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  1. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dear mummies, So touched with all these quotes! It somehow gives us comfort that our angel has left us for a reason and they are at a more beautiful place than earth. Angeline, Congrats! Pay more attention during the last trimester. I went through stressful times during the last lapse...
  2. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dear mummies, Hugs to all..... I understand what you all have gone through as i have lost my gal one week before her edd 2 years ago. Last month was her anniversary and i still tear when i think of her. Wondering how will she be if she is still around. Though life has moved on but she...
  3. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi lucky3, Hugs Hugs..... Although life around us is back to normal but we mummies still feel the heartache of our lost child inside us. Though I didn't show but tears still well up whenever I think of my gal. Always need to cry alone. Recently there r a few announcements of new arrival...
  4. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi, My baby's post mortem shows that the hole between the heart was closed prematurely. The hole is usually closed within 1 week after the baby is delivered but my gal chose to close it when she is inside me. Gynae told me that PDs and pathologist mentioned that it is very rare that such...
  5. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    It was most devastated to deliver a live baby and to see him/her pass on. Hug Hug Mama_J and Ethan_mum. I have read from the other thread that mummies gave birth successfully although they have incompetence cervix. So must be mentally and physically ready before trying for another one. 加油...
  6. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi lucky3, Baby D must have given you heaps of happiness now! You are so brave to go through the tough 37 weeks on your 3rd child. Did you change your gynae on the 3rd pregnancy? I am contemplating whether to change my gynae. Is the C-sect planned at week 37 at the start of the pregnancy...
  7. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Ethan_mum, You be strong too! Nobody really understand how we feel. Sorry to ask but what is the reason for your lost? Did the gynae discuss with you what is the plan for the next baby? After i delivered my baby, my gynae told me for my next pregnancy, I must deliver my baby before...
  8. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Shiseru, Do you believe in TCM? I had 2 miscarriages prior to my #1. My friend recommended me to the TCM at Marine parade and after 2 months, i conceived my son and gave birth in 2008. I did not see him for this second child , conceived naturally but only to lose her at 38wks. Hi Ling...
  9. E

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Ling, We shared the same date of losing our gals, 4th March. There is no heartbeat during my normal gynae checkup. I was stunned and could not believe when she is already 38th week. There was no complication throughout my pregnancy too and til today i do not know what happened. I was...
