Search results

  1. P

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    To Account POSB Savings 033-61094-7 Transfer Currency and Amount S$118.85 Transaction Reference 10443090074
  2. P

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Item 1: Item Name: 經典翻領雙排釦外套 URL: Colour : 淺灰 Size : F Qty : 1 Price : 259 Item2 Item Name: 垂墜紗質短版罩衫 URL: Colour: 黑色 Size: F Qty: 1 Price: 229 Item3...
  3. P

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Item 1: 飾釦撞色西裝外套 Color: 杏色 Price: NT 480 Code: 2018361 Item 2: 率性翻領西裝外套F Color: 黑色 Price: NT 380 Code: 2026709 Total Cost: NT 860/20 = $43 Transfer done...
  4. P

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Item 1: Item Name: 口袋車折窄裙 暗紅 code: 1021086 Size: F Qty: 1 Price: 210 Item 2: Item Name: 百搭鏤空針織外套 藍色 code: 1017327 Size: F Qty: 1 Price: 280 Item 3...
  5. P

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    hi, can i still make it in time for this batch? thks! Item 1: Item Name: 韓貨鏤空壓折洋裝 URL: Colour : 1023753 - pink Size : F Qty : 1 Price : 720 Item 2 Item Name: 配色蝶結毛呢外套 URL...
  6. P

    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Item 1: Item Name: ☆東京著衣☆【限時下殺五折‧原價320☆1016757☆織領紗質洋裝*特賣品】 URL: colour: 1016760 Size: F Qty: 1 Price: 160 Item 2: Item Name: ☆東京著衣☆【限時下殺五折‧原價320☆1016757☆織領紗質洋裝*特賣品】 URL...
