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  1. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    Hi mommies! I've been home looking after my tweedle d n tweedle dum (identical boys) since they were born, am going back to work next week and feel super stressed.. hope to get some advice. im curious to know how many working mommies pump at work, and if your workplace has no nursing room...
  2. L

    Premature babies support group

    Thanks again David and all mommies here.. I read thru some archives here and I realise that all the support and advice available from all the experienced mommies n daddy (David) is truly priceless as well! I'm preparing for t1's return home so started taking out all the bottles I bought...
  3. L

    Premature babies support group

    Thank u everyone for the wonderful advice n encouragement. I went to feed him n followed David's advice, did not look at the monitor to gain confidence and it was good cos he managed to finish his feed without choking or not breathing. Thanks again everyone!
  4. L

    Premature babies support group

    Thank u so much David.. I just went to feed him and he choked twice and turned blue. Very scary. Have decided to leave him in the hospital for a few days more. Feel a little incompetent and bad for not taking him home when doctor already gave green light. But when I think abt how there's no...
  5. L

    Premature babies support group

    Hi everyone, I've been looking forward to today to bring my twin 1 home cos doctor said able to discharge. However went to hospital today and doctor ask how confident am I cos twin 1's saturation ( I was told that refers to breathing) goes down when feeding. I've fed him before and seen the...
  6. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    Buttons I've tried a few and I like Lansinoh best, problem is only can buy from spree. I place my bags lyin flat to save space. If running low can try my first yrs from kiddy palace but abit ex. I use that when I'm waiting for my lansinoh to arrive. It's good thick yet not too thick like the...
  7. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    I've had this medicine Dom peridone prescribed to me and I think it works. Not that I have alot (I pump abt 1.3 a day) but maybe u can try asking yr doc for it? It was given to me after I gave birth and supply has been ok although my boys have nvr latched on as they are in nicu
  8. L

    Premature babies support group

    Thanks everyone.. I'm wondering has anyone tried to fit pigeon wide neck on avent bottles? I previously bought the starter kit from avent if can fit then at least bottles won't go to waste..
  9. L

    Premature babies support group

    Hi everyone, would like some advice on which bottle teat is good for premmies to use? should i take from hospital or is AVENT ok? my boy is coming home in the next few days and I would like to get something that is recommended. Thanks!
  10. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Gera yah i took b2 also cos when i was admitted unexpectedly my gynae asked me to downgrade, only then will i have govt subsidy for my 2 boys in NICU. If i'm not wrong, B1 has no sub so bill size will be high, can use Medisave, but must see if you & hubby have enough. and non-standard...
  11. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    Hi, just to share. I took Duphaston for 3 months too once cfmed i was having twins. Doc said was to prevent bleeding, and i guess it worked cos i never had any bleeding. I put on 21kg when i was having my boys. Towards 3rd trimester have difficulty walking cos so heavy! my back and pelvic...
  12. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    hi does anyone know where to buy twin nursing pillow? i found some online but they dun ship to sg..
  13. L

    Premature babies support group

    Yan My boys are in NUH. i hust asked for interim bill its abt 12k for both now hoping that all can be paid by Medisave. Actually i just hope they can be healthy. Yesterday went to see them and both are off the drip nutrition thing, and putting on weight so hope they can be home by Xmas.
  14. L

    Premature babies support group

    thanks everyone for the kind support, very much appreciated. now jus praying that they will be ok and that the hospital bill will not be a killer!!
  15. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    76 i'm glad that your bbs are well and home old are they now? i am shuttling back and forth too so can imagine how draining it is. at first i called the NICU and they were quite nice, but suddenly one day they just told me that they cant give out information over the phone, so i...
  16. L

    Premature babies support group

    hi all.. i am new to this forum. was searching for premature babies and came across this thread. My twin boys were delivered at 31 weeks, they are now 13 days old. At the NICU yesterday, the doctor told me they did an ultrasound and found a cyst in my younger boy's brain. She did not give much...
  17. L

    (2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

    Hi All mommies and moms to be.. I just delivered my identical boys 9 days ago at exactly 31 weeks at NUH. They were abt 1.6kg and 1.4kg, and are currently in the NICU. I'm worried abt the hospital bill cos i know NICU is very ex, and although i already downgraded from pte patient to sub on my...
  18. L

    Twins/Triplets/Multiples Mum to be!

    hi all mommies, i'm new to this forum and a new mommy of identical twin boys, wld like to share my experience. When i found out i was expecting twins and that i would have to pay twice the delivery package amount at TMC, i decided to do some research and found out most hospitals in sg...
