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  1. E

    Baby Fair??

    there will be a parenthood fair in expo at 26-28nov ;-)
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    [IMG=] SGD 15 [IMG=] SGD 10 [IMG=] SGD 10
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    hi moms, i have following brand new maternity clothes and dresses for sale, can drop me an email [email protected] [IMG=]Item 1 SGD 15...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    hi sarah.. i am doing fine so far, jus went to lab for blood and urine test and report will be out 2morrow and then will see my kidney specialist 2morrow.. he siad he need to increase the dose of my steriod from 40mg to 50mg but i felt terrible now as my foot swollen like pig trotters ahhaha...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    sugar.. your case are scary cos you got tummy pain so double up the worries. but i think i will stick and wait till my next appt .only one more week to go.. hopefully everything is fine.. i stay bedok area.. but it seem ulu also hahahha.. pinkyluv.. you have less time spend with your child...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    sugar when are you gg for the taime sales??? the place seems like very ulu..
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    sugar. that was the feeling, we don neo which is which.. kind of worries.. karen. you are xin lin xiang tong with your bb gal.. she neo you wanto feel her movement.. badfifi. i cant move forward my gyne appt ealry cos i sign the package with them have to pay extra if i change my appt...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    pinkyluv.. doc are also not sure it will occur after pregnancy and have to do renal biopsy after i give birth my daughter.. you are really "on" bought so much yakult and milk but is gd to drink more milk also. gd for baby n urself.. sweet mummy.. thanks.. you take care too ya. :-)...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Hi morning mommies i think i hv lost thread are you all mommies doing?? i seen my kidney specialist yesterday.. he said have increase my dose of the steriod cos my protein leakage has been increase and afraid that will affect my placenta.. quite worry. actually i am in my 26weeks...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    jnnsan sumtime i need to take a deep breath when i felt that i cant breath.. try o have inhale and exhale when you are free.. practise to dot eh breathing exercise is gd fro yoru breathing.. bcos our tummy getting bigger and bigger then our diaphram also getting lower and made us hv the...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    hi tigerlil... the containers look convenient.. where can i buy that?
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    badfifi-- you are good lo can siam for time being hahahahh.... me doing fine... now already used to it for my daily injection. now pray hard that my baby stay will full term and premature lo.. and still taking steriod though...2morrow gg SGH fro gynea appt.. hopefully bb is doing well.. last...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    badfifi, how are you getting on?? still can siam for the injection?? hahhaha hope you are doing well...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    tiger lily-- i am also taking steriod due to my kidney inflammation.. you have to get yourself prepare as you will have worst water retention when you take steriod... but anyway you hv to take gd care of urself.. :-) jia you
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    sometime hard to control the craving... but still need to control myself cos really freaking of my body getting worst while i am preggy.. thanks clueless and pinyluv..
  16. E

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    hi gd evening mommies.. miss alot of thread ...was busy for the past few day and alot of stuffs to clear in the office... i senn my kidney specialist last week and another blood test report was out and the doc said i still hv to see him every two weeks, ans the report are not good ,as my...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    badfifi-> tell your hubby that he has no U-turn even he got to neo that you are fierce.. :p no worries he is not that bad guy!! he are a lovelu hubby and father! pinkyluv-> look at the pic of those foods only make me drool and i felt like eating also! BBL-> how are you ?? are...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    bbl -> dont get panic 1st, try to call them again or tomorrow.. sure can get them to give you an answer of the result..
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    wah badfifi.. you so fierce de arh??? pa pa(scare) Hahahha.. but i can imagine if you were shouted there surely they will give you the result no matter how... but of course wat we worried is baby's health so i can understand...who wish that they baby to be unsafe or anything happen to them...but...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    BBL-> can understand how you felt, you jsu wanto neo the result asap as you worried tats why u paid 2oobuck for extra services... i am not sure how KKH system works but from ym friends who choosen KKH ,feedback from them are not so good.. maybe when you see the doctor ,complain to her or...
