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  1. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Hello again to all mummies after the long MIA... So sorry abt it! [IMG=] Wah... Seems like I really miss out on A LOTof stuff after delivery.. [IMG=] Sigh.. Great to know...
  2. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    ok... i can't really use my laptop as freq as I would like cos my mother aka CL is very agst me using the laptop n keeps nagging @ me... So managed to share my birth story (after bargaining with her) before I surrender the laptop... dunno when I'll post again... hope my experience is helpful...
  3. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    here's my birth story : @ 10am (2 Sept): reached gynae's clinic for scheduled appt. CTG results showed mild contractions. Gynae said tt my ger din seem to like them though she's fine. asked if I wana go ahead with induce tt day or 3 sept. decided on 2nd since was already prep for it. VE...
  4. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    din have time to read the earlier posts... thx all for ur well wishes. had wanted to post my birth story after the last post but was interrupted by my Princess Nadya.. [IMG=] just called OP n she's still in labour. now 5.5cm...
  5. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Hi mummies, msg OP n she's in hosp now checking in.. [IMG=] I'll be discharged today after doc came in to check earlier! Hooray... Gave up bf-ing last night cos my girl is super impatient.. The moment I removed her from my...
  6. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    BabyT, mine also kept dreamfeeding... I kept 'teasing' her to get her to suckle n not drift off to sleep... It's tough but we must persevere in our BFing to get the BM supply gg.. [IMG=]
  7. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Phyphy, not bad leh.. Ur travis so good, able to accept ur breasts... lol... Mine's still a bit resistant for her 2nd feed @ 04:30hr.. Managed to get her to suckle on-off during the 30 min latch-on with aid of nipple shield ( cos i have short n inverted nipples).. BabyT, thx for the well...
  8. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Congrats phyphy! Ur faster than me! My bb girl's out @ 2354 hrs (still 2 sept) n think she's so far the heaviest born @ 3.65kg! Hahaha... :D Gynae commented tt my GD condition has 'nourished' her well.. Tried BFing her @ 0145 hrs but she's more into catching her beauty sleep than my...
  9. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Phyphy: good luck to u! Sarahmay: kena induced due to GD condition.. Now on my way to the hosp.. Wana avoid the rush hour.. I still dun feel much dong4 jin4 despite the prostin.. Sianz.. Somehow feel tt it's not gonna be a short one for me.. ESP when I have ZERO dilation during...
  10. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Haha... Doc allowed me to book in hosp later.. If I have to be strapped to the bed, I'll be more paranoid..
  11. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Congrats to Yvonne, diamantz n jacqueline I just got inserted with the induction pill.. Good luck to me.. Gonna do last min shopping, eating b4 go hosp later
  12. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Congrats babyT! U did it! [IMG=]
  13. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    BabyT: hang in there! Germaine is gonna see the light real soon! It's getting brighter with each tick of the clock.. Jia you! [IMG=] Bubu mama: congrats on ur long2 feng4 tai1.. U really have my admiration for bringing both twins...
  14. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    BabyT, jia you! Should be ur germaine's finally gonna see the light at the end of the tunnel... lol Yeah... Tmr onwards no need to work! Like finally.. :p But on the other hand, can't really sink in the fact tt I'm gonna go thru D-day soon.. *super mixed feelings*
  15. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    sarahmay, just pm u my mobile... [IMG=] i'm a bit lost leh... so ur gonna wait it out til after 11 (or is it 13th?) or induce while ur doc is still ard?
  16. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    babyT, wah ur so sweet to hb... tot it should be the other way round since u'll not be able to indulge for the next month or so after delivery le.. :p Jia you jia you! [IMG=]
  17. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    pinkyluv, kinky leh... in hosp setting... lol have been hinting my hb abt doing it but he scared of hurting me n bb... hmmm... i'll try to sound him out again abt this 'tried n tested mtd'. hopefully, no need for artificial induction... hee :p congrats once again n can't wait to see ur...
  18. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    diamantz, it's under the link 2010年生子黄道吉日. However, under the list of '宜' events, it is indicated as '求嗣'. For the month of Sept, try this link [IMG=]
  19. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    gloomybear, congrats.. happy to hear another mummy with speedy n smooth delivery.. rest well!
  20. D

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    diamantz, you may check out this website as a guide for choosing auspicious c-sect date, [IMG=]
