi afcai, I know what you mean abt all the new we go along, we learn about these terms and meanings. I so envy those that produce so much (I hope I can achieve the same eventually too. I can only hope for now...) Hi berrybaby, I hope Ryan is oK after your visit with Dr Tan...
  20. N

    Premature babies support group

    Hi berry baby, Yes..i think we now know who we are...there is now one other baby on TPN too. Luke is taking 13ml milk feeds every 3hrly. Dr did say it shld reach to a level of 25-30ml before the TPN will be taken off. You mean there is a limit of 3 weeks to take the Motilium? I was not...
