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  1. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    mom of 2, Angelia, Aylie, Manduca - oh i see! I tot it's a special new term for nursing covers etc. Hahaha...Thks for explaining. Is the baby bjorn good? Or is this Manduca better? Anyone? Bestberries, wow superb supply! So envy...hope my #2 turn will be good supply too.
  2. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Aylie, oh wow! How much was ur korean pump? Btw is Manduca = using nursing cover? peapea, me is using Medela. Good but i feel the power not strong enuf and short life-span.
  3. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    peapea, ahhaahaaa..dun worry too much k! I oso not the kind think too far one. When my #1 was abt 2 years, my Mummies group tok abt Pri Sch liao. Abit the far leh...unnecessary headaches for what? Now my #1 is starting N2 next year, I oso dun wanna think abt Pri sch 1st. LOL...can focus on An...
  4. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Hahaha...peapea, sharing experience nia :P Angelia, tot i heard audrey went shopping rite? Hahaha..
  5. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Angelia, Aiyo! Yea yea agree with u! Dun just feed BM night can give FM cos some babies cannot wait for you to heat up your milk (if you aredy express). SO might as well let them used to both FM & BM, if not will be like Angelia say, kenna reject!
  6. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    baywater, so this preggie is your #3 ah! Hehehe... Same leh..I oso kena latch by #1 until nipples cracked...PAIN! I oso hope I can lose more weight this time round...haihs. I got leftover from #1 preggie abt 7kg still cannot lose siah. Haihs..and I gained abt 15kg from #1 preggie leh! Sianz.
  7. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Aylie, we almost the same leh! My #1 oso din like to latch - duno issit becos she finds my neh too big always suffocating boh bian I had to pump till my 6th mth when I was at work my BF dropped like mad so I stopped liao. I wanna try again for my #2 - till baby dun wanna...
  8. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    baywater, you so good! Lose weight thru BF. I only bf my #1 for abt 6months, but she stopped latching after 2 weeks so I only pump. E Tan, Oh no, hope you feel better today~! Breast is the best! hahaha...actually BF is up to you, depends on how long you want. For me ideally should last...
  9. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Yumei, welcome! U very cham leh... Angeline, so sian rite the tired feeling. Piangs..u on long leave? Oh, then see if my gynae will recommend the oscar scan then. Heheh..cos his clinic abit the oldskool one. But who knows, he upgraded during these 3 years liao hor! LOL.
  10. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Aylie, during #1 my 1st few scans EDD was 19th Aug 08, then change to 12th Aug! Then in the end I gave birth on the 2nd Aug at 37 weeks. Hahaha
  11. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Aylie, your #1 is oso so small! LOL.. Chloe, piang! Damn ex loh! mahjong, Last time during my #1 i only took blood test to test for down syndrome. My gynae may be the oldskool type? LOL.
  12. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Fluffy, so good leh! Angelia, hahah 说得好! LOL
  13. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Aylie, ah i see! Hahah..yea I oso noticed alotta MS complains here..good that you oso dun hv much symptoms. #1 is 3years +. Yours? Angeline, you oso feel tired ah! mahjong, I oso like you! Ate whatever Audrey said. Hahaha. U oso same same energy. So sian leh.. Re...
  14. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Audrey, you have 2 grapes inside ur tummy! Cannot leh, if you wanna go facial must tell cos they will need to see if they have anything that's not 'un-natural' to use. Esp. the machines etc. And certain products might carry ingredients that might be harmful to you if you are...
  15. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Aylie, Audrey, I had no MS no breakout during my #1 and she's a girl too For Mummies who are having #2, do you feel more tired and weak this time round?
  16. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Audrey, I got more dotties on my face now as compared to my #1 preggie. Hahaha....duno how true issit leh - what you saying. LOL But you longfengma, issit got half-half symptoms? Hurhurhur
  17. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Alison, hahaa...the thing is, even my hubby's ah ma is my massage lady she only ask me to drink this herbal drink that she cooks, that it. Nothin else.. E Tan, pork ribs pig trotters can use chicken or fish mah. Hehe...i close to 10 years no eat porkie so I dun feel anything...
  18. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    E Tan, initially have siah. Like alotta things all different style. But I think it's more like different lifestyle instead of culture bah. I do get the pressure when it comes to religiously. Hahah..cos my MIL is more pious type..bao tou kind. But ok la, used to it liao. LOL. Think food-wise...
  19. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    E Tan, I see! But good la, at least you are not staying together. Hahah..and yea my hubby will also tok bk type not the yes Mum yes Mum one so I'm pretty lucky. And I oso think my MIL is malay so is still different from the usual chinese MILs. Hahaha..but I always feel the pressure when it...
  20. H

    (2012/07) Jul 2012

    Lady Dee, So when you intending to tell your boss? I oso havent tell. My close colleague who's due in April 2012, told me no need to tell so fast. 3-4months then tell oso can. Hahaha I oso almost same same situation as you, so not much to complain abt MIL liao. Hahah..
